Prison School Torture
by Unknown

"Get in there. Wait for further instructions." Before I could move on my own, I was forcefully shoved into the small room ahead of me. I hit the ground hard, and slammed it with my fist afterward. "T-That...fucking bitch. I swear, I'm gonna make her pay..."

I sat in this small, dark room for what seemed like days. Was my mind playing tricks on me? Or was that exactly what was going on...? I couldn't do anything but wait. Wait and think. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. "Fuck this school. This is some sort of sick, twisted fantasy, right? A nightmare? I'll wake up soon, yeah?" I leaned my head forward into my hands and screamed. "Bullshit..." I knew this was real. I had to be "dealt with" because of a comment I made about that bitch's tits. Hell, if you don't want compliments, don't fucking flaunt them like that. "Meiko Shiraki. Meiko Shiraki. Meiko Shiraki..." I repeated her name over and over. That was the cow that got me put in this place. I laid on the floor and tried to sleep. Yeah. Like that was happening.

Eventually, the door was opened, and my eyes were blinded against the light. When they adjusted, I saw her figure standing in the doorway. She stepped forward into the room and spoke. "We have cameras." I looked right at her. Yeah, so? I thought. "I observed some of the nice things you had to say about me." I closed my eyes and sighed. "Shit..." She laughed softly, walked forward even more, and gripped me by the hair. "Yes, exactly..." she started. "...shit. That's all you are, and that's all you ever will be..." I felt a prod in my chest, and before I could speak, I felt nothing but pain. The bitch was tazing me. I hit the floor and passed out almost instantly. When I came to, I was strapped to a chair in another, even smaller, room. This one was decently lit, though. Didn't matter. There was nothing to look at. Eventually, the static of a PA system screeched on, making me almost jump out of my skin.

"Ah, I see you're up." Meiko's voice was the one addressing me. "Glad you didn't die." Yeah. Again, bullshit. I tried speaking back, trying my best to keep calm. "Where the fuck am I?" I heard her laugh again. "'re shit, remember? So you're exactly where you should be." Immediately, the PA shut off. "...the fuck did she mean by that...?" Oh well. Nothing I could do but sit and wait. Unless I was being executed. A few minutes passed, and the idea alone of the chair suddenly shocking me into the next world made my heart beat faster and faster. I broke into a sweat, and started to panic. Still nothing. What the fuck was the point of all this? Eventually, I found out.

I heard a mechanical shuffling sound, and the circular vents near the ceiling opened their shutters. "What the fuck...?" I expected the worst, but instead was greeted with a putrid smell that filled the room rather quickly. I started gagging and holding my breath, but that didn't help for long. "What the fuck is this??" I yelled as I tried to get free. Eventually, the wall in front of me opened. Not entirely, but a small, carved out rectangular section opened. It had a small TV in it. Was this some sort of mercy...? The PA system came back on. Meiko again. "You look puzzled. Let me assist you." With that, the TV flickered on, and it was nothing but what looked like a camera's video feed of a bathroom stall with a single toilet-looking device. I stared at it confusingly. "Yeah? Okay? What's this about...?" Not a minute later, Meiko appeared on the screen, removed her pants just far enough to expose her ass. She sat on the device, and looked straight at me, and spoke. Her voice echoed over the PA yet again, and I saw her mouth moving on the TV in front of me. This was live...?

"You are shit." She started again. "And that's all you ever will be." I saw her close her eyes and breathe out a bit, and then again, that familiar, disgusting smell hit me not long after. "Oh, I'm sorry...where are my manners?" She teased. "I forgot to turn on the volume of that little TV you've got there." She took out a small device, hit a button on it, and I heard the volume through the TV now. In response, the PA system was off, and it stayed off. Everything I heard was coming from right in front of me now. "Is that better?" She asked, before continuing. Much to my horror, whatever the fuck she was sitting on wasn't exacty a toilet, but a direct link between the room on the TV, and mine. She smirked, leaned back, crossed her arms, and farted. She fucking farted. The smell I was smelling before came directly from Meiko's ass. My face turned red with anger and I shouted. "YOU FUCKING BITCH, I'M GONNA END YOUR LIFE, YOU HEAR ME??" She laughed, shook her head, and continued. I couldn't do anything but sit there and endure the horrid smell. It was thick and eggy, and after about 5 minutes, I wanted to throw up. I spent the rest of the day living through that hell.

I woke up, having evidently passed out, and I blinked my eyes so I could focus. The TV was still on, and I heard a faint hum coming from it. If the smell wouldn't kill me, that shit eventually would. I hung my head and sighed. How long was I going to be down here. I didn't know anything. The date, the time of day...nothing. Eventually, Meiko appeared again. "Oh, you're up. Just had dinner." She teased. "Just wanted to share." I already knew what was coming. She sat on the device again and got straight to it. Within minutes, I was being assaulted by the stench of whatever the fuck she just ate. I held my breath again for as long as I could before having to take deep breaths again. I kept my head hung and heard nothing but the vents running, and an occasional fart from the devil herself. They were loud, rumbling, and they fucking stunk. It was terrible. The empty room from yesterday seemed like heaven compared to this. Eventually, she got up, and mocked me as she left. "I'd feel SO bad if someone, somehow ended up smelling that. Even though she was gone, the smell remained. There was nowhere for it to go. "Fuck me..." I said in disbelief.

Again, it seemed like hours before anything happened. I was about ready to pass out before my chair, and the entire wall it was attached to, rotated 180 degrees. I didn't know where this was, either, but Meiko stood in front of me. "Eat up." She undid my arm restraints and handed me a bowl of...something. I didn't care. It was food. I was starving. If the situation was any different, I would've went straight for her. But I ate. It tasted like nothing, but again, I didn't care. After I ate, she took the bowl back and ordered me to get my arms back in place. When she saw me hesitate, she struck me across the face and did it for me. once I was immobile again, she gripped my hair, spun around, and planted her huge ass right in my face. She let out the most intense, disgusting fart I've ever smelled, and then she let go of me. I looked up at her weakly, and all she could say was "Straight from the source. Too good for shit like you, even."

My body shook with a mix of emotions as the wall rotated again, putting me back in front of the TV. I just closed my eyes and accepted it. "I guess I'm...going to be here for awhile..."