The Brothers Serve the Sisters
by Eproctophile

Ian was shopping with his very adorable girlfriend Reina, at the mall. Like him, she was blue with pointy ears and much brighter blue hair, though hers was all the way down to the top of her waist.

Today she wore a pink tank top which showed off her belly button and a yellow plaited skirt.

One which showed her

Ian had bumped into her when Barley stopped having as much time for him, having fallen for a mermaid…

His friends at school couldn’t fill that void. Sure they were fun to hang out with but Ian still needed Barley to master the magic. He hoped to bring magic to the entire world, sure there might not be that many phoenix gems around but those were only needed fore really complicated spells. Not that the other kind of spells weren’t complicated, they still required

Ian to be an astute student, which was why he wanted his mentor, the fat tome’s jargon sometimes lost him when he attempted to decipher how to cast certain spells, whereas Barley had been studying it since he was a wee lad.

But meeting Reina had been amazing, Ian had gone to a pool party at Roberta’s house, one of his new friends from high school, where he had met Reina, the cousin of someone he barely knew from his grade but who was the champion of the mathletes team.

Reina wasn’t into math though, she liked dance and even had ambitions to be a model. She also had a very cute ass, which Ian had noted, a bubble butt that he desired to pinch, but refrained from asking until they got deeper in their relationship. That hapy day wasn’t quite here yet, but they were getting close, especially considering that REaina stopped him at the fountain and kissed him right by it while they sat against the rails.

Now though they were in a clothing store, and Reina asked Ian to hold her purse while she shot toward the fitting room, laden with skirts and cashmere sweaters to try on.

Ian had asked cautiously why she didn’t invite girlfriends to this, and she had said that a guy who can shop with his girlfriend made her feel more comfortable and so the thought perhaps this would bring them one day closer to his opportunity to pinch her butt, or better yet, run his hands all over them…

There was probably a spell to convince her to allow him to do this, but he didn’t want any shortcuts, feeling it would undermine what he desired to do.

Lost in cogitation, he didn’t notice when a large log smacked into the back of his head and he flopped on the ground, unconscious.

When he came to, he found himself in a grimy place with a very dim latern glow, his face on

the floor. Raising his eyes, he saw thick metal bars that even his skinny body could not squeeze through, whereas to the back of him was a stone wall, and also to the left and right.

He did, miraculously, have his wizard’s staff, somehow. This gave him joy for a second, until he saw that it was forsted over with ice from the tip all the way to stem. Could he even cast spells with it in that state? He had to try, although he didn’t know where he was, how he had got here, and he didn’t know if there was a teleportation spell which could get him out of here, especially when he didn’t know where on Earth this location was.

Or, he thought darkly, not on Earth, because he felt very strange about this situation.

Something deep in his bones told him that like Dorothy, he wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Which was a mild way of saying, if his very awkward hunch had any notion of truth, he was not on the planet he had always known as home.

Yet, as he clutched his throat, he felt he had no trouble breathing.Perhaps all his fears were irrational. It was jsut a weird vibe it gave off.

Don’t panic, Ian, he thought to himself. Just figure out a way out of here. This is like a reverse quest. Or a quest to return home.

Metal bars as thick as pillars and designed to resemble Ionic colums like in ancient Greek architecture did nothing to calm his nerves, however. He tried to think back over the events that had led up to him waking up here. Making out with Reina at the fountain. Watching her pick out skirts to put on in the fitting room, after having a joyous meal with her at the food court, a corn dog and pretzel for each.

He racked his brain but there was absolutely nothing he could recall ever seeing on the

Internet or hearing about on the news which involved casual shoppers at the mall suddenly finding themselves in a dark place behind bars. Also, prison didn’t usually have stone walls, and he had done nothing to break the law, so he doubted he was being confined by the police. There had to be something else going on here, something very strange.

On the one hand, his mind wanted to follow the path of mystery and solve this case for what was being done here, but on the other, all he really should be doing was figuring out whatever he could to get back home.

He stood up and attempted to squeeze between two thick bars of the cell, but of course they were too close together, even his extremely stick-skinny self couldn’t fit through…

He sank down in despair. If only he had the magic tome, he could leaf through it frantically and find a spell which could be used while the staff was frozen solid…

Then again, he had never tried casting a spell with it iced over like that. Perhaps he should give it a whirl. Nothing in Barley’s training had ever said it wouldn’t work.

Ian stood up, staff raised, taking the stance his brother had taught him ready to shrink the columns, then took a deep breath. This spell required concentration, but it wasn’t like there was anything to distract him, besides his own dark thoughts about what this could mean, and his unsatiated curiosity which was urging him to do whatever he could to discover exactly what was going on here.

His fingers were going numb fast, though, which wasn’t a pleasant prospect. He had to hurry before the cold reaches other parts of his body, his teeth were already chattering. He wondered if the ice on the staff was created from an enchantment, because his entire cell felt frigid now and he shivered.

But try as he might, no spell he knew seemed to operate on the jail cell bars at all, the pillars didn’t shrink, or explode into bits, or do anything he wantedthem to.

Then he heard a cough from down the dimly lit hallway.

“Is someone there?” he asked, pressing his head to a pillar and attempting to poke his head out betweenthe bars but even that was impossible.

“Ian, is that you?” asked a voice.

“Barley, you’re here too?”

“Depends on what here is, but I suppose I am,” Barley said, gloomily. Ian couldn’t really see his brother from here but deduced he must be in a cell about three hundred yards past Ian’s on the opposite row of cells.

“Is there a spell that unfreezes the wizard staff?”

“Uh, probably. But I don’t have every single spell memorized, Ian.”

“Why are you so mopey?” the younger brother asked.

“Well, for one thing, I don’t know how we got here, I’m not sure how to get us out, without you blasting the bars with your staff, and I feel rather awful not even having my phone to text my girlfriend.”

“I can’t text Reina either,” Ian said. “Do you think we were thrown in here by someone who

wanted our phones? Or to ruin our relationships?”

“I dunno,” Barley said, turning his backs on the bars and putting his face in his hands. “I just want to go home.”

Ian wished he had the tome for the magic spells with him. He started to ask Barley if he somehow had that on his person, although Barley would’ve slid it to him already probably if he did, but then a loud rumble came.

Ian toppled over in the earth tremors, dropping the staff which rattled across the stone cell floor. The ice on it did not crack, however.

The ceiling of the dungeon was fifty feet high, and it wasn’t until Ian saw the giant girl with red braids swinging as she walked that he understood why. She was forty feet tall, wore a purple winter cloak that looked like something Little Red Riding Hood would’ve worn had she been a, whatever this creature was. She didn’t have the hindquarters and four legs of a centaur. Her ears weren’t pointy or her skin blue like an elf’s. It was a pale sort of color. She had legs, so wasn’t a mermaid, she also looked too much like an elf besides the lack of the proper skin color and her ears, giants existedsure but none this tall. He wondered if she was a cosplayer for some character, but even then her build was too natural.

She plopped down in front of his cell. The cell’s highest point went much lower than the dungeon ceiling as though it were filled in down to only eleven or twelve feet above the floor.

The girl, whatever her species was, plopped down in front of Ian’s cell. He had been about to ask her to set him free, but now she was up close, her garngantuan body gaveoff incredible B.O. as though she hadn’t showered in ages.

Of course it was reasonable to conclude that dungeons were somewhere in the world, even one that had forgotten magic. In fact with the Manticore’s tavern opening up, remodeled and proper now, perhaps someone else was into the historical, magical world that people had forgotten and let fall to the wayside, and they kept a dungeon, but…

That didnt’ explain why such a person would want to capture him and Barley, unless they feared the magic returning and wanted to put a stop ito it.

However, a girl sitting in front of his cell and humming to herself seemed like a very odd scenario in that keeping-the-magic-concealed theory.

“Ooooooooohhhhh,” the girl moaned, swavying. She was actually very pretty, whatever her species was. Of cours e being unwashed made him feel queasy being near her, but like if she had been normal-sized and went to his school, well, at least in terms of movies all the guys would be into her, though real life wasn’t quite like that. Though he had to remark that even though she smelled like a wild unicorn that had swum through mud after fishing around in a dumpster, this girl still groomed herself well. She clearly took good care of her hair, which was bright red even in the dim ghoulish white-blue light from the candles lining the dungeon hall. At any rate, she was a beauty of the utmost magnitude.

But then something very unexpectedhappened.




The sound was thunderous, Ian quickly clamped his hands over his eardrums, attempting to block it out. But then he wanted to cover his nose, because the stench was overpowering, causing him to gag. He decided that the smell was worse than the noise, if the staff hadn’t been frosted over, he could’ve used it to make his sense of smell temporarily depart, but if it couldn’t affect the pillars, it likely wouldn’t manage any other spell, even shrinking himself had been impossible with the staff in its current state.

But gosh this girl’s farts exploded in his ear, smelling of the weirdest foods, there was definitely a hint of chocolate, but something thathad to be some kind of poultry hehad never smelt before (except it came out as fart so it still could’ve been the birds he knew maybe that people considered viable to dine on), but it reeked regardless making him uncomfortable.

“Come on out, waves of stink, emerge hard and fast and strong, break through the brink (by which I mean my anus),” said the giant girl.

Ian started to shout at her to stop, but just as he opened his mouth to do so, a huge cube full of gas that had been released from her butt thirty seconds before entered his mouth and felt like it was crushing his tongue as Barley told him a galatinous cube would, though that would be to his entire body and had nothing to do with a foull stench like this.

The girl moaned as more farts burst out, so loud in spite of her garments which had to be thicker cloth than most to cover someone of that size.





Ian’s ears burned, even down to their pointy tips. It was like someone had pushed tiny bombs into them, ready to explode.But as the girls farts went on, reeking of broccoli and cheese, something that smelled fainty of prok but could be boar meat, and another strange vegetable that either got lost in translation as gas or it was one he had literally never inhaled before, a migraine started, making him feel extremely lousy in addition to the other things wrong with him currently.




Goodness, did this girl ever stop farting? At first Ian hadn’t been sure if she knew he was here, when she had moved in the dungeon, she had looked like she had downed a whole vat full of vodka with flushed cheeks and bobbing of the head. She could’ve been drunk and not knowing what she was doing, or at that pointed it seemed probable. But now it did not, even through his intense headache, he could ascertain now that this girl was delighting in the fact that somebody was suffering from her gas, forced to inhale it.

Also, he wondered if she was the one who iced over his wizard staff, though he had no evidence to lead him to this theory. But someone had to.




These farts smelled strongly of choilate, as though this girl had raided a pantry of chocolate cake, hot fudge sundae, and whatever other treats of cocoa she could find.

Fifteen more minutes of this went by, at which time Ian felt like his skin was boiling all over. when BArley seemed to get his groove back.

“Hey, leave my brother alone,, whatever you are!”

