Reuben's Suffering
by Princess Shakyn Laguna

'Freedom at last!' I thought to myself as I left the dreaded home behind me. I was finally free from Lance's mom. Couldn't even believe she did those things to me. The rotten odor of her farts were still in my nose and ironically, they carried their own individual tastes to them as well. You ever smell something so foul that it gained its own horrific taste? Well, that was happening to me unfortunately and it wasn't pleasant to say the least. I could almost say that it was indescribable, but I'd be lying. It had the potency of old soggy and sour milk. I couldn't believe how this had even managed to happen. Thinking back, it all started when my mom suggested that I help Lance's mom, Ms. Walker, around her home. I was a bit hesitant about it at first, but I remembered how attractive his mom actually was and I couldn't say no. That would be rude of me, so I just went ahead and agreed, figuring it wouldn't be too bad. So, my mom eventually told me to pack a few clothes as well, stating that I could stay over for a few days to possibly hang out with Lane, which didn't necessarily bother me at all.

Since their home wasn't too far away, I decided the I'd walk over instead of being driven there by my mom. The walk initially took me 20 or 30 minutes before reaching the home. When I arrived, it seemed idly quiet and a bit eerie. There wasn't any outside activity, but I guess that was just because it was in the dead of winter. I approached the door and gently knocked on it. At first, I thought no one would answer until the door opened, revealing her. Lance's mom stood up over me, possibly 2 or 3 feet taller. I gulped and looked up at her before speaking, "H-Hey Miss W-Walker." I think my voice just cracked from the nervousness that was shrouding my entire body. She grinned happily and reached down to embrace me in possibly one of the softest hugs imaginable while managing to even lift me up because of how small I was.

"Aw! It’s good to see you again, Reuben!" she exclaimed cheerfully, pressing my face in between those big -pillows- of hers. Honestly, I don't think I would have minded this if I wasn't suffocating. She then set me down with a wide smile on her face. "I haven't seen you in a while!" she admitted, placing her hands on her hips.

"Y-Yeah, it’s been awhile Miss W," I responded, feeling my gut twist into a tight knot. "I-Is Lance home?" I then asked, expecting her to say that he was. If he were here, I would feel a lot more comfortable. Hell, I don't even know why I am so nervous! I guess it’s because I've always been attracted to his mom. She was so beautiful and always held the sweetest smiles. I had even found myself dreaming about her on special occasions as well.

"Unfortunately, no. He's been out to visit his aunt and uncle. Though, I hope that doesn't deter us from having our own fun!" she snickered softly, wagging her large fluffy tail. "Well, don't just stand out there in the cold! Come on in!" she then beckoned me inside. I simply nodded and entered without further word. It was far too late to back out now. The house seemed quite peaceful on the inside. The air was warm and the room was a bit dark since the lights weren't on. She had a big couch set up in front of the TV and a single chair on the left side of it and then there were the stairs that led up to her room along with Lance's room. "Why don't you take a seat, sweetie?" she asked politely, gently removing my book bag filled with clothes, setting them aside. I blinked for a brief moment and made my way to the couch and sat down while staring at the TV screen. I felt a bit awkward being there. I mean, I normally came over in most cases to hang out with Lance, but now, he wasn't here and I was stuck with his mom out of all people. This ultimately felt very weird, but I didn't want to make her feel bad so, I just went with it.

Eventually, she made her way over to me and smiled. "Do you want anything to eat honey?" she questioned. I simply shook my head. I wasn't necessarily hungry since I ate something before I came over in the first place. "Alright, just let me know if you want anything," she said, about to take a seat beside me. I almost gasped at the sight of her large rump coming down on the sofa. Goodness! Her butt had to be bigger than my entire body! Though, I know I am clearly exaggerating when I say that. As soon as she took her seat, her entire weight seemed to collapse the entire left side of the couch. Note, Miss W. isn't necessarily fat. She's just a very thick woman. You know, big in all the right places is what I'd like to call it. Suddenly, I found myself beginning to slide into her. I bumped into her side, blinked, and stared up at her.

"S-Sorry!" I apologized quickly.

"Hrm? Its fine! Besides, I don't necessarily mind a bit of cuddling," she admitted, beginning to wrap me up in her grasp, which initially caused me to blush. Now, I won't lie but, I did kind of feel comforted by her hug. Her body was soft like a cloud and her embrace was warm. Though, I don't think she'd be letting go any time soon. If it’s one thing I knew about her, it was that she was indeed a cuddle-lover. I soon began to relax in her arms and I felt her sweet, loving hands gently caress the top of my head. If anything, I felt like falling asleep, but I didn't want to fall asleep just yet. It was just so calm until I heard her stomach make the most audible growl in existence. I figured she was just hungry.

"You must be hungry?" I asked, softly peering back to her.

"Oh.. That wasn't hunger," she said, as a small nervous smile crossed her face. She then set me aside from her as she got up. "That's a sign for me to-" she paused briefly, gently tilting herself to the left to let out this monstrous beast she had been holding in, 'PPPPPPLLLLLLLPPPPPPTPPPPTPPPPPPTPPPTPPTPT.......'

