My Friend Max
by SellCon2762


I drove my car up the driveway right up to the garage door and stepped out. It was a warm evening despite being late in the fall, warm enough for me just to wear a simple blue T-shirt and pair of jeans. I left my car and walked up to the front door and knocked on it. I could hear the three of them inside the living room, the Daniels siblings, playing some sort of video game. It waited few seconds before I heard of them order another to open the door up for me. Standing in the doorway was Mark; the middle child of the trio, simple brown hair and a black hoodie, the 14-year old welcomed me into the house. Stepping in the living room, I saw the other two kids sitting on the couch as they were playing Mario Kart on their Nintendo Wii. I slowly walked in the living room from behind the navy blue colored couch as I looked at the screen with the characters frozen on the screen. With Mark returning to his spot on the couch, on the far left side they unfroze the screen and continued playing their game. With Mark on one side the youngest brother, Matt was on the opposite side of the couch. The red headed kid was still in middle school and the baby of the trio. And in the center, standing out like a beanpole compared to the two brothers was Max…short of Maxine Daniels.

Max sat there on the couch in between her two brothers with her controller pretending to drive her go cart on the screen to pass her siblings. She was fairly tall, nearly six feet in height and this gave her a several inch advantage in height to her two brothers, being older helped as well as she was 18 years old. From the back I could see her blond hair flowing down toward her shoulders, she sometimes clipped it shorter than this but at the moment she was letting it grow. Her hair appeared satisfactory in appearance but was far from kept in pristine order. She wore a rusty red colored jacket with a white tank top underneath. Below she wore a well-worn pair of light blue jeans. She would have looked like a very graceful person if not for her slightly gritty appearance, that and her constant moving around with the game. She wasn’t just playing a video game, she was deeply into it. I opened my mouth to announce that I was here but she kept her eyes focused on the racing, she had to beat her brothers, while avoiding all the obstacles that they would throw her way and the peculiar nature of the race track on the screen. I ended up watching this for a few minutes as the brothers would make random noises trying to catch up with her character on the screen.

But Max was not giving up, driving Mario’s go cart she was leading the pack and the two brothers knew that they were falling behind. Mark’s Lughi was trying in earnest to catch up to her but at this stage in the race she was far enough away to lead the race comfortably. As for Matt’s Yoshi, he was having even worse luck. It wasn’t their fault though; Max was just an excellent driver when it came to these kind of video games. The two of us had played this very game before and the success was always on her side. Granted I played very little and her a lot so there was just a lot more experience, but there was also a tenacity with her that drove her to fierce competition that her own two brothers couldn’t match. Finally the torture was over as Mario made it across the finish line with Lughi coming in nearly five seconds later and Yoshi another few seconds after that. Max cried out a celebratory yell as she threw her controller down on the table in front of them as the two brothers again lamented on their big sister beating them in this racing video game. They didn’t have much time to complain about that though. Just as Max moved back into the couch to rest she stopped her movement. She leaned over toward her left and it took only a second for the two brothers to realize what she was about to do.


Max farted. She was leaning enough that the sound of her fart was quite audible even from my own ears, several feet back from the couch. It blasted out of her rear with a thumping bass sound that must have startled Mark, a demonic moan that went on for at least five seconds, likely six to seven in total. I didn’t even need to see her face to know that she must have had some big smile on her face as she released this fart. After she was done she sat leaned back to her right and waited for her brothers to react to it. Mark’s reaction was instant as soon as she began farting, he moved back to the end of the couch, wanting to be as far away from her rear when she dropped the hammer and released her bassy blast. Matt was a little bit slower on taking it in but he soon duplicated the behavior of Mark and retreated to the other end of the couch. After she had finished farting Mark was on one end of the couch and Matt on the other, leaving a decent amount of space on either side of Max, God that smile of hers must have been huge.

“Max!” Mark yelled in complaint. He quickly plugged his nose as Max began laughing. Matt joined him in bellyaching about the fart.

“That stinks!” And he followed Mark used his thumb and index finger on his right hand and closed his nostrils shut. If there’s one thing Max’s brothers did well in unison, it was complain about her farts. It only took a few more seconds before I finally caught my first whiff of her handiwork and for once the boys had a relevant point.

Max’s fart did stink, truly, prolifically, horrendously stink. The smell came in a simple wavelength for the first second before it started buckling down and adding to its fine potency into something that could only be described, properly, as an awesome smelling fart. The sound of the fart coming out was already on a level that made her’s stand out more than others, but the smell completed the separation of her own flatulence compared to the normal person’s, male or female. Max’s fart was an atrocious smelling beast, something that only intensified in the coming seconds, filling up the living room with a tear-inducing aroma that was heavy in a sulfuric kind of stink, something raunchy and eggy, her fart had it all, it was the perfect kind of fart aroma. The brothers were right to complain about the wickedness of this stink. And Max was all too aware that her aroma was quite pungent.

“Ha! Smell it! Smell it!” She said with an even louder pitch of laughter as she playfully fanned the gas away from her seated position on the couch and over into Mark’s direction. One long movement of her hand after another, this wasn’t a simple fanning motion, she was moving large swaths of putrefied air right in his direction, and it seemed as if it did the trick, Mark quickly got off the couch after that, looking almost like he was sick. And that was only the beginning. Seizing on his profound disgust for her air biscuit, she leaned over and watched as he was horrified when another bassy sound left her bottom.


I can’t tell you how much I liked this girl, this woman, this person. Max was releasing a caliber of gassiness that I can only imagine a few people in the world would be capable to producing. The sound was even deeper than the last one, coming off almost at a constant pitch with the exception for the beginning where it was trying to find its way in sound. Mark looked at her as if she were insane. Matt was quick to leave his end of the couch as the boys were doubling down on their shown disgust for such a foul smelling fart. It only took a second this time after release for me to catch a newfound whiff of this butt blast and I could tell, she was letting off some particularly nasty farts this day. This thing just swiveled up and died in your nose, I lost all sense of breathing for a moment, dominated entirely by the vast egginess to her gassy aroma. The smell was getting stronger by the second and Max was laughing even more, watching her two brothers crumble up like a Styrofoam cup under the intense pressure of her noxious aroma.

“What is wrong with you?” Mark asked her as she laughed for another couple of seconds.

“Nothing now. I feel so much better.”

“That’s….oooohhhhh…..” Mark was about to complain when he took in a new surge of her foul smelling fart. It must have been a super concentrated dosage because he was out of that living room, Matt quickly following in pursuit. The two boys were going outside; they needed some clear air after that last one no doubt. Max, having chased off her brothers finally stood up, allowing me to get a full advantage view of her height. She turned around and faced me and I saw the look on her face. With a big bright smile on her face and her hands on her hips she looked back at me and said,

“Man I sure stunk up this room!” She said with another round of chuckles from her mouth as her nose twitched over such a foul fog filling the room. I was struggling myself just to breathe in the aroma, it was better than her usual gas releases and those were already strong enough to win contests. These last two farts were taking it to another level, still I was her friend and I sure as hell wasn’t going to run away from her bottom blasts, nasty as they might, as the really were.

“So how’s it going?” She said as she walked around the couch and walked up toward me, man was she getting big. Not gigantic or anything, she could still fit in her house with plenty of wiggle room but just overall her size was daunting to a person like me. She stood five inches taller than me and her body was very finely developed, though underneath that red jacket of hers it wasn’t the easiest to tell.

“It’s good…..”

“I’m glad to hear.” Max walked right up to me and gave me a big hug, with enough force in there that she actually picked me off the ground a couple of inches. Lifting me up she hugged me for a second or two before letting me down, laughing a little as she stepped back. Lifting me up I was able to feel her chest up against my neck and I could feel that there was a development underneath her tank top and man did it feel good. I really, really liked Max.

“Good to see you again.” I responded back as nodded in return. All around us we could still smell the potency of her two farts. This was a smell that was going to hang around for quite some time, maybe ten to fifteen minutes; she could occasionally cook up something of this caliber that rendered the room unbreathable for about that amount of time and these farts were certainly up at that level.