“Brother, you say?” the redhead said, lying on her side, her butt now at a slant in front of Ian’s cell. She peered into Barley’s cell.

“Hum, my sister would love you!” the redhead cooed. “You’ll serve her just fine.”

“What do you mean, serve her? What the valhalla is this?”

“Oh, well, you see, my sister and I ate this cabbage which turned us into giants. We needed fart slaves or we’ll go mad and start attacking our former kingdom, one of Elsa’s friends is queen now, Samantha. But it was our family that were the royals for so long. However, people won’t listen to giants. It’s funny, with all of Elsa’s magic, we have nothing to deal with people who consider us to be monsters.”

“You’re not monsters, then?” Barley asked.

“No, but we don’t want to attack Arendelle, so we need fart slaves like you.”


“What about freedom though? And respecting each other?”

“Sacrifices must be made,” the redhead said. “It broke Elsa’s heart when she realized we couldn’t do anything to protect our kingdom. Not inthis state, and unfortunately, we don’t know how to reverse it.”

“Perhaps my brother and I can help,” Barley said. “He’s a wizard.”

“Is he now?” the redhead asked, raising her head, leaning on her shoulder, one of her cute braids going down her back, the other visible only on Barley’s side. “But the thing is, Elsa and

I don’t want to go back now. It’s been too many weeks. Also it might be too late at this point.

Samantha has to keep using her own powers to burn away the memory of us being giants from anyone who sees us going outside to gather food, cook it, and eat. She says that if her powers are used enough times on a person, they’ll forget us entirely, and we may’ve passed that point already, it’s too risky to return to normal seize only to have people forget us as soon as we’re out of sight.”

“Perhaps there’s a spell that can help with that…”

“It would require a phoenix gem,” the redheadsaid, shaking her head. “And I doubt you’ll find one here, plus they’re extremely rare in your world.”

“So you know about phoenix gems,” Barley said. “But you don’t look like any creature I’ve seen before.”

“I’m not. Your world has nothing like me, exactly. Well, elves are sort of similar, other than skin tones. And our ears of course.”

“So what are you?”

“Well, this world is overrun by humans, and I am one of them.”

“Human? That’s a strange name for a species.”

“We also have canines and raccoons where your world has dragons and unicorns.”

“Wow, this world is strange. But still, our magic can help.”

The redhead growled, throwing her hand down against the floor and causing him to fly backward against the wall. “Do you not understand? If we do that, allow your brother to shrink us, which has to be a complicated spell, but never mind that part--well, if we allow it,

and people forget us, it will destroy Elsa! We can’t take that risk. And also, according to Samantha, the cabbage won’t have any effect on us a second time. Which means, Elsa and I will stbe stuck as total social outcasts. It will wreck her, and she might even do terrible things to herself t to deal with the pain.”

Barley wiped his cheek, which was coated with fresh blood. “But Samantha will remember you, right? And aren’t you already outcasts?”

“The difference should be obvious,” the redhead snarled. “Right now, we can have fart slaves.

And also, Elsa was working on getting a third girl to eat the cabbage, so we could have a friend who shares our plight. But even moving away from Arendelle won’t correct the problem, according to Samantha, if enough people who knew us before affect us, it can carry on to other parts of the world. So this is the only way we can stay sane and not go berserk, by remaining giants and having fart slaves to serve us.”

“Okay, okay, you’ve made your point, although I think there could still be a solution to this,” Barley said. “I mean, if you can move us from our world to this, then surely you can move yourselves there. You can find people who would appreciate you there.”

“No,” the ginger said, shaking her head again. “Our bodies wouldn’t be accustomed to your food. And we would need to eat a lot of it, which would be a problem. It oculd make us sick and we might die.”

Barley muttered something about how he wouldn’t mind that, though he did think the girl was beautiful. He wondered what her sister would look like.

Then he thought of another solution. “Just take other slaves instead of us.”

“Can’t do that,” the redhead said. “I could take my ex-boyfriend, Hans. And Elsa could go on our mutual friend, Kristoff. Or maybe we could reverse that since Hans and I are both gingers while Elsa and Kristoff...but the problem is, that just feels too close to home, and also Hans’ brothers would send som spies after him to ensure he doesn’t harm us and once they see what we’re doing to him, we’ll be in trouble…”

“But can’t Samantha erase you from their minds?”

“us, yes, but not Hans. His brothers will still know he’s here, and even though won’t know the reason they’ll hear he’s locked behind bars. And then they’ll declare war on Arendelle, which means Samantha will have tourlbe on her hands, and it’ll be our fault.”

“You could share the other dude, Christopher or whatever you said his name was.”

The redhead shook her head. “Two of us can’t share one person, and also Kristoff isn’t a stranger, he helped us through a lot. But we don’t know you or your brother at all. So it’s easier for us to fart on you.”

“We have lives back in our world, though! And you could get to kow us.”

“Nah, too late,” the redhead said. “You wouldn’t trust us, and we can’t trust you to be friendly

toward us. And what is more, you might think all humans are this way. So now you will serve Elsa and me.”

“There’s so many what ifs and irrational fears in you’re keeping us here. Why can’t yout ake more chances?”

“We’ve taken all the chances we can afford,” the redhead said, sitting up. “Now if you’ll

excuse me, I need to get back to farting.”

Ian had finally managed to get over the effects of her gas, he was trying the staff again, hoisted it on one shoulder. The shrinking spell might not work on the pillars keeping him locked away but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t work on the giant redhead.

However, Barley could’ve told him that even without the frost preventing the staff from operating properly, that in order for the staff to shrink someone, they needed to be their proper size The redhead’s normal size for her species was much shorter than she currently was, and thus it would have no effect, although at some point, this would be considered “normal” sized, Barley believed from his notes that it takes a year of resize magic before your

current size, if it’s different from how it was before and the effect is permanent, becomes available for this spell to fix anything on.

But also, if it did happen to work, Barley might’ve warned Ian against using it, because this girl and her sister would be just as much a threat at under six feet tall as they were at forty. Sure their farts wouldn’t be as malodorous or overpowering, but they might do even mroe horrible things to them, just pull Ian’s staff away from him, and yes he could still be a warrior but these girls would likely think of binding him up. It seemed they had thought a bit about





Ian dropped the staff with a clatter. He actually didn’t care about resizing the redhead as much, a teleportation spell would be nice but if he could do one piece of magic right now, he wished he could just block off his nose...sure the dungeon wasn’t pleasant, but a girl releasing

farts and attempting to frustrate him, dominate him, make him bow to her ass, would be so much easier to deal with if he couldn’t smell her emissions.

But he could, and shielding his nose didn’t help anything, he rolled on the floor as he had been taught to do as a kid in case of fire, stop, drop, and roll.

Ten minutes went by, before a beautiful girl with a long platinum blonde braid, also forty feet tall entered the dungeon, and came prancing down the hall.

“Elsa, you’re finally here!” the redhead exclaimed.

“Yeah, sorry to worry you, Anna, I found a butterscotch and chocolate pudding mixture which should give me real powerful farts.”

She got on her knees and peered into Barley’s cell. “Whoa, he looks so handsome! I might’ve dated him if I lived in their world, and he could accept a girl with ice magic.”

“I’m right here, you know,” Barley snapped. “I can hear you.”

“Oh wow, those tablets Lorenzo gave us really worked! It does sound like he’s speaking our tongue, Anna.”

“Wait, you’re saying you don't speak English normally?” Barley said.

“To us, it sounds like you’re speaking Norwegian,” Elsa said. “Makes it easier.”

“But why would you want to know what we say?” Barley asked. “It would be easier to not have to deal with us communicating, you could just treat us as your playthings and never know what we say, like you know, pet dragons, I mean you can love them but they don’t have a sophicated form of language…”

“Eh, we want to torture you and to think of you as someone who could rationalize and crave your freedom, which we won’t grant you. Without those tablets, you’d basically be livestock, and it’d be less exciting to do this to you.”

“That’s insane,” Barley said. “Do you consider those from other countries who speak different

tongues from you livestock?”

“Of course not,” Elsa said, indignantly. “But you’re elves. Even though we can clearly see that you have a world advanced with technology and have a much similar universe to ours (although yours has more magic than most of this world), you are still a different species. And the thing is, here we only have humans who do anything, sure we have pets like you but your world has a multitude of species. We had to know that you would reject this imprisonment.”

“Of course we reject it,” Barley said, indignantly. “Now let us go!”

“Not happening,” Elsa said. “But I’ll be kind to you, and grant you one present, consider it a welcoming gift to being trapped in this dungeon.”

She waved her hand and tiny ice crystals shot forward on a wind for Barley’s ears, which they covered up in frost all the way deep into his eardums. BArley shook his head vigorously, hoping the ice would tumble out, but it didn’t, and he even went into doing push-ups. After all these years, he should’ve been excited to encounter magic, even a strange kind that emerged from a girl’s fingers, within her, instead of having to be channelled through an instrument, such as a wizard’s staff. But that didn’t mean he wanted a spell performed on him, although his sweat didn’t seem to drip onto his ears, the ice didn’t melt.

Elsa giggled at his attempt then turned her ass on him. She was wearing an ice blue dress which went up high on one of her legs.

“Shouldn’t you have let him hear the thunder of your farts?” Anna asked.

“Eh, his nose should be hurt even more if he can’t hear them, supposedly if one of your senses is blocked up, your other senses are sharper.”

“Well, clog up the one in this cell’s ears, then,” Anna said.

“Nah, I shouldn’t have to,” Elsa said. “Your farts should overpower him on their own.”

“I mean, they have, but--”

“Trust me, Anna, you don’t need my aid, I’ve smelt your farts,” Elsa said. “And now it’s this one’s turn to sniff mine.” She leant forward provoactively.




Barley gagged, giving up on push ups, his chin on the dungeon cell floor. Elsa’s stink overpowered his nose, pummeling it as though it were being crushed under her foot instead. Though he would guess her feet were less malodorous, oh.

Ian desperately wished he could come to his brother’s aid, but even if he had a working staff, at that moment Anna’s own farts rippled out to immobolize him, for he had imbibed too much of these foul odors, and since this was the first day he had to breathe them in, from a giant girl’s ass, he wasn’t accustomed to gas particles of this momentous heat at all. It was like being in an oven fuelled by dragon fire. Ian had thought it would be cute to be dominated by gorgeous girls before, but not like this…

“Did you convince her to become giant like us?” Anna asked, in a lull between her and Elsa’s farts.

“Oh yes, she’s super eager, she finds the idea so alluring. But Samantha says she has to become accustomed to human food. Lorenzo can use his magic to speed up the process.

She’ll join us in a week, should she not get cold feet.”

“Awesome,” Anna said, clapping her hands, just as a fresh burst of flatulence emerged from her ass.




“Thank goodness I finally let out those sandwich farts!” Anna said. “They were giving my butt so much pain.”

