Fart Eater
by Okjsa

This story has been written with the assistance of articficial intellegence.


As Samuel made his way to the lobby to enjoy his lunch break, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The morning had been a whirlwind of classes and assignments, and he was finally ready to savor his sandwich while catching up on some reading on his trusty MacBook. The lobby was bustling with students, the vending machine drawing a queue, and the tables with stools providing a mix of conversation and concentration.
Setting his MacBook on the table, Samuel quickly realized it was too cramped for his lunch and placed his sandwich on a nearby stool. Meanwhile, his sandwich lay on the stool, its fate uncertain. Unbeknownst to him, Elisabeth had just settled herself onto the very stool where his sandwich had taken refuge. Engrossed in her iPhone, she scrolled through messages, oblivious to the soft crunch beneath her.
Elisabeth continued to scroll through her iPhone, still sitting on the unwittingly hidden sandwich. She felt something strange beneath her but dismissed it as a part of the stool's cushioning.
Time passed, and the lobby continued its lively rhythm, but Samuel's lunch plans had taken an unexpected turn. The sandwich that once promised satisfaction now remained beneath Elisabeth, still undiscovered.
Elisabeth released a silent fart, and the nearby students couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected noise. However, Samuel remained absorbed in his reading, completely unaware of the amusing incident happening right beside him. Little did he know that his sandwich was still hidden beneath Elisabeth.
Soon Elisabeth stood up from the stool, finally freeing the sandwich from its accidental hiding place. She turned around to leave, still oblivious to the fact that she had been sitting on someone's lunch. The nearby students continued to share amused glances, but Samuel was didn't notice any of it.
He reached for his sandwich he finally noticed the strange looks and suppressed laughter from the nearby students. Perplexed, he picked up the sandwich and inspected it, only to find it slightly flattened but still edible.
Samuel didn't realize what happened, and he was puzzled by the reactions of the nearby students. He shrugged it off, assuming they were laughing about something unrelated. He took a cautious bite of his sandwich, still unaware of the unexpected adventure his lunch had gone through.
Samuel eat his sandwich when Riley approached him. "How does it taste?" She asked with derisive grin.
Samuel, still oblivious to the previous events, replied to Riley with a casual tone, "It's just a sandwich, pretty good actually." He couldn't understand why Riley was grinning derisively but figured it was just some inside joke or banter among friends.
Riley's grin widened as she decided to have a little fun at Samuel's expense. She stood up on a nearby stool and positioned herself with her back to Samuel, slightly leaning forward. It was clear to the nearby students that she was up to something, and they watched with anticipation.
As Samuel continued to enjoy his sandwich, he couldn't help but notice Riley's peculiar behavior. He looked up from his MacBook, his curiosity piqued, and asked, "What are you doing?"
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Riley replied, "Oh, I just thought I'd give you a taste of your own medicine." She paused for dramatic effect, letting the anticipation build.
Confused and slightly concerned, Samuel asked, "What do you mean?"
Riley then let out a well-timed, exaggerated fart in Samuel's face, much like the one that had occurred earlier when Elisabeth unknowingly sat on his sandwich. The nearby students erupted in laughter, and some even clapped in amusement at Riley's prank.
Samuel was taken aback by Riley's unexpected and rude behavior. He couldn't believe what had just happened. The nearby students burst into laughter, and Samuel felt a mix of embarrassment and anger.
"What's wrong with you?" Samuel exclaimed, wiping his face and trying to maintain his composure.
Riley, still smirking, said, "Just adding some flavor to your sandwich." She then walked away, leaving Samuel both shocked and bewildered.
The surrounding students continued to chuckle at the bizarre turn of events, while Samuel finally realized that his lunch break had taken a truly unexpected and unpleasant turn. He couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief, wondering what had just happened to his otherwise peaceful lunchtime.


Samuel sat at his desk in class, he couldn't shake off the embarrassment from the lunchtime incident. He arranged his notebook, pens, and iPhone on the desk, trying to focus on the upcoming lecture and put the bizarre events behind him.