“I know, it’s been two weeks since we’ve last met, I hate it that we’re never in the same class.” She said, folding her arms as I stood there with my hands at my sides. I was trying my best not to gaze over toward the impressive frontage that had grown in front of her chest. It had been some time since I’ve last seen her breasts but I could see that there was certainly some improvement there, probably to her chagrin.

“I’m never that lucky, except for that study hall.”

“Yeah, but they put like 100 kids in that room, something like that’s bound to happen.”

“Right…..whew that’s strong!” I returned the conversation to the topic of her farting. The smell was just that overpowering that the two of us really couldn’t ignore it for too much longer.

“Right? That’s the LaBamba coming back to me.” She said snickering.

“LaBamba, the Mexican place, the one with burritos the size of your head?” I asked her, the smile on her face confirmed it for me.

“Yep, I had two of them after practice.” She said with that grin of her’s, Max did love to eat; being such a big girl I guess she would be that way.

“Two? It’s not even dinner time.”

“Yeah, doesn’t mean I’m hungry. I love the burritos…but they tend to give me gas.” She said laughing again as I joined her in that laughter. We both knew of the historical understatement about that last sentence of her’s.

“Well, not to change the subject, but I got the oxygen sensor part. I didn’t know if you wanted to work on it outside or in the garage.”

“Um, let’s do the garage, but first we need to head to my room. I need to look it up about putting one those things on. Come’on.” Max turned around as we walked out of the living room and through the thick stink of her farts, two burritos certainly had to be the culprit behind such a nasty aroma. Five minutes after she had farted and the aroma was still stronger than it really had any business being.

I followed Max through the hallway of her single-story residence. The sight of her walking toward her bedroom, even though it was only a 30 second walk if that was quite hypnotic. The sight of Max’s shapely buttocks rocking and rolling ahead of me in her blue denim jeans was something to behold. Her rear end was perfect, it wasn’t outrageous huge like some of the other females at school but since she was a little bit bigger it blew out from the backside of her jeans with considerable girth. Each cheek wobbled up and down as she walked forth and in their wake I could smell a small residual whiff of her farts, long since passed, some was still left lingering around somewhere deep within the fabric of her jeans.

It would be interesting to explain how I became friends with such a fascinating young woman. Max became my friend as a result of good old fashioned bullying. Back in middle school, with me in the 7th grade and Max in the 8th, I was a standard loser of sorts. I didn’t function well with others for reasons I’ll discuss on another day. One day a group of boys decided to pick on me, just to be mean really I can’t explain exactly why they were doing it. Max came up to the group as she moved on through and picked up the main leader of the group, holding him up by his collar and growling at the other boys. The fact that she was able to pick him up just like that impressed me to no end, but it was enough to scare the guys away. Laughing at the fleeing boys she asked me if I was okay and introduced herself. And right as she was about to leave, she farted. Small but potent, even in the 8th grade Max had some remarkably bad-smelling farts, but I soon found out that it was more common with her than just the one after-lunch release from that fateful day.

We walked into her bedroom and she grabbed her laptop off of her desk and laid it down on her bed. She then sat down on the queen-size bed with the blue covers and invited me to sit there with her. Crossing her legs while seated she opened up her laptop and started navigating the internet to find a video about installing an oxygen sensor. I sat down behind her along the edge of the bed, looking over her shoulder as she started the video.

“I thought you knew how to put one on?” I asked.

“Well, not specifically for your car, they put those things in different locations and one manufacturer might have a different way for moving them on. Besides, is this sensor that’s need an outflow or inflow sensor?”


“Never mind.” She said, shrugging off the fact that I didn’t honestly know much about the subject. I knew very little about car maintenance; let’s just say that it was never my area of knowledge. I knew how to pump gas and take it in for an oil change and check oil and fill out tires. That was about it, but stuff like this was well outside my own expertise.
Max had finally found a video on YouTube that was able to show her how to install the sensor, which I had carried into the room still in the box from the auto parts store. She sat there on the bed with her legs crossed with her head resting on her hands and her elbows resting where her knees were. She was watching the video with interest as the guy, speaking with a country accent, was explaining the steps in installing one of these. It was kind of neat watching Max view this, a girl showing focused interest on a video about installing a small part that would be attacked to my car’s exhaust manifold. With the video lasting ten minutes in length I was able to look around her bedroom some as my interest was not intently on the how-to video. I had been in her bedroom several times in the past, not on a regular occurrence but enough that I could tell what was changed in the room. What she had added was a new set of weights to her weight set, located in a corner near one of the windows. Her room was regular-sized, or regular sized to me at least but she made use of every corner of it. She had a small bench set where she could pump her iron and she had some new dumbbells added since last time. Looking around she had car posters for Ferrari, Chevrolet and Ford, and a few signs that featured different logos for car companies elsewhere.

Her dressers were in decent shape, the top drawer was opened slightly. On the top were some papers that constituted her homework. There was also in a frame a team picture of her on the girls’ basketball team. Standing in the center Max was the tallest member of the squad, not a surprise honestly. There was also a ribbon, a group of them, but the blue ribbon stood out to me, it was from her winning 1st place in women’s shot put in a regional track and field meet that past spring. Max was a girl who liked to bulk up on her muscles and she put them to good use hurling an eight pound metal ball the distance of 65 feet. I looked at her forearms as she continued watching the movie and could see their large size. She certainly didn’t look comically strong, not bulking muscle that looked out of place from the rest of her body, but what she had in there, much bigger than my own muscles, was quite impressive. Max explained some things to me as I was trying to keep an interest in what she was watching; explaining how some things in the video to try to make me understand what was going on with the maintenance. After the video was done she slammed her laptop shut and asked me another question.

“You did get the tool from the shop to help me put this thing on?” I pulled out a small red toolkit with a socket set inside. She looked at it and inspected it. She also asked me for the oxygen sensor itself, she pulled it out of the box and looked at it, while quickly googling on her computer about the dimensions of it.

“Your car, that Impala, it is a V6 engine? Right?”

“I saw 3.5 L in there, does that mean anything?”

“3.5 liter V6 engine, that’s all I need to know.”

“Is that good?”

“Oh it’s fine, an engine like that, your gas mileage ought to be pretty good.”

“I guess it is.”

“Yeah, okay, let’s….” Max was starting to say something when she stopped. A second later I felt it, underneath her bed.


I felt it penetrate the surface of the bed, it was obvious by the sound and the vibration what she was doing, farting a nice deep blast into her mattress. This fart must have gone on for maybe seven, eight whole seconds, a really long powerful bomb of farting that focused my attention back on her jean-encased rear, seated on the couch as I imagined the smile coming back on her face. The fart produced a muffled sound that was nevertheless audible to both our ears, we could hear this one and it moaned with a length that made her fart outshine the farts of many other people. Max had the audacity to fart like a guy with no shame in it whatsoever, but she farted like a woman, much stinkier than what her male counterparts could produce, she combined the best of both to release air biscuits that were heads and shoulders atop the competition. Snickering after she dropped that bomb into the bed she moved back slightly on her bed as she lowered her head into the space between her legs and took in a first inspection whiff of her creation.

“Oohhh! That was bad!” She said ecstatically as she used her hands to waft the smell up toward her face. It was hardly any time before I could start breathing in that stink. And that was quite something to smell, whatever was vexing Max’s bowels she was loaded with it and in what had to be hefty quantities. The smell overpowered its way up my nose and made my eyes water as she playfully wafted the stench more and more, as if I wanted to smell even more of it. It had been a while since I had smelled a fart from Max after Mexican food and getting reacquainted with this particular variety of her vicious brand was a wakeup call over the veracity of my friend’s gassy habits. The smell of days-old eggs cooking in a caldron that was filled with copious amounts of sulfur filled my mind with such a powerful surge of aromic disaster that my head was shut off for a brief second. And then I smelled the second wave and immediately got off the bed. Max could do nothing but laugh as the smell of her overreaching fart filled her room the potency of her worst brand of farts.

“REAL BAD! Fuck what did I eat?” Max said getting up off of the bed, she was laughing at the whole thing, watching me throw my nose underneath my shirt as I took in labored breaths of the stink underneath my own sweaty shirt. Not that it helped, her nasty flatulent wind infiltrated the cotton fabric of my shirt with ridiculous ease.