Ian gagged hard, wishing he was at the mall with his girlfriend, his eyes stung from Anna’s was like stinky soap hasd dropped down into them. His tongue felt like it had been scorched.

And that was with Anna’s clothes on and separated by steel bars, he had crawled over to a section farther along his cell to try to evade her worst emissions. It didn’t work though, his entire cell reeked of her sandwich and chocolate farts, two of her favorite foods.

Barley wasn’t faring much better, although he tried to mutter a mantra under his breath that worked in one of the animes he loved, where the Shady Centaur was cornered by Gaseous Gritsy, a mermaid and her four elf girl helpmates, all representing a different type of fashion, one emo, one zany, one who only wore pink, in fact they called her Pinkstock. The last one only dressed like a gypsy with large hoop earrings and a turban although her long hair spilled out of it all the way down to her waistline.

These five girls corned the Shady Centaur and lambasted whim with their farts. He would’ve been caught by the Corrupt Police and blamed for their crimes if he hadn’t repeated some words to himself which kept him strong...the girls didn’t remain farting on him, convinced he was immobilized as their gas usually did to their victims. But the mantra prevented this.

However, Barley wasn’t the Shady Centaur, this wasn’t an anime, but real life. And Elsa’s farts were overpowering, but also, cold. He shivered, still on his stomach on the ground, at first he thought it was the ice on his ears which made him feel so chilly, but then he noticed the frigid gusts regaling him and making him feel as though he decided to rest in a walk-in freezer. Why he would ever do that if a spell hadn’t been cast on him, he didn’t know, but gosh it made him think of it.

“Whoa, it feels like my ass is a set of clouds right before a hailstorm,” Elsa said. “I suppose my farts are about to get even worse.”

“Oh, but Elsa the whole dungeon stinks already, what if people up in the castle smell it? They could come to investigate.”

“Samantha will cause them to forget,” Elsa said.

She leaned forward.




Barley’s throat felt as though it filled with the nastiest chocolate ice cream ever. His nose felt both heated and cold at the same time, as though scars were being burned into it from Elsa’s gas. But even Ian could catch whiffs of gas from the blonde female giant, even with the distance between them and Anna’s intense B.O. as a massive fleshy shield, the flatulence from Elsa’s ass circumvented this and forced Ian to was one thing to deal with the farts of one sister, but both?

“Ooh, I think this little one’s affected!” Anna said, having turned around at the increase in noise from Ian’s gagging. “You know what we shouldd do? Let him out of the cell and put him between outr two giant buttocks and just have a fart match while standing and him with no means of escaping, forced to sniff every malodorant molecule…”

“Uh, sure, that would be cookl,’ll have to wait till tomorrow. I’m all farted out.”

“Me too,” Anna said, sighing. She and Elsa rose to their feet and filed out, Anna’s arm around

her sister’s neck, as they giggled, leaving the two brothers behind in the plight of having to inhale the sisters’ relentless stink, which swirled around and engulfed them, making them feel extremely weak.

Nothing Barley did would melt the ice in and over his ears, Ian tried calling to him two hours after the girls had left, but his audial passage being blocked prevented communication. If their cells had been across the way from one another, it would’ve been easy to plot, not as effective as with verbal communication from both parties, but they would’ve had a shot to work together, which wasn’t possible as it was.

At some point a woman wheeled in a cart with food for each of the brothers, this was Queen

Samantha of Arendelle. She wore a purple dress and had long brown hair in a similar braid to Elsa’s.

She stuck a bowl of stew in between the bars of Barley’s cell, it had some foil over the top so she could turn it sideways, then rolled the cart over to Ian’s cell to do the same, with a different bowl.

“Don’t worry, even if the stew isn’t to your taste, naturally, Lorenzo has enchanted it so you’d enjoy it after a few bites. Also, you better not try starving yourself, because you’ve got to be in good condition for the former royals. Plus, I think you’ll really like the new girl we’re training,” she said, with a wink at Ian.

Then she pushed the cart back the way she came out of the dungeon.

It was another hour before Ian felt too hungry to remain obstinate and picked up the spoon that Samantha had tossed down. He ripped off the foil and dug the spoon in.

The first taste of the stew made him want to vomit. It reminded him of medicine his mother used to give him as a kid whenever he developed a fever.

The second bite tasted like Gregorian mussel urgis, Ian’s least favorite vegetable which was yellow and made people’s breath reek if they didn’t use a mint shortly after.

The third bite was like his least favorite snack cake. Was that young woman right, would it really taste good soon?

The fifth bite was when it started to be okay, like heavy fettucine with lemon and terragon.

But the sixth...when that slammed into his tongue, he craved more, ad, upon a couple more spoonfuls, figured that downing it would help him in his plight. Maybe on a full stomach, he could remember a spell that could work through the ice. Something that could break it.

But even once he downed the entire bowl, slurping up the remainder when there was just a pint remaining, he spent some time cogitating, even calling out to his brother, but Barley’s ears remained clogged up. At any rate, what to do when the staff was frosted over had never come up in the training. And so Ian finally rolled into a sleep, with nothing to do, no way to escape, and concern over what the next day would bring.

He was awakened by a scratching. “Hey elf boy, I brought you breakfast. Sausage and biscuits. Anna farted on them so they’ll taste terrible. She actually had to wave her ass over this batch but she crushed the last.”

Ian decided that now as he wasn’t weak from inhaling farts, he might as well ask her.

“Why don’t you have a heart and set me free?”

Samantha shook her head. “Sorry, no doing. I care about Elsa and Anna too much to allow a fart slave to leave. And we feel that there’s very few options for replacements, all of the others are dangerous to go after, whereas capturing you was simple.”

Ian growled at this, but ticking her off wouldn’t be wise if she could grant him a different request.

“Er, well, could you at least unclog Barley’s ears? The blonde one, Elsa, kept ice covering them.”

“Hmmm. Well, that’s up to Elsa, only she can remove her ice.”

Then Samantha pushed the sausage and biscuits on a plate sideways through the pillar bars keeping Ian prisoner. It had foil ove the plate just like the bowl of stew the night before.

Ian didn’t want to eat the food she brought, even through the aluminum it smelled horrendous. But something she had said registered with him, which made him gulp.

Only Elsa could remove her ice. And more than likely, it was her ice all over his staff. Which meant he needed to figure out a way for Elsa to remove it, in order to get him and Barley out of here. And the only way he could figure to do that would be to trick her, and for that, to come up with a good plan, he needed a full stomach.

So he begrudgingly peeled back the foil, the stink on the food from Anna’s anus filling the air all around his cell and causing him to choke before he even bit into a morsel.

However, he bit into a biscuit, loathing the taste, it was like acid on his tongue...straight up acid that can corrode things, not like citrus acid in juice or some other less dangerous kinds.

Though there were energy drinks that had the deep acid from what Ian knew...still they had to taste better than this, otherwise college students would have less of a reason to drink them, right?

Thank again, Ian didn’t like coffee and he knew college students were keen on that. Maybe by the time he’d matriculated, it’d be something he’d do more, but now now.

Who was he kidding? If he didn’t escape this stuffy dungeon cell, he’d never get to go to college. Or get an appreciation for gross adult food. Of course, right now he was legally an adult, at sixteen, but he could never see himself devouring the Melba toast his mother found pleasant or protein bars.

He bit into one of the sausage patties, first wafting it in front of his nose to see if that would help him get accustomed to the acrid smell, but it didn’t, it just made him cough.

He ate it anyway, loathing himself for chewing this nastiness. Of course, as he proceeded with the meal, each morsel worse than the last, he did remark that Anna was pretty, very much so. Obviously Ian had a girlfriend and dating a giant would be ridonculous, but was being dominated by Anna so bad, considering her impressive looks?

Maybe her farts wouldn’t be as bad too, sure on his food it tasted terrible, digging deep into the yeast on the biscuits, and the meat on the sausage,a patty or two which were sprinkled with wet farts and also smelled like they had literally been attached to Anna’s bare, unwashed butt for a good amount of time.

The last biscuit he ripped the crown off and pushed the sausage in between the top portion of the biscuit and the bottom, to see if that would improve the taste at all. It didn’t.

His tongue burning and wishing he’d never have to smell an iota of Anna’s gas ever again but knowing that without a brilliant solution slapping him on the side of the head, he’d be forced to, his thirst started to rankle his throat. Why hadn’t Samantha brought him a beverage?

He tried the staff again, using a spell that should’ve healed his thirst, giving him the sensation of having a drink being poured down his throat, but the staff was as out of commission as it had been before.

An hour later, Samanta did return. She pushed a glass of tea between the metal bars at Ian.

“Sorry to say that our levitator, Zuma, is ailing and unlike Lorenzo and me, isn’t in on the secret with Elsa and Anna. So I couldn’t get this glass up to Anna’s butthole, but we’re thinking of having them fart on a whole bathtub of tea, which would work, and you can drink that going forward.”

Ian took the glass but nearly dropped it. “Uh, it smells still,” he said.

“Yeah, the girl whom Lorenzo is grooming decided she’d fart on it. But your brother’s tea is free from gas.”

“I would like a picture of this girl,” Ian demanded.

Samantha shook her head. “The former royals inform me that you have quick and easy photographic imagery capture in your world, but here, there is nothing like that. We can paint portraits to resemble the likeness of people, but nothing instantaneous.”

“Go paint her portrait then.”

“Trust me, you’d like her,” Amantha said.

“How am I supposed to trust you? After you refused to let me out of this cell…”

“You’ll know if about a week. Maybe a little more than that depending on how long it takes her to adjust. But regardless, you have to drink that, unless you like feeling parched.”

Then, before he could retort, she scampered away, not having even brought the cart this time but just a platter with the two tea glasses, and as she had already delivered BArley’s into his cell, there was no reason for her to remain in this dungeon.

Ian hoped she was right and the girl who had farted in his tea was cute. Not that that made it

okay, far from it. But at least he had something to quench his thirst.

The beverage didn’t help him think of ways to crack the ice on the wizard’s staff. He spent another hour banging it against it, the taste of the other mysterious girl’s fart still on his lips.

It was gross and made him feel terrible, but he was curious about her. However, he wasn’t going to get any answers immediately, and he’d still rather escape from this cell, if he could…

If Barley’s ears weren’t clogged up with ice, maybe he’d have a solution now and they could escape, but unfortunately, they still were.

Barley had eaten the soup the night before, his own breakfast of sausage and biscuits, farted on by Elsa rather than Anna, and the tea, which Samantha herself had farted in, it was also bubble tea with tapioca balls so doubly not fun for Barley to drink, but regardless of his hearing blockage, and his mostly depressed state, he hoped to be of some use to Ian for helping them get out of there once they could communicate again.

Finally, the sisters pranced back in, gigantic and read to rain on the parade of the elf brothers, with their intense gas. Anna lied down provocatively on her side and elbow, her red braids dangling down, peering at Ian. “You really for a much worse session than yesterday, elf boy? Because I’ve got it for you.”