Gosh! Did she just fart?! I didn't even think that she'd even have the courtesy to let out such a monstrous ripper like that. "A-Are you okay M-Miss Walker?" I cautiously asked, heavily worried about her flatulence. The smell of her gas made me cough a bit. I guess I could compare the odor to old smelly cheese at this point.

"Oh! I'm fine! Sorry about this dear.. I didn't mean to fart around my company!" she sincerely apologized. I don't necessarily think it was too much of a big deal. I mean, everyone lets one out by accident at one point.

"It’s alright Miss W. I don't mind it too much," I replied. I tried to make her feel as comfortable as possible so she wouldn't freak out too much.

"Aw, thank you sweetie! You're such a nice boy," she complemented as she sat herself down beside me and began cuddling me again. I had eventually found myself easing up around her now. She was treating me as if I were own son and I didn't completely mind this at all. However, I felt her stomach growl and vibrate against my back. Oh boy, that didn't sound good at all. I had a feeling that she was going to be letting out some serious farts now.


3 deafening farts instantly sounded from her and I nearly found myself gagging. The odor seemed to have a doubled in the rotten cheese aspect. What in the world had she been eating to cause this?! I was so afraid to ask. I was terrified that she'd think I didn't like her because of her severe flatulence.

"Oh my! Those were a bit hot and warm...~" she said, wiggling her butt in her seat. Wait... Was she actually enjoying her own farts...? I wasn't too sure but, she was sure getting relaxed after those releases. "I sure have the bubble guts going," she stated as her stomach made audible gurgling sounds. She wasn't lying! Felt like she had an entire batch waiting to be freed and I Was right... I felt her adjust and tilt slightly to the right..


The noxious-smelling fumes blew straight out of her rear into the once-clean air. At that, I covered my nose; however, I heard her moan in satisfaction as she let that beast out. At that point, I think she was finding her own farts to be attractive. There was a hug blush on her face, so I could only assume.. "Oh dear... I haven't felt this good in a long time!" she giggled excitedly whilst peering to me with genuine interest. "Hey, do you want to play a little game with me?" she then asked with a small playful grin. I honestly did not know what to say. I didn't want to say no because she might get upset. I didn't want to say yes because I didn't know what game we would even play. I carefully weighed my options and nodded. "Alright! Just count to ten, very slowly," she instructed, wagging her tail. I looked at her completely dumbfounded. I didn't know what I was supposed to be counting for, but I went ahead and went with what she said for the hell of it.

"One," I started as she tilted her large rear in my direction. Oh god, I think I had an idea on where this was going to go..

'PPPPPPPFFFFFFTTTT....' One single burst of pure mustard gas in my general direction. Dang, it stunk! The smell had entered into my nose pretty quickly. I was slowly beginning to regret playing this game now, but I went on.. "Two."

'PPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLBBBBBTTT.... PPPRRRRT....' I think I felt the fur on my body be blown back from those two.. "Three," I continued...

'RRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPTTTT.... PPPPPUUUUURRRRRRRTTTT....... FFFFFRRRRRRRRRRPPPPTT....' Now my eyes began to water and began developing a serious cough that wouldn't seem to go away. I then just resorted to using my fingers to signal the fourth wave of gas from her. Something I should have never let her do. Lance's mom let out a minor grunt as she forced out her entire layer of farts into my general direction.


Four farts in a row... I felt my lungs vigorously burn and I could barely breathe from the thick hazy lair of gas clogging the entire room. My body slowly went limp and I fell flat on my side. I could see Miss Walker slowly slide over to shake me before my vision darkened. Eventually, I found myself waking up in a bedroom. It was pretty dark in the room so, I couldn't necessarily make out anything, though, I felt something heavy on my lower abdomen. What the hell was that...? I attempted to get up, but I was unable to. Maybe, I was just severely weakened from earlier... Finally, I began to peer down at the end of the bed to see her, Lance's mom.. She was sitting on top of my stomach and I could barely even move at all. Not only that, but she was in nothing but her pink bra and panties. "M-Miss Walker...?" I barely muttered out to her.

"Oh my, you're finally awake.. You had me so worried!" she exclaimed in a concerning tone.

"W-What's going on? I want to go home!" I whined, completely frightened. What was she going to do to me?! I don't know why, but I found this highly attractive.. though it felt so wrong.. This was Lance's mom. I didn't know how'd he'd react if he saw this..

"Well, there were some things I wanted to do with you, Reuben," she spoke softly in a soothing voice. "I haven't felt this relaxed in a while. In fact, I seem to feel a lot more relaxed when I'm with both you and Lance.. It’s something about you two that just make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside and now, I want to share it, but with you first," she explained, resting a gentle hand on her chest. I felt a cold, cold chill flow down my very spine. What was she saying?!