“You said it was burritos, two large burritos.” I said with a muffled voice underneath my shirt.

“Oh yeah. Burritos with shredded cheese, diced onions and refried beans, I guess that would give me gas.” She said laughing again, deep bellowing, nearly manly laughs. She was very aware of the ability for her farts to stink.

“I swear it’s getting worse.” I said, remarking on both the locally increasing potency of her latest fart and on the overall trend of her flatulence being produced as higher, more disturbingly stinky levels than in the past. The smile on her face told me that she agreed completely.

“It is. But hey, it’s what you have to deal with when you’re having me work on your car for free. You know better than anyone else the price you have to pay to hang around me.” She stood there with her hands in her jeans pockets, snickering at the absolute truth of the situation, she knew she had me in her gaseous clutches and this sure did beat paying a couple hundred dollars for this work to be done.

“It’s still worth the price, you’re an amazing friend.”

“That’s nice of you; let’s get your car ready.” She said as we finally walked out of the bedroom, leaving behind a bedroom with a 95% chance that it would still be reeking of this fart after we were all and done with the car work.

The pungenciness of her fart was left dangling in my head, what the hell caused her to create such vile aromas, even to this day I still baffle at it. Max for as long as I’ve known her as been a superior farter, probably better at it that most people. I should point out something quite important though, I did not like her farts. There are those who love the smell of farts, especially out of people with nice asses like Max. Another person might be turned on by these sort of things, but not me. I am fearful and respectful of Max’s farts. They are an unfortunate byproduct of having to hang around a person like her, as she pointed out, well worth the price. There was a very distinct reason that few girls were actually friends with her. Not that she cared for their company but even her fellow female basketball teammates were frightened of just how bad her farts were.

From what I had always known, Max did not have any digestive disorder or irregularity, she was just naturally gassy, unnaturally perhaps but still within normal parameters. The difference was that she was not shy about releasing it in front of others. Her body, a little larger than the average girl’s probably helped in its production and she had told me that her intake of protein for weightlifting does her no favors. In fact, she has to be very careful of how she does the protein; the wrong mistake could turn her gas into biological weapons that she has warned me about. According to her brothers, her protein-enhanced farts turn the house into a smothering gas chamber of stinkiness that I could not yet imagine. The two brothers and their father, all males, spent a night in a hotel one night after Max’s protein farts took a turn for the worse. I was fearful that one day I would get caught up behind one of those things, so far I have been lucky not to. Not that it mattered at this moment, her burritos farts were still top notches on the scale of truly foul smelling flatulence.

The thought of farts of that caliber were on my mind as I whiffed small traces of her fart still blowing off of her jeans as she walked back through the hallway. Her bed must have been pulverized now with a direct blow of her profound gassiness, but her jeans didn’t seem like they hadn’t been impacted too much. I walked through the living room as the two of us parted ways with her heading through her kitchen into the garage and me outside to fetch my car. The living room still reeked of her two farts from earlier; it was a tolerable odor but only if one were accustomed to such stenches. Mark and Matt were both playing basketball in an adjacent part of the driveway and they backed away briefly as I drove my marron-colored 2008 Chevrolet Impala into the garage. Max slowly guided my vehicle to a certain spot in the garage, providing enough room for her to work. After getting my spot in the garage just right I turned the vehicle off and popped open the hood as she closed the garage door.

The Daniels family garage might as well have been a second room for Max as she practically was the queen of it. The space was kept quite clean compared to what I had seen in some car garages in the past. She had several long work benches that were against the wall and above those work benches were drawers that had various items in it, stuff she would use on the car work. There were stacks of books, all manuals on working on various vehicles. Over the past five years she had some of her friends bring their vehicles in to do work on them. There were two tall red tool chests against one wall. The garage was big enough to hold two vehicles but most of the time only had one. She had already driven the family’s van out of the garage and put it to the side in order to make the necessary room for my own car. Against the wall were a variety of tools that she would use when needing to lift a vehicle up, drain oil, check tires or other maintenance work. The family van gave her plenty of opportunities to work on fixing it up. Having ridden in it one time a couple of years ago I had remembered it being one of the smoothest running vehicles I had ever been. My car was fine, there were no serious problems but that van ran almost as good as if it were taken just off the lot, even if the Chrysler Town and Country vehicle was seven years old. Against the wall were various automotive paraphernalia which only helped to emphasize this space as the home of a car enthusiast.

Since it was getting a little warm in that garage Max had taken her red jacket off, showing off her white tank top and giving me an eyeful of something that I hadn’t noticed a whole lot of, her breasts. I was ever the guy looking out at girls and their booming tits, Max had never really struck me as the busty type. But that appeared to be a little bit different now as she was packing quite a load underneath the front side of her breasts. She paid them no attention but I was sure to. It looked like she was storing two large water balloons in there, stretching out the fabric of her white top as she bent over to pull open the watch that released my hood. My eyes were fixated at the sight of her chest, they had grown, they had to have grown. Max was the kind of girl who liked to distance herself from other girls, or many of them at least, but breasts like these would make it difficult for her to really differentiate herself from her home gender. She was still in the end, female and an amazing one at that.

“Come’on…let’s start.” Max knocked me out of my daze, orchestrated well enough that I don’t think she noticed me looking at her. I handed her the tool that she would have to use to take the piece off of my car that she had to repair. From this point on there wasn’t much for me to follow as I stood there, waiting for her to ask me for the part that needed to be replaced. I looked at it, an oxygen sensor, something kind of stupid in my eyes but apparently important to fix in a vehicle. And to think that Max knew a whole lot more about it.

“So, what are you up to this weekend?” Max decided to end the minute-long silence that had filled the garage as a radio was playing some kind of rock music in the background, albeit at a low volume.

“Oh, I got that speech meet tomorrow.” I answered her.

“Still doing that? What was it you were doing, some kind of impromptu speaking or something?”

“Well yeah, it was that, but I’ve moved on to a more interesting event, radio.”

“Radio? Not exactly burgeoning media these days isn’t it?”

“It’s just a speaking event. But it’s a bit different from the others, for one I don’t speak in front of any judges.”

“No judges, so how do they score you?”

“From another room, I speak into a microphone and they listen on speakers.”

“Duh. That makes sense.” Max shook her own head as she continued to fidget around with the part. She asked me to bring a light closer to illuminate the small space that she had to see in order to take off the bad part.

“What do they make you do in radio?” She asked me.

“Well….they make me write a news broadcast, I have to write something that lasts for three minutes with news on it, you can include weather and sports too if you wanted to. I also have to write a commercial, for some random product. Oh and then they also have you write an editorial, a one minute piece and it doesn’t matter what side of the issue you’re on.”

“Editorial huh? Does the language have to be safe?”

“Oh I’m sure it does, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say fuck during a speech event.”

“Well now I know I can’t do it.”

“I don’t know, you seem to have a powerful voice, I can see you pontificating quite well.” I said as she finally pulled up out from the car, holding the old oxygen sensor in her hand as she looked at me with a look of hers. Reading her face I knew what she was thinking, “oh, really?”

“So what’s so damn important about that part anyway, besides making my check engine light go off?”

“This detects the amount of oxygen in your fuel and it tells your car’s computer whether or not it is burning off fuel efficiently. If it’s not doing its job properly your car could be burning more fuel than you need it too. Imagine that there’s a device located straight up my butt, and when I release my own emission….” Max suddenly turned her ass to make her analogy more appropriate to the building gas within her stomach.


The fart sputtered out of her jean-encased rear as she busted out a rather impressive amount of stinky gaseous wind into the garage, as I soon was about to find out. In any way Max was just looking for a good reason to fart again. Not that I was in any position to stop her, this was her garage after all and she was doing a service for me so putting up with the smell of her gas was all part of the package. It soon came over me though, the smell of her fart and I quickly understood that her flatulence wasn’t losing any of its potency. Before her fart there was the typical car smell, the smell that included traces of oil and gas fumes from my car running as I drove the vehicle in. The smell was pretty typical for her as she was used to it smelling up the garage. But now the smell of her fart was overpowering all of that, with very nice ease. The smell was pungent, a mix of dog shit and eggs with mixed cheese and onions, all smoldering out of her ass and spreading out throughout the entire room, soon I would not be able to smell any more oil, just Max’s foul emissions.