Ian gulped as he stared up at her. Of course being the size she was, she’d eat more than a regular-sized human, which Ian had to guess would be around Samantha’s height. So she could probably fart much more thanregular human girls could, which was not a happy thought.

“Ready for some pancake farts?” she cooed. “Not the kind you’re thinking of, by the way.”

She jangled a key and zoomed it to unlock the golden pad up on the top of the cell.

As soon as the bars fell forward and down like a oven door opening, Ian took his chance and bolted toward the dungeon exit.

“Elsa, catch him!” Anna screeched. Elsa had plopped down to sit in front of Barley’s cell and Ian expected one of her long giant arms to reach out and snag him, but he kept on running...he had reached the stairs and flung himself up them two at a time, clinging to the rail…

But just as he neared the top and saw a long table in the palace right next to a velvet carpet, a table with several silver dishes, the steps filled with ice, as did the rail, and he slipped on it at the top, tumbling down the steps. He slipped all the way down right into Anna’s giant palm.

“I love a slave who tries to run away!” she exclaimed, holding him up to her face. “It makes it that more exciting to fart on you, knowing you hate it.”

“Who says I hate it?” Ian asked, definitely.

“You wouldn’t run away when I tell you I’m going to fart on you if you loved it,” she said.

“Thank goodness Elsa has ice powers so you couldn’t escape.”

“I have magic tooo, if you’d unfrost my staff so we could have a fair fight.”

“The only fight that is happening,” Anna said, shaking her braids, “is the one between my and Elsa’s butts as we fart you up. We both ate different foods so that it would be oh so exquisite.”

Ian struggled to break through her fingers while she giggled. Then she threw off her clothes so that she was only in a bra and panties.

“I’ll give you some warm up farts so you won’t pss out on us, it will do no good if you’re not conscious, the joy of this torture to your nose is that you’d actually be experiencing it, aware and wishing you could escape but with no means.”

She pulled her panty strap backward and tossed Ian down. He struggled to try to maneuver himself away from her massive buttcheeks but against his will, he slid down them.

Anna’s panties were filthy, she didn’t have a lot of options, in fact they weather only pair currently. The cabbage did expand the clothes she was wearing at the time, but it would take forever to sew together a new pair from old dresses that the girls used to own. Elsa’s magic could transform clothes you were already wearing but they couldn’t sew anything together.

So Anna had been wearing these panties for a couple of months now with no alternative.




This was what Anna called a warm-up? Ian felt like he had been washing in a river of Anna’s stink, gross and bubbling all over his body.

The redhead kept going, wagging her ass for ten minutes more, while Elsa released her own

sprays against Barley’s cell.

Then Anna extricated Ian’s feeble body from where he had found a corner of her crusted panties, attempting his best to shield himself from her filthy anus, which reeked to high heaven even without the farts.

“I bet you had fun, addicted to my gas, elf boy! You look like you’ve just been to the most exciting festival ever…”

Ian figured she must be using sarcasm here, because he was sure if he held up a mirror, he would see himself battered and weak, wishing he could evade what might be coming next.

“Elsa, you ready to go to the next step?” Anna asked, after running her fingers all over Ian’s body for a bit.

“Yeah, farting on Barley when he can’t hear is kinda boring, I should remove the ice.”

“I mean our contest farting on Ian.”

“Oh, well, in that case, I should keep the elder one’s ears clogged.” Elsa yawned and

stretched. She stood up and took steps toward Anna. Barley found her adorable and watched her walk, it was the only thing that made sniffing her farts worthwhile...her walk was a bit like a mermaid’s fluid movements in a pool. His girlfriend was a blonde mermaid. If only he could hold her in his arms…

“You know, I really don’t want to strip down,” Elsa said.

“Who cares if two little boys see you in your underclothes?”

“We have no way to clean our clothes, Anna. I’m not worried about people seeing me mostly naked, certainly not two thirsty elves, but throwing my beautiful dress down on the dirty dungeon floor? That doesn’t ound like fun.”

“Then fold it up and set it on mine,” Anna suggested.

“Fine,” Elsa said, sighing, yanking her ice blue dress off. “But I really can’t wait till we have some more clothes options.”

“I think we can probably locate a world with giant dress shops and somehow obtain some of them,” Anna said. “If we can find the elf one.”

“Yeah well, by the time that happens, our current clothes will probably be so filthy that it’ll be unhygienic to wear them no matter what,” Elsa groaned.

But now she was in her own bra and panties. Which were both a pale yellow.

In spite of himself, Barley felt sweat pour down his forehead at how hot she was. He had seen girls in bikinis before, never a human of course, seeing as how he never met any before these two, b ut somehow it worked better on her than it might have on creatures in his world.

Not that this was a bikini, but it reminded him strongly of that. He wasn’t exactly a stranger to Porn Hub though, but to be fair in most of the videos he had seen, girls shed all of their clothing, jiggling their voluptuous breasts or mooning the world.

However, two shiny moons shone large and beautiful before him now, as Elsa and Anna both lowered their panties. Barley noticed for the first time that the candles in the dungeon were much brighter now than they had been the day before. Either the sister really wanted him and Ian to find them sexy, or they desired the situation o seem semi-sexy while they sent out gross vapors to ruint heir pleasure, either way there’s no way the candle brightness was for no real reason other than something to do with this.

Anna then stuck Ian’s head in her anus and swung it up and down, as though he were a piece of toilet paper. Ian shrieked, she hadn’t had anything to wipe her butt, not that they really had thingsto do so in ARendelle, but usually a girl could take a bath to make it clean, however there was no way for Anna or Elsa to do that, not at this size. They would require an ocean,, and though they weren’t that far from some inlets of the sea, the problem was that people might see them and start attacking with weapons, especially considering how long

Samantha’s forgetfulness powers had been used on people who knew them. Early on they had done it safely enough, but since that first or second week after growning large, they had stopped bathing.

It also made the water really murky to do so and neither sister wanted to ruin things for Samantha by poisoning the water.

“Oh, this feels so nice,” Anna said, sighing. Barley wanted to scream at them to stop treating

Ian like that, but he was distracted by Elsa’s ass wagging at him.




“Jeez, Anna, you need to stop having those chocolate bunnies.”

“Elf boy needs to know what it’s like to breathe my stink, really. I went far too easy on him yesterday.”

“If we’re going to have a fart contest on him, you should’ve saved that for your first strike,” Elsa said.

“But he won’t be in my anus then, ready to inhale it straight down his throat, aching and gagging,” Anna said, cheerfully.

“We could’ve exchanged him, each farting directly in his face.”

“You already said you don’/t want to stick anything in your butt that I already had in mine,”

Anna said. “Unless you changed your mind?”

“I haven’t,” Elsa said, shaking her head. “We may have to sacrifice some rules of hygiene but we shouldn’t shed all of them.”

“I suppose so,” Anna said. Se flashed a warm smile. “But if you stuck Barley in your butt and

passed him to me, I wouldn’t say no to sticking him in mine.”

“I suppose we could do that on another day,” Elsa said.

“Good, now lets make this so much fuuuuuuuuuuuun for Ian!”

Anna pulled him out of her ass and then Elsa and Anna set their asses together, big and filthy,

Anna held Ian’s chest thumb down with her thumb.

“Ice coming right up to stick him to us!” Elsa announced, and from her fingertips shop ice crystals that formed a sort of frosty encasement all around him. Anna also shifted her thumb just in time so the cold substance only ensnared Ian, sticking him fastto both their buttocks, his top half basically glued to Anna’s for the time being, and his waist down to Elsa’s.

Both girls also had to sort of squat. Semi-squat, not a full one.

“You absolutely sure your ice won’t melt from our farts, Elsa?”

“I sure hope not,” Elsa said. “I mean it definitely shouldn’t from mine, but yours can be quite warm.”

“Ah well, I’ll look this way and you that, so if he does drop off, he’ll have no chance of evading us no matter which direction he tries to run itn.”

“For the life of me, I cannot fathom why any boy would want to flee from your gas, Anna!”

Elsa said jocularly. Truthfully she acknowledged that her sister’s flatulence was a nightmare for anyone’s nose to have to inhale.

“I know, my farts smell like perfume,” Anna cooed.

Ian would’ve appreciated the sisters’ friendly banter if he wasn’t freezing from the ice keeping him held down and fearful of the foul smells about to greet his poor nose, which he couldn’t even bring his hands up to attempt to shield, as they were collapsed down as well, and the ice was too thick to shove away…

Elsa also caused gales of snow to whip about. “There, that should control your farts if they’re too hot.”

“Yeah, but I might freeze my own butt off,” Anna said. “I’m wearing next to nothing, Elsa.”

“Nah, with our butts smushed together like this, the cold won’t bother you, trust me, Anna.”

The redhead said the same thing Elsa had told hereafter she they had both eaten the cabbage and become giants, and Elsa had a tearfest...but Anna calmed her down. “I trust you through everything, sis.”

And then the beautiful sisters of Arendelle began a fartstorm which made Ian’s situation far, far worse.


...went Anna’s butt, reeking of bagels with cream cheese.



...went Elsa’s butt, stinking of bacon and strawberry cheese danishes.

The platinum blonde’s ass brought with the farts some drafts that chilled Ian to the bone.

Anna’s were like burning embers in his throat, searing the roof of his mouth, singing his tongue. He felt like he had crawled out of a burning building while his legs were trapped in ice cubes the sized of cinder blocks. Coughing tremendously and gagging, he wished he could puncture their buttcheeks like they were giant balloons, as they were clearly full of gas,

although admitted sulfur rather than helium.

Barley watched in horror while his brother was tortured, but also fascination in the synchronization the girls’ butts had in doling out farts. Even Ian was starting to lose track which foods had fuelled which girl’s flatulence, not that he was trying to keep a tally, but he had hoped that perhaps some information about what they liked eating might help him figure a way to tempt them into setting up circumstances for him to leave, although at this point he was so light-headed he was starting to wonder if it really had been only yesterday when he smelled Anna’s gas for the very first time…

The farts also got louder and painedIan’s nose more and more, even Barley was catching whiffs of their flatulence at the distance they were from his cell and so much higher up.

This carried on for three hours until Anna said she had a cramp from squatting for so long.

“I think they’ve had enough today anyway,” Elsa said. She retracted the ice binding Ian to her and Anna’s posteriors, Ian was too feeble to fight or make any sort of move at all, and Anna tossed him back into his cell against the stone wall roughly, where his skull felt as though it had cracked.

Anna shut the gate and Elsa retracted the ice blocking Barley’s ears, which was a relief, he was glad to have the ability to hear again, then the blonde beauty dropped her ass down in front of Barley’s cell. “Sorry mate, I haven’t given you many farts directly today but hopefully tomorrow I’ll satiate your thirst, and I’m sure you got some whiffs from us while we were

squatting, right?”