"Wh-What are you talking about?" I shouted, only to see her crawl towards me and turn herself around. At that, all I could see was her rear in my face. As attractive as this was, I felt like my life was in serious danger. It was as if she were pointing a loaded gun in my face; a bio-weapon capable of causing mass destruction! I then felt my nose become entrapped between her two cheeks. "Mmmmmmrrphmm!!" I screamed and muffled into rear. It wasn't long until I heard her stomach make this monstrous grumble. I knew I was in for it now. She then made a minor grunt as she forced a vibrating fart of epic proportions into my face, 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRTPPPPPPPPRRRTTTTTTTT....' This incredible burst of flatulence ravaged me senseless. The repulsive odor was enough to almost cause me to puke, but I tried my absolute best to hold it in for my sake. I heard her giggle and snicker at my suffering.

"Here comes another one Reuben! Get ready!" she warned, shifting herself so that my snout poked deep into her crack. I then braced myself for impact! This one was bound to be worse than the previous. 'PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLFFRRPPPOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPTTTTT....' I screamed as the incredibly hot burst of gas blew into my nostrils and into my eyes, causing them to burn and water while my nose felt like it was on fire. I then gagged at the atrocious odor that violently assaulted my senses to no end. "Oh goodness, yes!" Lance's mom moaned out in ecstasy. Shew as truly enjoying my torment right now and this frightened me to no end. I could no longer take this foul treatment and began to squirm and thrash about underneath her. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't going anywhere since her weight had me pinned down. "Shhh, calm down sweetie. Everything is going to be alright," she spoke in a soothing tone while reaching back to gently caress my head. Amazingly, her voice was enough to calm me down. She smiled softly, pushing out a much smaller fart, 'PPppppppprrrrpppptt...'

I coughed tiredly from the odor and rested back against the bed.. 'BBBBBBBBRRRRRPPPPPTTTT!' A bass-sounding fart blew into my face and I groaned softly, feeling heavily nauseated. My arms and legs steadily grew tired. It felt like all the nerves within my entire body were shutting down one by one. My eyesight dimmed right after I saw her slowly reach back to begin removing her panties.. I was soon out cold. It must have been hours before I awakened. There was a small glimmer of light shining on my face as I woke up. At this point, I think I was having a sense of dejavu, believing that this had already occurred at some point in time. The sense of grogginess slowly overcame me and I silently groaned; too weak to even move. It looked like I was still in the bed I was in last night, but Lance's mom was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming up the steps and then the door opened. It was her alright; wearing a tight blue tank top that pressed against her massive breasts and black yoga pants. She must have been working out.. "M-M-..." I muttered, feeling really out of the loop. She didn't respond and slowly made her way over to me. She quietly removed her shoes and crawled into bed with that subtle grin hers. Oh god, what was she going to do now?!

"How do you feel?" she asked, wagging her large fluffy tail. She actually seemed legitimately worried about my health right now..

"I-I'm starving.. C-Can you please let me go?" I whined, looking at her with fear..

"Don't worry dear. I'll feed you. Would you like pancakes?" she then questioned. I simply nodded in response to her. She smiled and stood up, leaving the room. I sighed softly and rested back against a pillow, silently wondering what she had in store for me today. I was definitely afraid to find out. After about 20 minutes, I could smell the delicious pancakes being made. Eventually, I heard her footsteps again and she came back with a plate in her hand that contained 3 large pancakes topped with syrup and a small slice of butter. My stomach made an audible growl which informed me that I was pretty hungry. I tiredly reached out to take hold of my plate, but she gently pushed my hands away. Instead, she crawled back into the bed to my lower half and rested herself there. I looked at her with a dumbfound expression on my face. She only giggled before using a fork to stuff a bit of pancake into my mouth. I.. actually couldn't believe this. Here she was, feeding me my food like I was a little child. This felt ultimately awkward and embarrassing to me, but I went along with it anyway. She fed me the entire plate and I felt satisfied; those pancakes were delicious! I then blinked and stared at her, about to speak before she placed a finger over my lips to shush me. "You need to rest. You kind of fell out last night," she inquired. "I'll leave you alone for today."

I didn't know what to say to this.. She was giving me a break from my initial gas torment now? Although, this was quite confusing, I felt relieved that she would even do such a thing. With that said, she began to remove a majority of her clothing, leaving her completely nude. A warm blush crept onto my face and I felt a bit of -excitement- rise in my lower regions. She was quite an astonishing woman for her frame, that's for sure. She glimpsed back at me and winked before exiting the room and closing the door. I think she was about to shower for now. I slowly leaned back again staring at the door. It was as if the tiredness bashed me in the face out of nowhere. Before long, I was out again.. From that point on, my memory feels a bit hazy... I can recall her heaving me out of the bed down into the living room and then hearing Lance's voice call out to her.... Though, I remember being alone in the bed in the middle of the night. This time, I had enough strength to get out of bed. I was afraid to wander downstairs so I just went through the window and made a hasty escape..

This would be the last time I would ever come to Lance's house when he's not there. Especially not after the gassy torment I received..