“So, you see, I burn off my own emission, if there was an oxygen sensor right were my ass is it would be able to alert my brain as to whether or not I’m putting out the right amount of oxygen….” She said as she laughed at me, holding my nose shut again as the smell was starting to get to me, my watering eyes must have been a dead giveaway to her.

“I don’t know how much oxygen is in that, but it stinks all the same.” I said with my voice, enunciated with the effect of my nose being closed. Even talking exposed my mouth to some of the rotten components to her fart, there was no fart of Max’s that was lacking in the potency department, that much was sure.

“Oh behave; I was just trying to give an explanation about this device.”

“No, you just wanted to fart.”

“And what if I wanted to, what are you going to do about it?” She stood back with her hands on her hips, that smirk on hers was on her face, the smirk that said it all, she had beaten me. The look of Max as I took a quick glance at her reminded me of why I really liked her. She stood there in that tank top, now with her breasts jutting out even further it seemed with splotches of oil and dirt from the car streaking across the bottom of where her breasts were, indicative of where she rested them when looking down at my car. She had spots of dirt and oil elsewhere, this was a girl who simply put was not afraid to get dirty. And to match all of that, a foul dirty air filled the room; the garage stunk of Max’s nasty fart, cementing this space as her’s. And something about all of that enticed me; she was an amazing person, being able to do all of this and not bat an eye or care.

“So anyway this new part of yours is going to allow you to burn off gas with no problem, the oxygen will be regulated and the computer in your car won’t be going mad over that.” She said as she picked up the new part and got into position to put it into my vehicle. But before that was able to happen her father appeared in the doorway, apparently not too phased by the still-strong smell of her latest fart.

“Hey sweetie, you got a minute?” Her father asked as Max had to look away from my car and look up toward her father, who was standing a little higher due to the two steps that lead from the rest of the house into the garage. There was no doubt that Mr. Daniels was smelling the heavy aftermath of Max’s latest bout of gassy fury.

“Sure. Can you wait a minute Casey?” She asked me as I nodded my head. She followed her father up the stairs back into the house and I followed her, curious about what the father wanted. Finally we had arrived in the family’s den where a standard computer was set up on top of a desk. The father was pointing that the computer wasn’t turning on and wondered out loud if there were any connection issues.

I should probably bring up Mr. Daniels. 43 years old of age he was the technical head of the household. Losing his hair on all but the sides he wore glasses and a navy blue polo shirt with a pair of khaki slacks. He worked at some accounting firm, answering calls and things most of the time for what I understand. For a guy like him the work was satisfying if it seemed a little dull.

Despite working a desk job that required being at a computer all day he was not very tech savvy for what I saw. In short, Max was the gal he called on at home to work on the computer or some other item. When the microwave wasn’t working, Max was able to reprogram it. When the TV was having problems, Max worked through the connections and talked with the cable company to get the problem fixed. And when the computer was having issues, Max would sit at the her father’s desk to troubleshoot the whole thing. She knew more about the inner workings of her own house than her father and that went along with her brothers. They would pester her at times to fix things of their own. Luckily she knew a way to repay them for wasting her time on things that two adolescent boys should be more familiar with.

“Can you see what’s going on, I don’t know if something went unplugged or not?” Mr. Daniels asked as Max agreed. She got on her knees and went underneath the desk to take a look at the connection. It was in this stance that the two of us got a remarkable view of Max’s ass, held tightly in her jeans as her knees bending did all the work in taunting up the jeans against the bulk of muscle and fat that constituted her large rear. She was fudging around with cable connections as she pulled out her cell phone and used its flashlight to illuminate the space underneath the desk. Mr. Daniels stood there behind his desk with his hands resting in front of his torso as I stood next to him. I suppose we shouldn’t have been surprised with what happened next.


Max had been moving around when she froze her stance and pushed out a squishing sounding bubbly fart out of her ass. The startling sound of hot and potent gas blowing through the tight restraints of the jeans she was wearing and past the bulk of her asscheeks produced a kind of disgusting noise that was meant to be as offensive as it was sounding. Mr. Daniels gave a look as Max let loose this fart out of her jeans. Naturally he was used to her farting but it never meant that he was ever “really” used to it. He probably was wondering what he had done to help produce such a woman like Max to cut loose a nasty sounding wet fart like that. And to make matters worse it seemed as if she had not paid any attention to the fact that her fart had released an equally as pungent aroma in the space behind her.

The gas building up within her stomach from those two large burritos had been fermenting into a finer version of her godawful smelling stinkiness. The sound itself was enough to make was both horrified at such offense but the smell was quickly gaining on us and Mr. Daniels had a look of repulsion on his face as he moved back a couple of feet, almost ready to gag as the full brunt of the smell now fell upon us. This was a full-sized fart; something Max was very good at, reeking of eggs and a high intense concentration of sulfur. The smell continued to build as Max messed around with the cords down there for a few more seconds, probably quite aware of the commotion her fart had created back there. She was probably snickering to herself as she knew her dad was not happy by this latest outburst, let alone myself. But Max could fart in the house however much she wanted to and if her dad wanted his computer working again he knew that he would have to bear with it.

“There we go; I think one of the boys was messing around with a connection for the internet. Don’t even know why they would even think about heading down here.” Max quickly backed out of the space underneath the desk and stood back up. Her quote signified another part of her character, the fact that her loud and smelly fart had no bearing on her own personal activities. Most people would be kind of proud of such a fart, I know I might have been, but to Max it was so insignificant that she didn’t even bother bringing it up. She only flashed smile back at her dad as he looked with a blank face. He could still smell it; this fart was going to hang over the room for several minutes, marked by Max’s gassy rear.

“Thank you.” Mr. Daniels finally replied as Max finally took in a whiff of her creation. The smile on her face sold it; she knew that this had been a good one. To be with her in class as she busted out a fart like this would have been amazing. I had heard stories of Max’s farting in school but sadly I had never been nearby when she had let one loose. It was no mistake that she always had her gym class scheduled after lunch; the wide open spaces were perfect for her toxic releases. Max left the den and I followed her, smelling now with increased emphasis the smell of her latest fart, the stench of rotten Mexican food was now spreading into the hallway as Max’s rip was still increasing its coverage and making itself known. I passed by the bathroom and looked at the toilet just as Max spoke.

“Let’s finish up your car; I think I gotta take a dump real soon.” She said snickering as she finally made a remark about her fart; it was one of those pre-dump farts, wet and smelly and the harbinger of something solid ready to depart her bowels, something that would create a new aroma in her bathroom that I would want no part of. I accidently walked into the bathroom right after a standard Max dump one weekend and had to run outside for some serious fresh air. The smell that wafts out of her after she takes a shit is on a level that I don’t believe any guy can actually compete with. Even school bathrooms are not immune to her devastation. Walking down a hallway I saw three girls run out of a bathroom, as I passed by the open doorway to the bathroom I could smell it, it was a Max dump, a monster of a bowel movement it appeared just from the strong aroma that had filled up the room and was now emerging out into the bathroom. Hanging out with Max later on that day she told me that something hadn’t been agreeing with her and proceeded to clear out her entire house on numerous occasions. It was days like those that Max’s noxious gassiness was wafting high into the stratosphere, days her family must have hated.

As we walked back toward the garage I suddenly began noticing a strong dosage of exactly what Max had backed up within her, it was a classic silent but deadly fart. It was only a few seconds worth of walking from her dad’s room back to the garage but the wave of hot and foul-smelling gas was overwhelming. My sinuses flared up on the spot as I felt the brutal heat from her fart. It was such a concentrated dosage of silent and eggy gas, right in my face, I almost gagged right there. Max was careful not to deploy much of her silent smelling flesh-eating monsters out in public, but the few times I have been around with her when she releases them she always gets looks. Thankfully, the presence of other guys around her usually leads to her being exonerated for her dastardly deed. But there was no getting around it here, silent and hot smelling gas was colluding with my body as I felt another strange warmth over me. This wasn’t the physical warmth of the gas but that of Max herself. When I was with her, I felt at home, or at least with someone who would protect me, and Max sure would to at that. The warm smelly gas was a weird but surefire way of assuring me that she had my back, protecting me from all that might ale me. And not just me, she protected all those around her, her family and her friends. If Max protected you, you had a good person as your support, they didn’t come any better. If you can handle the farts of course.