Elsa winked at him before turning back around, her braid looking so cute, BArley could live in it, climb it like the prince in that tail about the girl with the long hair who dangled it out of a tower for him to climb up and combat the witch who kept her prisoner against her will…



Barley choked and gagged, but in spite of all the horrors of inhaling gas, something unbidden inside him craved it, and he was very disheartened when Elsa tittered, “That’s all the stink you’re getting from me today, slave. Maybe Samantha will be kind enough to fart on your food later, though.” Perahps it was having the chance to hear again which madethis hit him so much harder, he wanted to be tormented by her...what if he could bargain with her to let

Ian go, and he remain behind? Slave to Elsa...perhaps he could convince Anna to take another dude captive, which would allow Ian to return to his girlfriend and carry on actual quests, something one could not do while being locked in a dungeon underneath a castle in another world entirely.

Both of the former royals retrieved their panties, pulled them on, and redressed in their own garments. The only ones they had that fit.

“Oh, and by the way,” Elsa said, holding up a finger, her icy blue dress on, one of her calves showing, looking adorable. “I’m going to clog your ears up again so you don’t have the ability to plot with your brother. But even if you do escape, we’ll just draw you back here and make things worse for you. So I wouldn’t try it if I were you.”

She raised her hand and ice formed in and over his ears once more, then both girls shook their butts as they headed toward the stairs.

Barley wondered how they could use steps being giants, but he went as far as he could against his cell’s left wall and saw Elsa form her own giant steps over the ones already carved out and those were what Elsa and her used to go back up to the castle, though their ascension was a bit too excited and the floor of the dungeon shook.

Their fart vapors lingered however, for a couple of hours after they had vacated the premises.

Barley thought of calling out instructions to Ian to try to help him escape, but without having the ability to hear his responses, it would be very awkward. But also he wanted to bargain with the sisters first, see if they’d simply let Ian go, with his negotiations.

Samantha brought more farted on food for them later, from the mysterious girl for Ian and by her for Barley.

The elder of the two elbf brothers devoured the farted on food with alacrity, he wanted to become accustomed to the stink bothering his tongue, and since Elsa had told him that

Samantha was the one gassing up his grup, he imagined her bare ass swaying over a platter of food while she squirted out fart juice on it.

Ian ate his but wished he didn’t have to, being dominated by Anna’s posterior was quite traumatizing and tonight it wasn’t just hers pummeling him with farts but Elsa’s as well, and he still didn’t know if this mysterious girl who released her own sulfur on his food was cute or not.

He hammered at the ice on the staff though, once he had energy again front he comida, even

attempting to shatter it against the stone walls, going to the bars and running toward the wall across throm them then when that didn’t yield the results he desired, spinning in a circle to attempt to build up momentum that before before once again going from wall tobars to opposite side wall and down across diagonally for the end wall, but still, it did not shatter, and he fell, exhausted and sweaty, prepared to surrender, though he did call to BArley from time to time to see if his brother’s ears were unclogged, he had been too weak to take notice of anything as the sisters left, but now he was upset with his fragile spirit, waning in this dusty dungeon cell, not knowing how to muster up the courage to carry on.

The rest of the day was mostly uneventful except for Samantha bringing them dinner, which

Ian hardly touched but Barley consumed happily, eager for the double beauties farting on him the next day.

Ian had a nightmare that Reina was tied up in a chair and force-fed poison and there was nothing he could do about it, as he was trapped in a forest with skunks wearing cute dresses.

He woke up screaming, but Barley blissfully couldn’t hear him, he was having his own dream where he was on a bench and all the cute girls he had had crushed on in middle and high school farted on his face…

It was midday before the sisters came down, giggling.

Elsa retraced the ice over Barley’s ears. “You ready to be stunk up, elf boy?”

Barley decided that seeing too overeager might be a misplay, it would make them not want to do the squatting, bare asses together while he was iced down scenario, if they figured he might like it.

Unlocking his cell, Elsa grabbed Barley and held him while Anna undressed, then passed him over to her, after which she took off her own icy blue dress and once their panties were off again, iced him uup to their posterior, but rather than the way Ian was positioned, Barley was

flipped on his stomach and his chin held with ice so his gaze would be forced to look up at Elsa’s buttcheeks, the slop of her back, or the platinum blonde braid that hung down, taunting him with its wonder.

Then the girls launched into a stink tempest, Barley sniffed it without them ordering him to.

His eardrums felt like they would explode from the loudness, the being the first sound he had heard much of in two days.




...went Anna’s butt, spraying with cinnamon and chocolate goodies, but as gas instead of actual food, making him feel like he’d vomit, but still it wasn’t Elsa’s emissions he craved and if he had to suffer through Anna’s to getthem, so be it.




Elsa’s gas was horrendous to inhale, though at least its firgidity counterbalanced Anna’s burning ones. It was sort of like being in a freezer and oven at the same time. It stank of boar meat and squash with heavy butter.

“Whoa,” Anna remarked, an hour after they began, having peered back, one of her braids still

in front, the other handing way pasther bra in Ian’s line of vision. “He’s sniffing it on his own! He must love your farts, Elsa!”

“Nah, it must be yours he adores, Anna,” the platinum blonde fired back.”You have the best butt in the world.”

“No, you do,” Anna insisted.

They both swirled their asses in unison, and gave Barley an extra long, simultaneous fart.




Barley gagged and choked, feeling like he was friend fried in a campfire like a marshmallow which tasted better roasted, either plain and charred off a stick, or stuck in a smare to have someone sink their teeth into crunchy graham crackers with melted chocolate clamming into their tongue.

Barley wasn’t really built like a marshmallow. Well sort of, he did have a sort of thick chest but he was also muscular, when people were compared to marshmallows, he thought of couch potatoes.

Anna and Elsa kept up the farting on him for a couple more hours, he felt so weak, but he adored Elsa’s farts, they were soft, comforting and cool against his face. He didn’t even mind Anna’s so much anymore, but he was also happy to keep the sisters guessing which of their gas spurts he preferred.

He was too much in a daydream, as they left, to listen to Ian calling his name at his jail cell.

And even forgot to ask about them setting Ian free. It would be a worth of shot.

After a time, he did hear Ian though.

“Yes, sorry, I was out of it, what do you want, bro?”

“Is it true you like their farts?”

“Uh, well, it was just a ruse, I figured if they thought we enjoyed their farts, they wouldn’t want to keep us anymore.”

“Hmmm, that’s a nice plan,” Ian said, thoughtfully. Then she shook hsi head. “But I need a way to break the ice on the wizard’s staff.”

“You can do that by throwing it inm the air, catching it, and saying ‘Mayorles Vonnipor’ three times in a row,”

“That spell seems to simple,” Ian said. “Are you sure it will work?”

“It should,” Barley said.

“Good, because I just want to get out of here.”

Barley wasn’t sure why he was helping Ian, but one thought entered his head that maybe Elsa and Anna would be furious if his brother escaped and take it out on him with much worse farts than before.

Ian did the ritual he suggested and waited for the ice to crack, when he got to the third time tossing up the staff like a baton and catching it.

“Uh, the ice isn’t cracking,” Ian remarked, discouraged.

“Did you say it right?” Barley asked, as that was one problem Ian had in the past, not listening to him. That had mostly improved since the quest to find a phoenix gem to restore their revived father to full. It was ‘Mayorless Vonnipor.’”

“That’s what I said,” Ian insisted.

“Let me hear you do it again.”

Ian sighed and attempted it a second time. When he finished the third catcha nd repeating of the phrase, he sank to his knees.

“I can’t figure out why it’s not working,” Brogan said.

Ian beat his fists against the ground. “This stinks, we need to leave, we can’t serve these ridiculous, gas torturing humans.”

“I really don’t know why that didn’t work, it should have, at least for most ice.”

“Most ice?” Ian asked. “That could be why it’s not working. I believe they said only Elsa can retract her own ice.”

“That’s right,” said Samantha, who had snuck up while the brothers weren’t paying attention.

“Only Elsa can free that staff from her ice, and she’s not going to. So you give up trying to leave.”

She served them some soup and crackers. “The girl who farted on your broth burned her buttcheeks, we need to heal her but no worries, she’ll be perfectly fine to keep on farting on your victuals. And hopefully we can train her fast.”

Ian didn’t want to eat thie soup but having skipped breakfast, his growling stomach meant he had to feed it. Or go ever crazier in this place.

“And of course, my fart is on yours, Barley,” she cooed, wink a wink. “Not just the soup, but the crackers as well.”

It wasn’t exciting as if Elsa or Anna had done it, but still he found her cute too. And could see that giant girls farting on food for a regular person might not go over well.

He tasted some of her fart juice on a cracker and nearly vomited. Samantha laughed at him before dancing toward the stairs and practically flying up them.

After the soup and crackers, Ian asked BArley if he knew any other way out.

“Without a working wizard’s staff or anyone to break us free? Nah, we’re stuck down here,” Barley said, to Ian’s intense dismay.

The next day, Elsa and Anna threw the brothers in each of their panties and did an Egyptian walk across the dungeon floor while farting. Ian was tucked into Anna’s panties, BArley in Elsa’s, they had discussed swapping slaves but that would be another day.


...went Anna’s butt, greeting Ian’s nose with the stink of powerful ham and cheese sandwich farts. Once again he had skipped breakfast or he would’ve vomited all over her panties...he certainly felt like puking.

Why he was putting himself through all this torture of not eating, he didn’t know, fully, but clearly having food didn’t help him thrinkt through this terrible scenario and how to escape, so here he was, his stomach empty as he inhaled Anna’s horrible, warm gas which emerged relentlessly from her anus.



Elsa’s farts smashed into Barley, causing his pores to freeze over. Here, though, he could sniff her gas deeply without arousing Ian’s suspicion.

They spent three hours doing this, though the entire time wasn’t spent doing the Egyptian walk, they also did cartwheels which caused the elb boys in their panties to roll over smashing everywhere. At one point though, Anna rested her head in Elsa’s lap while both girls farted,

Ian felt particularly crushed at this point. But Elsa just played with Anna’s braids and sang to her, right now they were the only companions they had of this size, though Oalf had never had a problem dealing with people being much taller than him, and they did have Samantha and Lorenzo, who accepted them in their high stature, but it wasn’t the same as having a friend they could spend time with . Then again, they were each other’s best friend, ever since the whole business with Hans had ended and Anna showed Elsa how to control her ice magic.

So the girls gassed up their slave, it was almost like a game today, unlike previous days where they had taunted Ian and BArley, and the elves could look up at their mistresses, now they

couldn’t see them, only hear their farts and feel the warmth of their butts

When Barley was thrown back in, he decided to ask Elsa, be direct about it. “Sy, would you mind unfreezing my brother’s staf?”

“Absolutely not,” Elsa said. “And just for that, Samantha is going to fart on you all night. I know all about the magic you can cast with that, and the point of having slaves is to keep them and forced them to sniff our farts, but making it easy for you to escape doesn’t suit that goal, sorry.”