Without any warning, Lucy swiftly lowered herself onto Samuel's desk, strategically positioning herself to trap his belongings and hand beneath her. Samuel, caught off guard, looked up in surprise, confused by Lucy's unexpected intrusion.
Lucy looked at Samuel with a sly grin, clearly enjoying the element of surprise. Samuel try to pull his hand from under from Lucy.
"What's going on?" Samuel asked, a mix of confusion and frustration in his voice.
Lucy, seemingly unaware of the impact of her actions, responded with a nonchalant tone, "Oh, just taking a seat. This desk looked comfortable."
Samuel, growing more frustrated by the second, tried to communicate the absurdity of the situation to Lucy. "You're sitting on my hand. Could you please move? This is not comfortable at all."
Lucy, still wearing her sly grin, glanced down at Samuel's hand beneath her and chuckled. "Oh, is that what's bothering you? Don't worry, I'm sure you can survive a little discomfort." She wiggled her butt to make herself comfortable.
As Lucy settled more comfortably onto the desk, the pressure increased on Samuel's trapped hand. The crinkling sound of paper heard as Lucy's weight caused Samuel's notebook to crumple beneath her. The once neatly arranged pages now folded and creased under the unexpected force.
Simultaneously, the iPhone that Samuel had carefully placed on the desk was now wedged between Lucy's ass and the surface, the screen bearing the brunt of the pressure. Samuel winced as he imagined the potential damage to his device.
As Lucy settled in, Samuel couldn't help but notice a mischievous glint in her eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "Seriously, this is not okay. You're sitting on my hand, my notebook is ruined, and you're crushing my phone. Can you please get up?"
Lucy, still grinning, responded with a teasing tone, "Oh, come on. Don't be such a buzzkill. I'm just trying to relax. What's the big deal?" She shifted her weight, causing the notebook to crinkle even more, and the pressure on Samuel's hand increased.
Just as Samuel was about to insist more firmly, Lucy let out a mischievous laugh. "You know what would make this even more comfortable? A little surprise." She said, letting out a fake innocent giggle.
Samuel's eyes widened as he realized what Lucy was implying. "Wait, no! Don't do that!" He pleaded, realizing that Lucy was about to unleash a fart right onto his trapped hand.
Lucy, reveling in the absurdity of the situation, let out a theatrical gasp. "Oops, too late." She said, and with a smirk, she let out a loud and exaggerated fart, much to Samuel's horror.
The classroom fell silent for a moment as everyone turned to look at Samuel and Lucy, the unexpected spectacle capturing their attention. Samuel's face turned beet red as he tried to process the humiliation he was enduring. Lucy, on the other hand, seemed to find the whole situation amusing.
Amelia, the girl sitting in the desk next to Samuel, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh my, that was unexpected!" She exclaimed, wiping tears from her eyes. The rest of the students followed suit, and soon the entire classroom was filled with laughter, echoing the absurdity of the situation.
As the laughter subsided, Lucy finally stood up from Samuel's desk, leaving him to deal with the aftermath of the bizarre encounter. Samuel, now both embarrassed and angry, shot her a glare as he tried to salvage what was left of his crushed notebook and check the condition of his iPhone.
Samuel surveyed the wreckage of his desk, he noticed that one of his pens was lodged between Lucy's butt cheeks. The mischievous glint in her eyes grew more pronounced as she noticed his bewildered expression.
"Looks like I've got a souvenir." Lucy said, reaching behind her to pluck the pen from between her buttocks. She twirled it between her fingers, seemingly amused by the absurdity of the situation.
Samuel clenched his jaw, a mix of frustration and disbelief coursing through him. He had to figure out how to navigate this bizarre scenario without completely losing his cool.
Amelia, still chuckling, leaned over to Samuel and whispered, "Well, that was certainly a unique experience."
Ignoring Amelia, Samuel took a deep breath, determined to address Lucy. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"
Lucy, seemingly unfazed by Samuel's outburst, twirled the pen in her hand and gave him a sly smile. "Relax. It's just a little fun."
Samuel, trying to maintain his composure, couldn't believe the audacity of Lucy's actions. "Fun? This is not fun. It's disrespectful and completely inappropriate."