“Say, you wanna hang out tomorrow evening, after your meet thing is over?” Max asked turning around as she caught me trying to not gag over the wave of her stink.

“Sure.” I said, without any question or thought. Smelling a fart like this might have been cause for me to reconsider but given the fact that we don’t hang out as much as we should, I was open for it.

“Great, we can get ourselves a large pizza, maybe play some games and maybe a movie, we need to spend more time like this.”

“Watching that car show of yours?”

“Yeah, they got a new episode up now, good thing I got that Amazon account. I like the way you think Case.”

Back in the garage, there was some residual stink from her past fart but the smell of motor oil had numbed that aroma quite a bit, now it smelled like a typical garage, with small traces of Max fart. She looked back at me with that smile as I heard a rumbling in her stomach, that SBD was a harbinger to something else and Max was more than happy to confirm it to me.

“I better wrap this up, I gotta bomb the toilet!” She said snickering as she went back to front of my car and thought for a moment before picking up the part she needed to use to put the new oxygen sensor on. I watched nicely as she bent over and messed around with the inside of my car, doing whatever it was she was doing. Watching her I got a nice view of her bent over ass, encased in those dirty blue jeans, she sure did have quite the rear end. It was probably something that Max was not incredibly proud of, especially since there was a toxic yield of gaseous radiation hovering right around the crack of her pants. She would occasionally take her hand out and wipe oil or soot from the inside of my car on her jeans.

She was constantly at work with things, it was her nature. If there was one thing I could properly describe about Max and her behavior toward things, it’s that she liked to work on them. She was more mechanically inclined than just about anyone I knew. She would work on her dad’s computer, on vehicles, stuff for her brothers, but more than that she would work on people. I presented a challenge to her when we had first met and unlike many other people would have given up on me, she worked at it, found me interesting and made it her goal in life to befriend me and take me under her wing. She had done that with others that she knew as well, even her own brothers. People were challenges for her to overcome. Her mechanized mind only worked well when she constantly had stuff to challenge it.

That wasn’t the only part of her hard at work through, her stomach grumbled again, another two-second long roaring thunder of digestion that was all that I needed to know about the two large burritos she had eaten, they were not working for her at all. The gas production in her gut was pushing her to quickly finish up the repair as she was talking to herself, cursing for eating those burritos. The smell of her last silent fart was still wafting around as she carried around a residual stink with her, but I feared that she was brewing something much stronger than that. Her work on the car was finished sooner than I expected and she popped her head out from the inside of my car’s hood to announce that she had replaced the oxygen sensor.

“There we go. Good as new.” She said as she handed me the old part. I smiled as I thanked her for making the repair.

“Any chance you can see if my car still has that error on it?” I asked her, referring to the check engine light that had prompted me to figure out the problem in the first place.

“Sure, we gotta be quick about it.” She said as she walked over toward the driver’s side door, opening it she sat down in the front seat and turned my car on. She looked like a natural in there, hands on the wheels as she activated the car and started to smile. There was something joyous with her expression as she remained in there for half a minute, I was expecting her to wait and see if the check engine light was off or not. The look on her face as she waited that long was stoic, and then it turned into one of relief. The light must have finally turned off. She left the car on and walked out of the vehicle. Snickering to herself she walked back up and hugged me one last time, picking me up just a little bit before saying a quick bit.

“Light’s off, you’re good. I’m sorry to cut this short but I have to go.”

“Tomorrow then?”

“Absolutely. Bye.” Max said as she quickly left the garage, leaving my car on so that I could drive it out. The way she dashed out I knew that her gas buildup had reached a critical stage, she was about to nuke the toilet now, I didn’t want to be in that bathroom after she was finished with it. I could only imagine what the smell would be like.

Only I didn’t have to imagine it at all.

It took me until I sat down in the front seat and felt a sauna-like heat around me that I knew something was wrong. And then I smelled it, Max had farted right there in my car, big time. I smelled it in heavy concentrations, this was the kind of fart one would release right before taking a super-sized dump and it showed. My eyes were watering as I contemplated rolling down the windows. By all right I should have but the sheer magnitude of this fart kept me paralyzed for a minute there in her garage as I tried to make sense of it. I had a smile on my face thinking back on Max; of course she would fart in my car. I had never actually witnessed a Max car fart before but this one was a keeper, one for the record books. I can’t say how long it took her to push this one out but from my estimates it had to be over ten seconds.

It seemed like there was a fog floating around the car, with no heat or air conditioning on the air inside the interior of my car was allowed to stew with the gross nastiness of her fart. The driver’s seat felt warm, a heat simmering on my own rear end as it transplanted its latent energy from the warmth of her gassy ass onto the seat and back onto the seat of my own pants. I could feel my clothes now becoming absorbed with the corrosive stench of her fart, which remained at peak condition a minute or two after her release. The smell made me sick, it made me want to barf right there but thankfully I hadn’t eaten much at that point so I had literally nothing to release. I dry gagged a bit as I was about ready to leave. The smell was diversifying as I inhaled all the juicy components of her fart. There was the sharp eye watering pungency of the onions from her burritos, the rich meatiness and thick garbage smelling component of the ground beef, the spiciness of whatever form of super-hot sauce she had applied to her burritos and finally the rotten smelling aroma of the beans, heralding their way as she announced to me once and for all what beans did to her system.

As I finally pulled out of the driveway I was growing accustomed to the smell in the car. I kept the windows up as I examined the rich stink even more. It was a short drive to my house but my curiosity had now piqued me to find something out, how long her fart could remain in my car. My seat felt warm most of the way home and I still didn’t believe it was from the warmth of my own body. The windows had fogged up a bit as her smell multiplied and dispersed further out into the car, infiltrating every part of my nearly clean looking vehicle. Car air fresheners would have to make heavy work of clearing out the remnants of a Max fart, especially considering that she was about to use the toilet. God that bathroom of hers had to be a war crime at this moment if this fart was any indication. The rotten aroma hung proudly inside my vehicle as I completed the ten minute drive back home. Parking it along the side of my driveway I thought about leaving my car for some fresh air as my lungs had only ten minutes’ worth of her fart to breathe in, but I wanted to see how much stronger this release of hers was. It was a show of strength; I had to see it through.

So I sat in my car for another 15 minutes, looking at my phone as I waited for the smell to finally wane out, she had produced such a remarkable smelling fart that it remained smelling fiercely strong in my car for nearly half an hour. There had to be a lot inside her stomach to be able to produce the kind of stink to hang in my vehicle for that long., Hell, her fart was in my car longer than it took her to fix the thing. But that was Max; it was her way, farting in the car and forcing me to take in the majestic purity of her vile aroma. I finally left the car after a full 30 minutes, still smelling strongly the aftermath of her gargantuan blast of a fart. That Max could fart so bad that I could smell it for that long impressed me greatly, it was such a categorically large fart and inside the small interior of my car. For the first time in my life I can say that I was so impressed by this ability of her’s that I almost desired more of it. Almost. The smell made me lose my appetite for the rest of the evening and every now and then I could still smell it in my mind. When I drove the car the next morning to my school for the transport to the speech meet I could still swear that I could smell small trace amounts of her fart still wafting around. The power behind her flatulence was a goal for anyone to reach for.