“But that’s just a proxy staff, doesn’t really work. And even if it did, after two days of being iced over, it would be out of power.”

“Your lies are pretty hilarious, elf boy. Enjoy Smantha’s farts,” Elsa said, wagging her ass tucked in the icy blue dress skirt as the sisters went toward the exit.

Samantha came in with lunch. She tautned BArley, after giving Ian his. “I can’t fart on you just yet, got queenly duties you know, Wselton is still trying to persuade us to resume trade with them, but don’t worry, I’ll eat really rich foods throughout the day to make it worth your while.”

“You know, a simple no to my question would’ve been nice. Elsa didn’t have to punish me for asking her to free the wizard’s staff.”

“Of course she did,” Samantha said. “If either of you escapes, the whole facbirc of what we have built here falls apart. And the girl we are training will be so angry...Then Elsa and Anna will lose their chance at having a friend, outside of their sistership and me, of course. And one who is their size will help but she’ll never take the cabbage should Ian escape, unless we force-feed her, and we’re not monsters…”

“Could’ve fooled me,” BArley said defiantly.

“I take it you don’t want my farts? Perfect,” Samantha said, with a smirk. “Should make it that much worse for you to inhale.”

“Punish me instead,” Ian said, his blue hands on the bars. “BArley can’t even use the staff, he was asking for me.”

“Oh, you’ll be punished as well,” Samantha said. “But not from me. Anna will fart on you all night, she’s looking forward to it. She wanted to keep it a secret, but since you’re begging, well, might as well tell you.”

“Aw, come on, have mercy on us,” BArley said. “It was just an innocent question. AFter all, if you want something, you’ve got to ask for it.”

“I’m the one who taught him that,” Ian said. It was intriguing to him that while his older brother taught and helped him through a lot, he himself had been a leader somewhat. Of course he had trouble asking for stuff still when he felt he might not be confident enough to claim it, just as when he originally invited the kids from science clsdd to his sixteenth birthday party, but hey, he had a girlfriend, so he clearly was doings omething right. And those kids were his friends.

He wondered if they were worried about him. Having not seen him in three days.

Samantha giggled as she hopped toward the exit. “See you later, Barley,” she said happily.

Before slipping up the stairs, she mimed kissing and pointed to his lips then her ass. Then she was gone.

“I wish there was another method out of here,” Ian said. “Some other way to use magic.”

“Well, there’s still potions that an be brewed, and the right magic items could melt the cell bars. But we don’t have any of that.”

“Maybe we could turn our food into potion ingredients,” Ian suggested, looking glumly at his chicken brisket,w hich reeked of pecan swirl farts from the mysterious girl, whom he didn’t even know if she was pretty or not.

“I’m not sure that would work,” Barley said. “I doubt they would serve us eel’s eyes or raccoon intestines.”

“Perhaps we could ask them,” Ian suggested.

“And get punished again?”

“I mean, we’re already punished by being bleeding slaves, what’s a little more fart from them?”

“They can make life much more difficult for us,” Barley warned. “So I suggest you not cross them.”

“If another giant is being bred, soon to eat that cabbage, I’m not sure we have to worry about it getting worse,” Ian said, despondently.

Elsa and Anna came down an hour after dinner, the ginger carrying Samantha in her arms.

Anna unlocked BArley’s cell at the top and allowed Samantha to slide down her palm, then shut them in.

“It’s weird to lock the queen away in her own dungeon,” Anna said.

“You have to, if he wakes up while I’m znoozing and pushes my butt off his face, he can break out. His arms look strong enough to just push the bars down.”

“But he likes our farts,” Anna said. “He won’t want to escape.”

“He could try to bargain for Ian, hiding himself and demanding you set his brother free to take him back.”

“Gosh,” Anna said, turning the key in the lock. “Elves can be pretty crafty, can’t they?”

“Very few people would desire to be a fart slave, relatively speaking.”

“He certainly won’t like being beneath your butt,” Anna cooed.

Then she went over to where Elsa was unlocking Ian’s cell, both girls dropped down to block him from attempting to escape and Anna scooped him up. “You’re going to have a lot of fun tonight, in my panties,” Anna said.

“And don’/t think you’re getting a free pass on my gas, either,” Elsa said, with a warm smile. “We’re going to sleep butt to butt in our love nest. Farting nonstop.”

“Er, ladies, don’t you think it’d make more sense to do that with BArley and have me serve your queen?”

“Absoltuely not,” Anna said, giggling. “But it’s hilarious that you thought that might work.”

Then she tossed him in her panties and let out a long sausage fart.


“Oh, what a stink, Anna! He must be suffering down there.”

“I can hear his gagging faintly,” SAnna said, chortling.

Then both girls bid good night to Samantha, clambered up the ice stairs, and went to their sleeping quarters, an actual nest in the shape of the heart, a giant’s nest made of straw and twigs. They climbed in, butt to butt, and started a fartstorm, sometimes Elsa released hers right in Ian’s face, face with nothing separating her ass flesh from him, and often Elsa’s rumble which was a bit more muffled confidered that three layers of Anna’s clothing and two of Elsa’s separated the platinum blonde’s buttcheeks and the hapless elf boy forced to breathe in every atom of their foul gas.

Ian didn’t even have the pleasure of being knocked unconscious, the giant girls had plotted their releases perfectly so he would have to inhale it and suffer until he naturally fell asleep…

Barley was having a terrible time beteath Samantha’s butt. Even though she wasn’t forty feet tall, her fart made him feel weak and sick to the stomach.

“Hey, I want you to kiss my butt. It’s not fun at all if you’re not sexing me up,” she said.

“Well, then, you don’t require any fun,” Barley said, when she bounced down to his chest, to see what his answer would be since he didn’t push his lips against her bare ass flesh. (She had lifted the skirt of her dress to invite him to do this.)

“Oh, but I do!” Samantha insisted. “ “Elsa and Anna can’t have all the fun.”

“Yeah, but even through they’re giants and you’re normal-sized, your fart really is horrendous to inhale.”

“That’s absolute praise coming from you,” Samantha said sweetly.

“Yeah well, I’m not doing it.”

She giggled and bounced up to his neck.



“My farts smell like roses, don’t they?” Samantha joked, sliding her butt down to his chest, as he did his best to hold up his tongue as a firewall blocking off her gas, which was swooping to clog up his throat.

She leaned down so her nose was just three inches above his, then moved a strand of ahir out of her eyes. “I could almost kiss you,” she said. “ have my butt germs on your face. Perhaps another time.”

“I have a girlfriend,” Barley said.

“Ah, but you’ll never see her again,” Samantha said. “Whereas you’ll see me almost every day, depending.”

“Why would a queen want to keep anyone from going back home? It’s not like we committed a crime or are your enemies.”

“I thought it was made clear,” Samantha said. “Without you two to fart on, this whole infrastructure we hav ebuilt falls apart, Elsa and Anna will be outcast and eventually be too depressed to go on.”

“What happenes if Ian oand I get depressed? Don’t you care about htat?”

She sat up and scooted up, then took a strand of his goatee and twirled it around her finger. “You won’t. You like the farts of the former royals. Ian...well, he might not like it, bnot at first, but there’s a theory that when subjected to torture long enough, someone starts to enjoy it. It might take three months or even longer, but eventually Ian will crave Anna’s farts so much that he won’t have the ability to function if she does’t deliver her foulness upon his poor olfactory sense,s” here Samantha ran her fingers along his neck, which caused Barley’s spine to tingle, “and you, well sometimes you’ll be my boyfriend.”

“You have a sick, twisted mind,” BArley said.

“For wanting to kiss you? Hum, that’s nto a very nice thing to say to a girl.”

“No, what you said about Ian learning to like the farts after some time has passed…”

“It’s just how prisoners sometimes react to those who oppress them, I want to say it’s part of how human mental states work, sure there might be fighters who never get weak, maybe, but

I mean he’ll have a warm ass dominating him at all times, from a very cute girl..well, two of them once the new girl is trained up right. However,” she said, swirling a finger in his ear now,

“You’re an elf, but I think it amounts to the same thing.”

“Either way, it’s sick.”

“You know what else is sick? A boy who refuses to kiss my butt.” She yanked on his ear, hard.

“And if you continue to do so, I will make Ian forget you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” BArley said, glaring up at her.

“Oh, but I would. So you better be an obedient little asskisser, yes. And he’ll be even more tortured because he won’t have you to talk with. He’ll also start to forget magic...Elsa could probably unfreeze the wizard’s staff because all the memories Ian will have of magic will have to do with you, and he won’t know what that wood is meant for, probably will think it’s simply a backscratcher…”

“Taking away his memory of magic? Yipes, you are a monster.”

“I can only erase memories of a person from people, but magic will be a part of that sincere you trained him.”

“Fine, I’ll kiss your stinky butt,” Barley said, sighing. “But no more threats of erasing Ian’s memory of me.”

“Then you better do exactly as I say, fart slave,” Samantha said, standing up and throwing herself backward onto his face, but butt smushing his nose before she slipped down it to settle her buttcheeks on his lips and he pucked up his lips and kissed her filthy unwashed ass flesh even though he would have have not.

“Yes, darling, keep doing that!” she said, moaning. She was in such intense ecstasy and the farts about to burst from her anus were giving her pains, but she loved it, the more it hurt, the worse it should stink…




Barley groaned and gagged, ready to vomit all over her butt, however, the puke wouldn’t come. He also wondered vaguely, as her gas stream kept leaking out of her, tcausing his taste buds to suffer, if mayb esome girls farts were appealing to him based on whatever factors went into, perhaps Elsa and Anna’s bodies provided him witht he stink he enjoyed from their anuses, but Samantha’s he just wasn’t a fan of. It did make sense that a pair of sisters would have similar effects on his nostrils even while they consumed different foods. It interested him to think that perhaps Ian would enjoy Samantha’s farts while Barley found them nasty. He needed to figure out a subtle way to convince her that releasing gas in Ian’s face would be worth her while. And not rik them getting published even more.

Samantha didnt’ fart just on his lips and chin and also spent a few minutes going down his arm, releasing a small bout of fart at every inch forwaward down it from shoulder to fingers.

“What’s the point of farting there?” he asked.

“To make you know your place, slave. You’re not only to be dominated by giant girls whose gas you love, but by me as well, whose foul odors you cannot stand.”She bounced to his other arm. “Now massage my buttcheeks with your fingers.”

“Massage? Didn’t your butt get enough attention from my puckered lips?”

“MY ass never gets enough male attention,” Samantha said. She blinked at him with her beautiful eyes.“But if you want me to make Ian forget you…”

“No, I’ll do it!” BArley said, taking his deft blue fingers and kneading Samantha’s ass flesh as though he needed to do this in order to life..

“Oh yes, that’s it. Though I have to say, how does a guy with a mermaid girlfriend know how to do this so well?” she asked, moaning.