As Samuel continued to confront Lucy, the mischievous atmosphere in the classroom lingered. Meanwhile Amelia, now inspired by Lucy's audacious behavior, decided to join in on the bizarre antics.
With a smirk on her face, she slyly placed her hand beneath her own butt and, in a daring move, released a quiet fart.
Amelia swiftly moved her hand from beneath her own butt towards Samuel's nose, ensuring he got a whiff of the unpleasant odor. Samuel's eyes widened in disbelief as he involuntarily inhaled the unexpected scent.
Despite the absurdity of the situation, Samuel's frustration and embarrassment reached a boiling point. He couldn't believe what was unfolding in the classroom.
"Are you both out of your minds?" Samuel exclaimed, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief. The classroom erupted into a strange mix of laughter and shocked gasps as Lucy and Amelia reveled in their audacious behavior.
The classroom buzzed with a bizarre energy as Samuel, thoroughly fed up with the unexpected turn of events, decided he needed a break from the madness. He shooting Lucy and Amelia one last incredulous look, and briskly left the classroom.
As Samuel lay down on a bench outside the classroom, he took deep breaths, trying to process the absurdity of what had just transpired. The cool breeze offered a momentary reprieve from the chaotic atmosphere inside.
Samuel closed his eyes and reflected on the series of bizarre events that had just unfolded.


Samuel's eyes shot open as he heard giggling from above him. Startled, he looked up to see the source of the sound, only to find Lucy and Amelia standing over him, still wearing mischievous grins.
"Oh, don't think you can escape that easily," Lucy said with a playful tone, as she plopped herself down on Samuel's chest.
Amelia, not wanting to be left out, followed suit and sat down on Samuel's legs, completing the bizarre trio. Samuel, now sandwiched between Lucy and Amelia, couldn't believe the absurdity of the situation.
"What are you doing? Get off me!" Samuel exclaimed, his frustration reaching new heights.
Lucy, seemingly unfazed, leaned in with a mock-innocent expression. "Just trying to make your break more interesting."
Amelia chimed in, "Yeah, we thought you could use a little company."
Samuel squirmed beneath the unexpected weight, feeling a mix of embarrassment and irritation. The hallway was filled with curious glances from other students, who were undoubtedly bewildered by the spectacle.
As Lucy and Amelia continued their impromptu seating arrangement on Samuel, he realized he needed to find a way to put an end to this madness. Taking a deep breath, he mustered his courage.
"This is not funny, and it's incredibly disrespectful. Get off me right now!" Samuel demanded, his tone firm.
Lucy and Amelia exchanged glances, and for a moment, it seemed like they might comply. However, their mischievous grins returned, and Lucy playfully said, "You're no fun."
Jessica, observing the peculiar scene, hesitated for a moment before deciding to join Lucy and Amelia. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she approached.
"Mind if I join the party?" Jessica said, stifling a giggle.
Lucy and Amelia, still perched on Samuel, exchanged glances once again, and with a shared mischievous understanding, they welcomed Jessica into the bizarre trio.
"Sure, the more, the merrier!" Lucy said, continuing to revel in the absurdity of the situation.
"But where can I sit?" Jessica asked.
Amelia grinned. "He speak too much, so how about his face?"
Samuel's eyes widened in disbelief as Amelia made her suggestion. The bizarre situation had escalated beyond his wildest imagination, and he was now faced with the prospect of Jessica joining Lucy and Amelia in an even more intrusive manner.
"No way! This has gone far enough. Get off me, all of you!" Samuel exclaimed, his frustration and embarrassment reaching a breaking point.
However, Lucy, Amelia, and Jessica seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the absurdity of their actions. Ignoring Samuel's protests, they shared a conspiratorial glance and, with synchronized movements, repositioned themselves.
Lucy slid down from Samuel's chest and sat on his stomach, while Amelia adjusted herself on his legs. Jessica, with a mischievous grin, leaned over and hovered above Samuel's face.
Samuel struggled beneath the weight of the two girls, his attempts to push them off proving futile. The hallway transformed into a spectacle, with students now gathering to witness the bizarre scene.