Maxine Daniels was a one-of-a-kind woman. Proud and confident, hardworking and butch in her demeanor. She was one of the reasons I went on with my life; bring cheer to my being and opening up herself in such a way that I felt privileged to be her friend. Driving home in that fart-filled car reminded me of just how amazing she was, words were hard to put it down exactly. The warmth of such a good friend, even the foul smell, it was as strong as her friendship for me was. In a weird sort of way, the absolute pungency of her fart was only a strengthening sign of her liking for me. Only a true friend like her would express her feelings that way. She knew that a person like me could take in such a detestable aroma and still appreciate her afterwards. Most girls would kill themselves if they had to breathe in such vile aromas for half an hour. Most guys would be disgusted. But not me, I was better than that. Max was a farter, a major big league farter. But more importantly, she was my friend. Saturday evening couldn’t come soon enough.



“No. In the crack, put your noses there, bury it there!” It took a few moments but the boys had to position their heads so that they were leaning their torsos over with their noses buried in the perfectly denim-cladded buttocks of Maxine. Their noses were pointed just a little inside the crevasse of the blue jeans that surrounded her perfect, muscular ass; I imagined their noses being swallowed between cheeks that looked hard enough to crack walnuts.


There was a muffled up explosion, a small one bubbling up before it crescendoed into a ripper, eeking out of her ass for a length of over five seconds. It was a playful sound that in record time repelled the two brothers away from her ass. They were scaredy cats the way they quickly backed away from Max’s ass as she ripped this stinker of a fart out from her ass. She laughed again as she saw her brothers pitifully move away from her ass.


A smaller two-second rip followed as Max finished up ripping the rest of her gas. Deep within the seat of Max’s pants, a super-heated, methane powered, egg-scented gas was being expelled like a pack of lions roaring out of a cave. The two farts lasted a total of seven seconds but it soon became clear what had happened. The fart smelled of garbage and funk and it wreaked havoc across the room, the pizza had really gotten a hold of Max’s bowels.

“Gosh sis!” Mark used both his arms to fan away the much-stronger wave of Max’s nasty aroma that was circulating around the living room, again and again and again. Mark was coughing as he was tasting what Max had been cooking in her gut. Both boys only had their noses in her crack for about a couple of seconds of this and I could tell that it was way more than they were expecting. And to make matters even more serious, Max lowered her head against the couch cushion and for a few seconds had to shield her own nose from the worst intensity of her fart’s stench.

A few seconds passed and Max raised her head from the couch and breathed in heartily her funky stink. She looked back at her brothers with a shitty grin as she loved the fact that her brothers were suffering on her gas. Of course she always liked it; it was a fun game she generally played with them. Had they been normal brothers they could probably combat back with her with farts of their own, fight fart with fart but Max’s farts had far and away eclipsed anything they could ever muster out, her digestive system was a raging machine that was churning super high quantities of her very smelly gas and there was something about it that I found quite amazing.

Breathing in the fumes of her raunchy gas was one of those things that I somehow was always impressed by. There was a part in me that kind of always looked forward to smelling one of these babies when I saw her. More than anything else I think it was a reminder of my upbringing and the one event that brought the two of us together, NOT together in that way though. After she had taken care of the guys who were beating me up in 7th Grade Max stood around for a moment before ripping out an impressive specimen of a fart. It was something I had never experienced before and it had more of a profound impact on my life than I probably could admit at the time.

In the empty hallway as I was already three minutes late for class it was the punctuation point on an eventful few minutes in my feeble existence of a middle school student. Max, after feeling a kind of rush out of picking up that bigger-than-me kid and scaring off the others, had stood there for a moment, not sure what to think about a scrawny little kid like me. Introducing herself she me she farted, right then and there and without any inclination about my reaction or whether or not I’d have a feeling for it. She probably felt that having just saved me from more humiliation and pain she had a free pass to pass gas around me and I’d harbor no ill feeling toward her. Her hunch was correct, but it was the fact that she had done it at all that made me think hard about this blond-haired girl who had just come into my life as a rescuer.

Her fart that day was only a couple of seconds, a very stereotypical ripper, one just like a whoppie cushion and sounding loud enough to be heard ten feet away, it was as beautiful and ugly sounding of a fart as there could be. She looked at me and I remember being frozen, not sure exactly what to think of what I had just witnessed. She was a girl…who farted. And she treated it like it was just a minor thing. A couple of seconds passed and she scrunched up her nose and made a quick face, and then she left, just like that, her job done and me left in the lingering stench of her fart. I breathed it in and nearly gagged right then and there, an overwhelming sulfuric cloud filled my immediate area as I caught wind of what lunch normally did to Max’s bowels. After a few seconds of breathing in her fart I finally vacated the hallway, allowing for her bomb to spread around the hallway.

In time I discovered what it was about Max’s fart smell that I found most tantalizing, it was her strength. I saw Max as my protector and she found me as a companion to have. At first it was just a little of her touching-base with me and asking how I was doing but it blossomed into a nice friendship in the following years. Her farts I would start getting more used to and they became part of a protective blanket over me. When I was with Max, smelling her gas I felt at home, protected by this girl who would make sure of it that no one would do me any harm. But it was in her protection that I was also sincerely impressed by the wretchedness of her gas. Just like her flexing her muscles earlier me smelling the powerful odor of her fart was akin to her showing off her muscles to me. Her fart was yet another tool in her utility kit, a weapon she could deploy, a hammer to cement her control over her brothers and her family and to anyone. No one could oppose her not just because she was strong but because she was gassy and what wafted out of her large ass was seriously not human.

“What a fucking smell! So fucking raunchy!” Max broke my train a though with her loud proclamation as the two brothers stood there leaning with their back against a bookcase in the living room. They were looking a little scared, properly so I’d say, as the smell of Max’s gas had full domain over the room. Max on the other hand was as giddy as any girl could ever be.

“Smell it! Smell my vicious farts!” Max stood up and flexed her muscles as I looked in astonishment at her beauty as a strong young woman. Keith looked up at her, and she struck a double biceps pose which made him tremble. Her arms were so large, the muscles so thick and lush, they seemed to just jump off of her bone. The bicep peak seemed to be volcanic. Her chest was tremendously wide and her waist impossibly tight and small. Her legs flared out to amazing proportion without making it seem like she stood on tree trunks. Her pose reminded her brothers once again how inferior their own physique was. And over all of that the unmistakable rotten aroma of her gas stood firm as the smell was retaining its intensity. Hell Max’s muscular movements were probably waving some of the gas around back in their directions. I sat there on the floor with my legs crossed as I looked up at the towering specimen to the proud evolution of women.

“Um…how bout the boys get a drink of water or something and come back…I still like to see which one of them could take your farts the best.” I said looking over at Mark and Matt.

“No way! You stink too much!” Mark replied.

“You’re a wimp!” Matt responded back at the two boys and their rivalry snapped right back.
“No I’m not, they stink! You know it.”

“Only for a wimp like you, besides I got 50 dollars riding on this.”

“50 dollars that YOU’RE going to be giving me!” Mark launched back as he kept his hands on his hips and responded to the challenge.

“Nu-uh…you’re giving me that 50…after you pass out from Max’s farts.”

“You first.” Mark said back as the two brothers left the room, leaving me and Max there. She went to sit back down on the couch, lounging like a queen with her arms extended behind her head. She sat there for a moment before she looked back at me.

“I still smell it…man is that an amazing smell!” Max looked with pride as she waited for my response.

“I think these might be your rankest smelling farts yet!”

“Yeah. Perfect for those two.” She said snickering as I laughed along with her.

“I would think that they would be used to it by now.”

“Not these ones! No one’s used to these ones. I’m letting off some high-caliber stuff…feel my tummy, go ahead Casey, feel it.” Max lifted up her shirt as I crawled on my knees over toward the couch. I took my right hand and she pressed it against her stomach. I could feel it, a strange and curious sensation, it was bubbling. I heard a little moaning and I felt it in her stomach, she was creating more of her gas and the smell of her latest fart was only just now beginning to fade away.

“You see, this is what I like about you.”


“You’re wiliness to keep up with this. Not just any guy can handle the fact that their friend’s a super gas machine!” She said laughing again as I followed along with her. She was completely right too.

“It’s unusual for sure. But it’s just the way you are. You’re also super strong and super smart as well. I mean, I can’t say I know of another girl who could fix my car like you.”