“Mermaids have butts, you can massage them and everything, they just don’t have legs.”

“I suppose that’s true,” she said. “But I’m about to don’t stop massaging my butt, I didn’t you give permission to halt.”

BArley was disgusted with her for forcing him to carry on, if she were his girlfriend sure, but that still wouldn’t account for the farting, which he wished he could escape from…



“You hate it!” she said giddily, watching his face, and for three more hours she tortured him with farts and forced him to massage her ass or stick his fingers in her butthole and swirl them around, Amantha moaning from immense pleasure, and at other times he had to kiss her ass.

But finally she went to sleep, ther buttcheeks lodged over his nose, and he dozed off himself soon after…

In the morning, Elsa and Anna climbed out of their nest and this time Anna reached into her panties to grab the weakened elf, and grin down at him, then Anna said, “Hey, I have an idea.”

She threw off her clothee while Elsa watched anxiously.

“Anna, don’t take off your bra, people will see!”

Anna stared around at the docks, then back at Arendelle Castle. “Eh, they’ll just forget us as soon as their backs are turned, or Samantha will fix any damage that is done.”

“Okay, but we better hurry up,” Elsa said, very frightened of her sister being spotted. She was right about people’s memories being washed out, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t attack, even a former princess and the queen from not too long ago.

“Spit on my breast,” Anna instructed.

“What, Anna? Why would you want me to do that?”

“You’re find out in a minute. Just please, Elsa.”

“You promise you’ll get dressed again soon as I do?”

“Absolutely,” Anna said.

Elsa nodded then leaned in and spit down at her sister’s left bare breast, then moved to her right one

“Oh, that feels so good, Elsa,” Anna exclaimed, sighing happily. Then she took Ian’s body and rubbed him in Elsa’s saliva on her breasts, while he prostate. Then she lifted the hem of Elsa’s skirt, threw the shouting elf down into Elsa’s panties while he felt so uncomfortable with Elsa’s saliva in his hair and on his nose...but now the giant buttcheeks in front of him felt as chilly as if his dominatrix had been through a walk in freezer naked, or stuck her butt in a cooler full of ice, one of the two.

“Great, now get dressed,” Elsa hissed, and Anna did so. Then she set her butt against Elsa’s and ripped off a fart.




Ian felt much worse with Anna’s stinky meat farts seeping through her clothes and the ones Elsa wore that should’ve been a barrier of some sort. The sisters then prattled on, wending their way toward a forest where there should be few people traveling about, where they tormented Ian’s taste buds and olfactory senses with their constant farting while he rested in Elsa’s panties, wishing he had an operating wizard’s staff.

So the days went on, BArley and Ian constantly inhaling fart from the two giant sisters, or from Samantha in the eighteen-year-old elf’s face, and on their food.

Finally though, the morning arrived when Samantha came down the stairs, happily, with their breakfast on a platter.

“Oh Ian!” she sang out. “Today’s the day when your biggest question will be answered.”

“When you’ll finally set me and my brother free?” Ian asked, as she passed him pancakes with scrambled eggs on a plate covered in foil, which she tilted sideways as he took it.

“No, sily,” SAmantha said, giggling. “Today is the day you get to meet the girl who ate the cabbage and is now going to be Elsa and Anna’s friend, sharing you with Anna. However, this new girl hasn’t been farting on your food last couple of days, she had to get accustomed to her enhanced height.”

No wonder Ian’s food had tasted better recently. “ER, but what I ate still had some fart in or or did it? Perhaps that was a unique spice.”

“You’re so cute when you’re unaware,” Samantha said, dropping on her knees and reaching in past the cell bars to pinch his cheeks. “I’ve the one whose been farting on your grub since Tuesday.”

“Stop poinching me!” Ian screeched.

“Oh, but you find me sexy, don’t you, elf boy! You like the taste of my farts? You should remember that, maybe one day it’ll be the only joy you have to look forward to...probably a day very soon!”

She lstood uup, lifted her skirt, lowered her panties, and wagged her ass at him. Ian watched mesmerized, wishing this wasn’t so adorable to him, but it was.

Then Samantha giggled and pranced toward the stairs. Ian kept his eye on her until she was out of view.

“Do you really like her farts, Ian?” Barley asked, from his cell down a few on the opposite side.

“I suppose I do,” Ian said. “I suppose you could say I’m addicted.”

“That’s interesting,” Barley said. “You like her farts and I enjoy those of the princesses.”

“What, you told me you were bluffing…”

“Didn’t want to freak you out,” BArley said. “Plus that was early on in our capture, it’s been a week or two by now, hard to keep track of the days.”

Ian ate his pancakes and eggs, enjoying the flavor Samantha’s farts added to them, while Barley coughed and choked on his own food gassed up by the same individual.

An hour later, while Ian was working on a game of marbles that Barley and he could play while they were legt alone, which would roll across to his brother’s cell, with some new rules he had thought up, Anna and Elsa came down the stairs, laughing merrily.

“Ian, you’re going to loooooooooooooooove the other girl who is going to be farting on you a lot,” Anna cooed.

“Are you sure you want to share me?” Ian said. “You fart hard enough. and often enough that I don’t need to serve another girl…”

“I appreciate the flattery,” Anna said. “But this girl absolutely needs to fart on you.”

“Well, I refuse to allow it,” Ian said, standing up and crossing his arms.

“Very funny. You can’t do anything without your wizard’s staff. And that’s useless to you without you cracking the ice first.”

“Whose to say I haven’t?”

“We can see the staff in your cell,” Elsa said, with a wide grin. “And anyway, I’d just freeze it up again if you had cracked it somehow. And furthermore, if that weren’t evidence enough,” she added, licking her lips, “you would’ve escaped with your brother already using that staff to shrink the cell bars or something.”

“Maybe I was waiting for the right moment,” Ian said.

“What’s the matter, slave? Why are you being so defiant today?” Anna went back over to BArley’s cell. “Do you have any clue why you’re brother is standing up to us now?”

“Well, him just finding out he enjoys Samantha’s farts probably has something to do with it,” Barley supplied.

“Ooh, you enjoy the farts of Arendelle’s queen? Great, that should mean less of a chance for you to run away,” Anna said. “Though I suppose it’ll be impossible for you to do that already.”

“We could probably let Samantha let flatulence out directly in his face as a reward fo rgood behavior,” Elsa suggested.

“Soudns good to me,” Anna said, dropping one of her braids into Ian’s cell. She swept him off his feet and giggled.

“Hey, that’s not very nice,” Ian said, standing up and brushing his knees off.

“I fart on you every day, and sometimes Elsa does as well, and we’re keeping you and your brother as slaves. I’m not sure nice is on the table anymore.”

“Unless he considers it nice that we force him to sniff our farts,” Elsa said.

“Nah, the only one whose gas he years for is Samantha,” Anna said, giggling.

“Well, too bad, he’s going to have to serve someone else very soon.”

Ian was tired of them teasing him, and was amost glad of an interruption, except when it was obvious what it meant.

“Elsa? Anna?” said a female voice. “Am I supposed to go down thiese ice stairs?”

“Yes, just hold onto the wall or rail or you’ll fall,” Elsa called.

“Got it, I’m on my way down.”

Ian thought the voice sounded familiar, but hey a lot of girls voices probably sounded similar to him right? Especially when he only heard three of them for over a week...maybe even two at this point.

But he was not prepared for the girl who appeared at the bottom of the icy stairs, forty feet tall like Elsa and Anna.

“Miss me, boyfriend?” she asked, striding toward his cell, for it was Reina, the elf girl he had been dating before he got brought to this world.

“Reina, how? Why?”

“Samantha and Lorenzo suggested it, I had always wanted to fart on someone, had been thinking of doing it on you when we would’ve gotten closer as time went on, or forcing you to sniff if you broke my heart. But this is going to work perfect, I didn’t know that they would turn me into a giant at first but I got used to the idea and here I am.”

“Well, this is all bologna,” Ian said, his arms crossed. “Just go on Balrey and leave mealone. It’s rude to date someone with the plan of fartin gon them later.”

“By the time I would’ve mentioned it, if we dated naturally you would have been so in love with me that you would’ve jumped at the chance to serve me.”

“Not ever,” Ian said.

Raina giggled. “I always loved a fighter. In fact, that was one of my favorite things about you. Though you’re also handsome, which is definitely a plus.”

“So I was thinking, we should fart on him together for the first time,” Anna said. “He might go unconscious if his nose is blessed by your stink “ “What’s wrong with that?” REina asked.

“Well, it’s not fun at all if he’s not aware of the farts you’re unleashing.”

“I’ll still want to overpower him at some point with my farts. Maybe when I toss him in my panties at some point.”

“Sounds good to me,” Anna said. “But for the first day it’s way too early for him to be that close to your buttcheeks.”

“Yep, makes sense, especially since elf girl farts are horrendous,” REina siad, nodding her blue head.

Elsa unlocked Ian’s cell door, with Anna and Reina sitting side by side, legs in scissors form to ensure Ian couldn’t run away, then they reached in, Reain’s fingers closing around him.

“I get his face,” she said. “And top torso.”

“You sure? “ Anna said. “He’s used to me sitting on him by now. You might crush him.”

“He’s a strong dude, and I need him to think about kissing my butt, so I’m definitely going to be on his face.”

“I’ll sent a cool air aro und to make it less likely he’ll be squashed,” Elsa said, when Anna started to protest.

Ian screamed as REaina held him down against the dungeon hall floor with her thumb and pushed her butt, tucked into a jungle green skirt down onto his face and most of his midriff, then Anna plopped on his lower waist.

“You might want to cup your hands over your nose Anna, in advance, elf girl farts are really horrendous,” Reina warned.

“Okay, doing so now,” Anna said, lifting her hands to her face.

Ian wished he could break free or slide out from under them but with so many pounds of girl flesh on top of him, this was impossible.




Reain’s farts slammed into Ian hard, his euphoria at discoveirng he enjoyed Samantha’s gas was quickly vanishing from his memory, later he migh think of it again but he had been counting on some happy thoughts to get him through this ordeal, and now all he could think about was Reina’s gas washing over him, making him feel terrible, giving him a migraine and pounding his nose. He wasn’t concerned about being squashed like a bug beneath their asses, though that might’ve made him feel better, but he did have a huge fear of suffocating on the farts, especially since Reina hadn’t been kidding, her farts were on a whole new level to what he had breathed in this past fortnight.

But also with this new mistress came the flatulence of Anna, on his legs but he still inhaled the stray lassos of the redhead’s gas.