"Come on, Samuel, lighten up! It's just a bit of fun," Lucy teased, her sly grin never leaving her face.
Amelia chimed in, "Yeah, you need to learn to go with the flow."
As Jessica lowered herself toward Samuel's face, he couldn't believe the audacity of the situation. "This is beyond ridiculous. Have some decency and respect personal boundaries!"
But his pleas fell on deaf ears as Jessica playfully responded, "Relax, I just going to sit on your face. What's the big deal?"
Before Samuel could protest further, Jessica, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye playfully said, "I guess I found my seat!"
Jessica settled herself on Samuel's face, completing the peculiar trio. Laughter and gasps echoed through the hallway as the onlookers processed the unexpected turn of events.
Muffled beneath Jessica's weight, Samuel's protests became barely audible. The bizarre trio of Lucy, Amelia, and Jessica seemed don't deal with his pleas as they reveled in the chaos they had created. The onlookers in the hallway couldn't believe their eyes, and the spectacle garnered a mix of laughter, gasps, and bewildered stares.
Desperation set in as Samuel realized he was trapped beneath the combined weight of Lucy, Amelia, and Jessica. He squirmed and wriggled beneath them, attempting to free himself, but their positions made it nearly impossible for him to move.
Jessica, still perched on Samuel's face, giggled and said, "You're not going anywhere, sweetie. Just relax and enjoy the ride." The mischievous tone in her voice sent shivers down Samuel's spine as he continued his futile struggle.
Amelia and Lucy, still maintaining their positions on Samuel's legs and stomach, exchanged amused glances as Jessica added her own twist to the bizarre situation. Jessica, with a mischievous grin, wiggled her butt in a playful manner, making herself even more comfortable on Samuel's face.
As Jessica settled into her position on Samuel's face, she suddenly grabbed her stomach with a theatrical expression of discomfort. The onlookers, already captivated by the bizarre scene unfolding in the hallway, watched in anticipation, unsure of what would happen next.
"Oh no, I think I ate something funny for lunch." Jessica exclaimed, feigning distress. Lucy and Amelia, still perched on Samuel, exchanged amused glances as they played along with Jessica's theatrics.
Samuel's eyes widened in disbelief as Jessica continued her theatrical display. The onlookers in the hallway were torn between shock and amusement, unsure of whether to take the situation seriously or burst into laughter.
Lucy, maintaining her sly grin, leaned over to Jessica and said, "Well, this just keeps getting more interesting. What did you eat?"
Amelia, still seated on Samuel's legs, chimed in with a mischievous laugh. "I hope it wasn't something that's going to cause a disaster here."
Jessica, reveling in the attention, continued to play up her distress. "Oh, it was probably those beans. I knew I shouldn't have eaten them. This could get messy."
With a shared understanding, Lucy, Amelia, and Jessica orchestrated their next move. Jessica, still perched on Samuel's face, pretended to be in distress, clutching her stomach and wincing in mock pain.
"Oh no, it's happening!" Jessica exclaimed. "I can't hold it in any longer!"
Samuel, trapped beneath the bizarre trio, braced himself for whatever absurdity would come next.
Lucy, with a wicked grin, urged Jessica on, "Let it out, make it memorable!"
Amelia, still seated on Samuel's legs, couldn't contain her laughter as the absurdity of the situation reached new heights.
Jessica unleashed a loud fart, adding another layer of absurdity to the already bizarre scene.
Lucy, seeing an opportunity to contribute to the chaos, couldn't resist joining in on the unexpected flatulence symphony. "Well, if we're going for it, might as well make it a symphony!"
With a mischievous glint in her eye, she shifted her weight on Samuel's stomach and let out a loud fart of her own.
Samuel, still trapped beneath Lucy, Amelia, and Jessica, couldn't believe the absurdity of the situation.
The trio, seemingly unaffected by Samuel's protests, continued to revel in their impromptu performance. Jessica, still perched on Samuel's face, let out another gasp and said, "Oh, that was a big one. I think I'm done now."
Lucy and Amelia, with mischievous grins, finally stood up from Samuel, leaving him to catch his breath and process the surreal events that had just transpired.