“Oh yeah, it’s fun. I just like getting dirty and all…not dirty in that way, I mean with cars and machines. I guess when I’m built like a machine I think like that.”

“You’re not a machine though; you’re still a person, a really sweet person.”

“Such a charmer you are Casey….such a charmer…I want you to help me out when my brothers return.” Max pushed be over toward the side to open up the space on the beige carpeted floor in front of her. Right on cue Mark and Matt returned, rejoicing briefly that Max’s fart smell had gone away but Max was having none of that.

“Alright guys…I’m feeling some more. Ready to see which one of you little twerps is the strongest?” She decided to change up how they were smelling her farts for this next round. She instructed both of them to lie flat on the floor against their backs and point their noses up in the air. Their heads were pushed up against each other, the top of their heads touching one another.

Max got up off the couch and stood alongside them. I sat on the ground as I was there to do a countdown to see how long the two brothers could survive down there. I heard a small gurgling from Max’s stomach and she squatted down with her jean-cladded ass right over the two brothers’ heads. She quickly squatted, her warm cheeks opening up and spreading out the finite expanse of her blue jeans. I thought her pants were about to explode with the expansion of her muscular asscheeks. She began tensing from the outside in, the meat of her finely sculpted butt cheeks jiggling, then hollowing out, the energy transferring to the inside, where those incredible pinpoints of muscle squeezed in as she dropped a bomb of a fart.


From what I could tell she must have stuffed a motorcycle up between her ass cheeks the way this fart was rumbling out of her ass, it rumbled for several seconds before the fart ended with an explosive eruption that was as wet, dirty and stinky as her previous farts. The first few seconds consisted of fart gas struggling to leave the confines of her asscrack but once it left it spread over a hot and windy air that brought Mark and Matt to tears and screaming fits at the same time. As Max’s ten-second long fart had finished you heard the two struggles to breathe as they screamed and yelled, trying their hardest to leave the confines of their location. But Max had their heads in just the right spot, her ass never touched them but any movement of their head up off the ground would have been met with an even stronger muscular force stopping them, Max’s ass cheeks.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven….” I began counting down as we were waiting for the boys to submit to the utter stink of Max’s fart. She had them “pinned” down so that they had to deal with the nastiness of the fart. The smell was even worse than before; Max had been harboring something even worse than what she had shared with us before. All that movement in her stomach I felt, it must have been creating the deadly aroma that was now sweltering all around the brothers’ faces. Her pants had created a slight bulge as the gas was being forced within her went up, waving in the sudden wind as an incredible stink spread through the room. Initially the smell was hot, strong and condensed as the molecules were too dense. After a while when it began to spread, it has become sharp, punctual and less offensive. After about 20 seconds it felt all over the room. The stench was ripe, with eggs very much within it. It smelled like a horrible marriage of garbage beef, beans, and eggs and the smell of raw shit within it.

“Six, five, four, three….” I continued counting down, slowly backing away as the smell was certainly getting on my nerves. Mark was the first to lift his right hand on the ground as he slapped it against the floor several times in a rapid movement, announcing that he had submitted to the fart and couldn’t take any more of it. Max immediately lifted her ass off the floor as Mark gagged for a few seconds before regaining his composure. Matt was doing no better but at least he didn’t visibly quit either.

“That’s gonna be a killer!” Matt finally stood up as he fanned the gassy air back at Max, who of course was just laughing on the couch.

“Hey…that pizza’s tearing me up inside, what’dya think was going to happen?”

“He’s got a point.” I said finally lowered my head into my shirt as I desperately tried to take in smaller dosages of her gassy aroma.

“Oh fuck sis…that’s nasty!” Mark yelled out to the top of his lungs as the smell was finally registering in his head. Max began to laugh some more, fanning her ass as she wafted some of the smell her way. This was just too sweet for her not to pass up. It did smell ridiculously bad, bad enough that they finally opened up the window to the living room.

“Well come’on bros, I still got some farts in me. Get back down there and take this in!” Max laughed some more as she pointed back at her jean-cladded ass. There was nothing anyone would want more than to NOT sniff her ass, but the boys were feeling up to it, even as I sat there choking in the fumes. Mark and Matt butted their heads up against as Max leaned her back against the bottom of the couch with her knees pointed upwards at an angle. They whimpered for a moment before Max grunted with more force.


Another motorcycle-sounding fart bubbled out of Max’s ass as the boys were already moving back. A vicious smell had been generated within her bowels and I immediately knew that she was still cooking some fine stink in there. The familiar rotten egg odor filled the entire living room along with the stench of old milk and meat. It wasn’t so much the smell that had gotten us as it was the continuous release of it. I began counting down again, seeing which boy was going to last longer underneath Max’s ass as she eked out the rest of her fart. With seven seconds left Matt left, Mark left at the six second mark. They couldn’t last five freaking seconds that close to Max’s ass, but in their defense I was barely surviving several feet away.

“Damn it sis!” Matt said as he looked for a moment as if he was going to puke out chunks right there in the living room. Fortunately he did not.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Mark asked as he resumed his now-standard nose-pinching routine. Max sat there giggling now as she loved watching her brothers suffer like this. Still, she wanted to see how much she could break them with her farts.

“Oh come on, they’re just farts! What’s so wrong about it, everyone does it, even you little twerps fart. What’s the big fucking…woah….that is pretty bad!” Max lowered her head in between her legs and caught the strongest batch of her stink. You could tell that she was beginning to feel a little regret for this. I sat there but damn was this smell way too much for me to handle for much longer.

“Okay guys…like seriously, I’m bursting over here!” Max brought her attention back as she pointed as her ass once again. Mark and Matt sighed as they got down on their knees this time and pointed their face toward Max’s jean-cladded booty. As they got themselves into position Max took her hands and pressed them against the back of her brother’s heads, this time keeping them in place. It was as if she were feeding her two brothers to her gassy ass. Oh I can’t wait to see how this goes.


Max ripped what was a dynamite bomb of a fart, loud, powerful and insane! And she had her brother’s faces clutched right in the wake of what had to have been the smelliest wind to have ever passed from between her butt cheeks. For 35 whole seconds she farted while her brothers were forced to witness the true destructive nature of her flatulence. It was a position I was certainly not enviable on. Her brothers coughed as she kept their faces on her ass for the release of her entire eruption. One could almost hear the wood-cutting effect from the massive amounts of cheese she had been cutting there against her brother’s faces. And then, the dreadful smell of sulfuric stink began to flow out from her vast mounds of butt flesh and out into the rest of the room. I instantly started smelling a higher concentration of fart gas had I moved further away from Max and away from the stench, but it was too powerful and had no trouble reaching my nostrils. The air inside the entire bedroom was getting stuffy, at least 80 degrees with the rest of the complex being just around 70.

There was a look of concern on her face grew as much as the deteriorating air quality in the room. The boys were screaming, their voices muffled by the vast sound and fury of Max’s fart. This wasn’t just a bigger fart, this was her biggest fart and they had front row seats to it. The fart smelled of shit and of power it produced a blast-like sound that could have been a part of an orchestra, it shook the ground beneath where Max had been seated. It shook her brothers’ heads. And every second after this fart the smell exponentially got worse. It began stinking very foul and only increased by the second. And with each second I was worried that her aroma was going to become richer and it did many times over. The air inside the room was pure evil, nothing pleasant or erotica about her gaseous aroma. Max felt awful that this fart was being blasted through the vigorous firmness of her prodigious ass. There was no way she could avoid the wrath of her bowels as she started to gag. It was a musky smell and one that was as prolific as a skunk’s musk. It clocked out her brothers’ heads and more. They screamed until she finally released their heads from her ass.

“Fuck you!” Mark yelled as the smell of Max’s fart clearly sent him into a fury. I stood with my back against a bookcase in the living room, I was getting scared, this smell had grown historically bad even for my own standards of Maxine.

“God damn it Max!” Matt responded as he started kicking Max’s butt, or at least of one her buttocks seated on the couch. She quickly got up off the floor and before her brothers were able to run away from her she started picking them both up by their shirts, one per hand. I knew she was strong but I didn’t know she was THIS strong. The boys screamed some more but there was nothing they could do; she had them held up a couple of inches off the ground, holding them in place as she prepared another fart.

“Scream all you want….I GOTTA FART!” Max laughed again as she prepared a new sinister round of gas. How much gas was this girl packing? I wondered. It was now flowing out of her without any mercy or regret as the air hummed with another blast of gas.


It was now officially Max’s biggest effort so far. She bombed her pants, she absolutely bombed them! What escaped Max’s ass was nearly 45 seconds of room-shaking, puke-inducing and gag-forming fart gas for which no one could do anything to prevent breathing.

“How? How?” Mark cried out as he flung his legs around, trying to kick Max. He succeeded but there was no doubt that Max was going to win this round.

“It’s the same smell! It’s the same smell!” Matt yelled out as he remarked about the uncanny familiarity with the aroma. It was the same smell, but very much amplified. Max was finally farting the way she really wanted to fart there. My face folded into an expression of disgust when the overwhelming aroma of sulfuric musk filled my lungs. It burned my nostrils, the smell of bad pizza and protein blowing through a sweaty temple of Max’s feminine posterior, it was all too much, only the look of terror on the brother’s faces were keeping me there. I was very much curious to see what was happening. I thought that her farts from earlier smelled, but this fart and it’s smell was outclassing them…and then the impossible happened.

Laws of science couldn’t properly describe what took place there in the Daniels’ living room right then and there but it happened nonetheless, the smell of Max’s gas overtook the smell of all her previously departed wind. The smell of rotten egg gas wilted away and was replaced, cannibalized by the smell of Max’s toxic shit-smelling flatus. Her murderous, dangerous and raunchy smelling flatus was gaining speed, almost increasing its energy output by interacting with the smell of the rotten eggs and merging the two very distinct aromas into a much larger and more prolific version of Max’s fart gas. There was no mistake about it, her farts had achieved an impossible and unbelievable potency in its aroma…and her stomach was still in pain from it.

I walked over toward the window in her living room; the air in the room grew raunchier by the second as her gas had incredible expansive properties. I lifted up the window and allowed for some open air to flow into the living room. It helped me a little bit, the warm air outside had begun its encroachment into the living room as it began to wage war against the ever impressive reach of Max’s eggy gas. Ever since she had begun to feel the gas nurture inside her stomach she became worried that it was going to be a very prominent gas that could have cleared out the entire house. Now she had reached that potency. They finally moved their bodies around so that they took their shirts off and landed back on their feet as their monster gassy sister sat back down on the couch, now breathing in the rich fumes of her fart. Max had done it; she had won, easily against her brothers who wanted nothing more out of their challenge. They couldn’t handle her farts, not for one second. They were on their knees, gagging, begging for mercy, trying their best to breathe in the gas. Standing at the window I felt their pain, there was only so much I could do for this as well. Max laughed, she had us all on the ropes and she knew it.

“Oh come on, you’re being too melodramatic about the whole thing….oh wait…oh….OOOHHHH!” Max stopped talking as we all looked at her. Her eyes opened up widely as she gave all her biggest shit-eating grin ever. There was only one reason she would flash this kind of slasher smile on us, she had just dropped a monster bomb of a fart and none of us even knew it.

“OH MY GOD!” Mark and Matt both yelled out, Max started laughing intensely and we all began breathing in the heaviest batch of Maxine-induced flatulence in a long time. Even for me I had only smelled a fart this strong one time before, yesterday in my car as I drove home. There was no mistaking what she had done, it was SILENT and DEADLY and it lived up to both of those words. The two brothers ran out of the room, there was no need for them to even contemplate spending another second in that room with Max’s foul ass releasing emissions of such potency. My head stayed underneath my shirt as I fruitlessly tried to evade the aroma. Unbeknownst to any of us at the time, Max had just unleashed a new classification of fart smell then and there in the room. That large dinner had been whooshing around in her gut and had given her digestive tract an uncanny amount of bacteria, the slow digestion was creating a new creature, something that had not been brewed before. It was not a stretch to believe that the smell wafting all throughout the house was among the top five for worst fart smells ever generated in human history, the concoction was just that strong. She quickly choked as she immediately regretted dropping THAT kind of fart.

“Dear me that stinks! That rrrreeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy stinks!” Max stretched out her remark as she went toward the window and tried to breathe in some slightly less polluted air. The only good thing out of the whole exercise was that her peak-maximum stink lasted for only one minute before slowly backing off, minute by minute the impacts of Max’s SBD were dissipating but it was going to be a good ten minutes for the room returned to the same stinky level that it was just prior to her silent fart. As Max stood there at the window, trying her best to get some fresh air I took a quick gander at her jean-cladded rear. Make no mistake, Max may have been a very good friend but I would be foolish not to appreciate the sheer delight of seeing her butt after smelling such a powerful release. Her 26 inch thighs pulsated with shapely, awe-inspiring muscles, and 17 inch calves jutted out, stretching the confines of her denim jeans to their limit. Max’s powerful rear worked their hardest to stretch out her pants; her two glutes were such prominent, unyielding, smoothly-rounded muscular globes that little could be done to conceal their bulk size. And now they had laid witness to the strongest aromic massacre to befallen the Daniels residence in some time.

“Oh I’m so sorry Casey….I’m so sorry….God that was a strong one! What is wrong with me?” Max, after three minutes of sucking in fresh oxygen from the outside, turned back to me as I had now stuck my entire head underneath my shirt, acting like to tortoise trying to evade seeing anything outside. I could hear her though, I could feel her too….especially her fart. That thing was like a miniature sun being released in the living room, fuming hot and gag-inducing, it was a silent fart from hell!

“It’s fine….it’s fine….it’s just a little stronger than normal.” I reassured her. I was being diplomatic when I said it was a “little” stronger, it was A LOT stronger.

“Maxine Eliza……oh damn!” Max’s father had walked into the living room, ready to read his daughter the riot act before he released the stronger intensity of Max’s damaging silent fart on his lungs. He couldn’t even finish the full name ultimatum before he retreated, wisely, away from the scene of the crime. This thing was a monster, a flesh-eating monster of rotten smelling gas that was taking its sweet, ever living time dying.

“That was impressive!” Max moved back to the couch as she sat down with her hands behind her head sniffing the air in all its glory. The sight of Max sitting there was quite the thing to see too. She was beautiful, she was strong and she was pure woman. She was an impressive specimen of humanity that was rarely seen on the planet today, a strong young girl who could release such heinous aromas like that fart of her’s. The opening of the window had helped a little bit, the warm air outside had begun its encroachment into the living room as it began to wage war against the ever impressive reach of Max’s eggy gas. Even with her confident veneer I could tell enough that she was becoming worried that her very prominent gas was going to be strong enough to clear out the entire house. She then felt something inside of her; something stirring that worried me even more. She got up off the couch and extended her hand to pick me off the floor. I stood up, my knees wobbling as Max announced that I had to leave the house immediately.

“That last one was a baby…I’m about to release something truly NASTY.” She said snickering as she walked me over toward the door. Our visit was being cut short by a ridiculously case of gas that Max was having, but it was impressive to see nonetheless. We quickly said our goodbyes as Max announced that she was bursting. She told me to pull my car over to the street and keep an eye on her house for a minute, smiling as she closed the door on me. I got into my car, still dazed from the gas and its impact on my head. It would take the rest of the night for me just to get the smell off of me. I pulled my car out of the driveway and sat on the side of the street for a minute as I looked over at the Daniels’ residence. I rolled down the window for a moment as I waited for something to happen. It was only two minutes after I had left the house but I saw the front door open again, it was Mr. Daniels, Mark and Matt, yelling.

“Damnit Maxine! That’s not human!” Mr. Daniels yelled out the front door as the three men looked demoralized and scared from whatever had just crept out of Max’s ass and into that house. I laughed to myself; Max was going to have one of THOSE nights. Her gas was on a different level, she was going to stink up that place so much that her father and brothers would have to steer clear from the house for the duration of the night as Mr. Daniel’s daughter got the rest of gas in her body out of her system. Max was farting up a storm! And no one’s nose could survive it. Such is the power of My Friend Max.