Meanwhile, Elsa had stripped down to just her bra and panties and had her feet dangling in the air while she farted in front of Barley’s cell. He found her farts exciting and even though his brother was in distress, he couldn’t help taking pleasure from the stinkiny vapors his platinum blonde mistress’ anus emitted. He didn’t envy Ian either, he knew firsthand that elf girls farts could be a nightmare to inhale, after he got trapped in an elevator with a college sophomore when he was only thirteen. The Lightfoots had been staying at a hotel and he was only wearing his swimming trunks, the girl laughed so hard at his distress. He still encountered her in his sleep...that was why he had been curious about guys reacting different to various girls farts, and so he was glad to see today that his theory had been confirmed, though he doubted that could translate to a forty-foot tall elf girl who had been dating his brother with the intention fo turning him into a fart slave when she had been regular-sized, but now was given the utmost permission o fart on him into oblivion…

In fact, it was this motivation of Reina’s that had drawn Elsa and Anna to capture these elf brothers and make them their fart slaves, like a magnet calling out to them. The sad part was that Ian’s situation was much worse than his, he would’ve given a lot of things to protect his little brother from REina’s foul flatulence, which wouldn’t get any easier for Ian to take as the days rolled on. His only pleasure were the times when Samantha was allowed in his cell, to rub her butt around his face and fart, while he breathed it in so readily as though it were a perfume...and sometimes being trapped in Anna’s panties gave him some slight joy,especially since it was less smelly in there and much warmer than REina’s ass, but many a night Reina would insiste on sleeping with Ian snug between her buttcheeks, Elsa having sealed off the staircase with her ice just in case he somethow managed to climb the fleshy blue hills that oppressed him, poked his head out and rolled down while Reina lay on her stomach on the dungeon floor. If she was on her back, his chances were even slimmer, as that way her dozing body would still register the thumps he had to make as he attempted to climb out, to his dismay.

Reina never bothered going on BArley. She only had a desire to fart on Ian. But BArley wasn’t always subjected to Elsa’s flatulent strikes, sometimes she and REina had a butt to butt while Anna gave Barley a fart bath or allowed him to kiss her massive buttcheeks. She demanded he call her “goddess,” which he did happily. Reina had a different approach, hearing Anna ask this of BArley, the elf girl barked at Ian to refer to her as “princess,” and stuck him in her anus, to unleash a malodorant tempest on him, when he flat out refused, forbidding him from sniffing the farts on even seeing his darling Samantha for a week afterward. But he did end up calling her “princess,” loathing that she held such power over him, that he couldn’t fight or escape, voming never to be resigned to this life, which was how all three giant girls loved it, one brother who suffered at all their gas releases, the other who would’ve traded places with him, if for nothing else, to improve Ian’s situation, self-sacrificing. But they were slaves, and had to bend to the will of these forty-foot tall hotties, whether they liked it or not

While Ian loathed Anna’s gas, which stunk up his entire world, and each night would attempt to recall spells that he could use with a frozen staff to break him out of his cell so he and his brother could escape, but every night, nothing came to mind, and Barley refused to give him

the Book which listed the spells, having found his own situation pretty comfortable.

Barley craved Elsa farting on him so hard, but both brothers had been warned the night before that as three weeks had passed since they were first brought here, it was time to elevate the torture up a notch. This made Ian more concerned but excited Barley, as the older elf brother just wanted to serve Elsa as much as she required him to do so.

As Samantha passed soup to Ian though the bars of his cell, she giggled. “Yo, elf boy, things are about to get more exciting around here.”

“So I’ve been told,” Ian said. “Think you could let my brother and I out of here so we could avoid what is coming?”

“Why would you want to avoid it?” Smantha asked, narrowing her eyes. “The absolute best thing that ever happened to you is coming.”

Ian doubted that, but he had to eat the soup because starving himself definitely didn’t help him figure things out, and now that the two giantess, constantly farting girls had gone to slumber in the nearby forest, he could finally breathe fresh enough air again soon, at least the

kind that this dungeon could contain, which still wasn’t as fresh as one would’ve liked. Dungeons were also supposed to be for enemies of the kingdom, or the royals who lived there, which neither elf brother fit the mold to qualify for that unfortunate nomenclature. These bars weren’t meant for fart slaves. Though apparently Elsa and Anna’s mother had also been beautiful, so she probably could’ve captured some fart slaves if she wanted…

Except no, that wouldn’t make any sense. The adorable sisters did that because they had grown to forty feet tall. Nothing of the sort ever happened to their mother. Plus, they seemed to want to make a new mark for themselves, to do something generations prior never would’ve thought of.

Of course, back home there were kinks, going on the Internet could eventually lead you to discover some strange kinks, but the issue was, for this world, the Internet wouldn’t be around for a good while, like 130 years or something. That is, if it happened around the same time as it had in Ian’s world. But there was no reason to assume it would.

Ian didn’t know hwo that worked, like he had time-travelled but wound up in another universe, one where a pair of princesses could eat something that causes them to become giants. Also, Elsa being an ice sorceress, not requiring a staff at all to channel her magic, that was incredible. It wasn’t the same at all as centaurs going across vast distances at incredible speed using only their legs. That was how they were built. But Elsa was human, just with some powers.

Ian had never seen a human before being brought to this world. Honestly, for all he knew, human girls loved farting. Mermaids and female centaurs back home would be embarrassed if they cut the cheese in public. Though could being farted on here in this dungeon really be called being in public?

Whatever, Ian needed to figure out a way to break free, though there was a second problem besides the fact that there didn’t seem any way to break through these bars or to unfreeze the staff, was that Barley didn’t seem to have any desire to leave. In fact, right this moment he put down his bowl of soup, as Samantha’s steps were heard ascending the stairs, and the elder elf brother started strumming on a banjo, which Elsa had allowed him to have, and that Samantha had brought a couple of days before. Barley began singing about how wonderful the platinum blonde’s giant posterior was, a loving caress in his vocals.

“Her ass proviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddes

Amazing stink,

That I so desperately want to inhale!”

His voice was so jubilant, ti was disgusting. This was not a situation to be excited about.

Ian didn’t bother asking for the spellbook, just downed his soup and did the best he could to pick his own brain fro spells, he even attempted to crack the ice frosting the staff all over by banging it against the bars for the umpteenth time, figuring maybe since the ice had been placed on it three weeks before, it would crack by now, but it still appeared that only Elsa could call it back.

And she wasn’t likely to do anything of the sort.

Ian finally dozed off, a nervous wreck for what the next day would bring.

After passing him his breakfast in the morning, Samantha lifted the skirt of her purple dress and lowered her white skirt, swiveling her ass while Ian watched, mesmerized.

“Thought I’d give you a nice view before your the real games begin,” she said, looking back over her shoulder and smirking at him.

“Come on, it can’t be worse than what has happened thus far,” Ian said, laughing a bit, since mirth was a good method for beating down fear. However, he also wanted to believe his words, that Anna and Elsa were bluffing and that they were going to take their treatment of the elves to a new level of unbearable heights.

“I promise you, they have blueprints for their plans,” Samantha said. “Especially Elsa, but

Anna also has some idea for things to do to you. Only Elsa’s will probably involve her ice powers.”

“Well, I don’t have to worry about that, but Barley better be all right.”

“Anna isn’t going to go easy on you either,” Samantha said, turning around, her dress set back again. “In fact, you might have it worse, especially since Barley at least likes Elsa dominating him now, but who knows how long that will last?”

Samantha cackled as she ascended the stairs. Ian had a feeling of foreboding, as if he might not see her again for a long while. But that didn’t make sense, right? She had to serve him breakfast and dinner every morning and evening…

He munched on the sausage and biscuits and gravy she had brought.

It was an hour after that before they heard the giant girls chattering on the stairs. Barley had composed three more love songs to Elsa’s hindquarters during that time, strumming on his banjo and fine-tuning the lyrics.

Elsa raised her hands and created an ice slide, Anna riding first dressed in the purple winter garments she wore to bring Elsa back to the castle the previous summer when she had frozen everything and Anna had to go up North Mountain with Kristoff, who now couldn’t even remember her.

It was frustrating when they became big, but they had each other, and that was most of all they needed.

However, having submissives forced to imbibe their fart definitely imrpoved the situation. For the last three weeks, Anna had been happier than she ever had, well, other than the moment when Elsa finally stopped running away and finally declared she’d remain with Anna and that they wouldn’t shut the gates again, which was also Elsa’s way of saying she wouldn’t shut a door on her beloved sister again.

Of course, now they couldn’t leave one another without being forced into isolation, which wasn’t an option for Anna. And Elsa didn’t want to be alone either, not anymore. Thirteen years of it was long enough.

Elsa slid down in her pale blue dress. Of course, the girls didn’t have much variation in clothing, but they had at least washed these clothes so they could commemorate this special occasion by being fresh and look like they were ready to go to a...well, in Ian’s time a costume party, although in that world they wouldn’t have been human.

“So boys, I know you’re not ready for what we’re doing to you today,” Elsa said, smiling down at Barley through the bars.

Anna also went over to Ian’s cage and grinned down at him. “You might not be so jovial for long, little elf, my farts dtoday aren’t going to be easy to imbibe.”

“I wasn’t expecting them to,” Ian said, his arms crossed. “But if you had a heart, you’ed let me and my brother go.”

“Now now, no need to be mean, my handsome fartsniffer. You should be thanking me for stinking up your world, anyway. I mean, come on, not too many elves from your world get to be up close and personal with a human girl’s ass. I mean, can you have as much fun with a mermaid or a centaur?”

Ian chose not to answer that question. It wasn’t her business what went on in his world of origin. But one thing he felt certain was that humans not having a huge variety in their body differences, at least based on the few he had seen, there probably wasn’t as many body type of varitieties for fetishes and stuff. Though it still would be freaky for an elf to date a gremlin, though there were movements to tear down that stigma.

In all honesty, Ian would rather feel the heat of Anna’s butt than be concerned about polics

back home. Going on quests and bringing magic back to the world, that was what Ian was

about, however, that required going back home.

“I wrote some songs about how wonderful your ass is,” Barley said, waving his banjo.

“Ooh, go on and play them for me,” Elsa said, getting in a lounging position, stretching across the dunon floor and gazing at him cutely with her chin cupped in her hands, her elbows to the floor.

Barley strummed his banjo and began singing. Elsa lolled her head while Anna took the keyes and insertied the one that opened Ian’s dungeon cell into the keyhole.

She pulled the elf out, he didn’t bother attempting to scamper away, as it would be pointless. She held him up to her face. “Say, you ready for some fun, elf boy? My ass has missed you the hours since you’ve been down in my panties. Though the pair I’m wearing now is fresh, even though it won’t be for long!” she sang.

“Surely you’re not ready to fart ye”I’m always ready to fart, it’s just so hard to keep it in the hours when I’m not down here to treat you to them, but Elsa ices up my buttcrack for the night, so the gas stays in to pummel your nose with, my darling little blue-skinned trinket.”

“But I want to gaze upon your pretty face, slice down your gorgeous crimson braid…” Ian said, hoping flattery would get him somewhere. As much as Anna’s butt wouldn’t be bad to be his only companion in her panties on tis own, the fact that it would be squirting him with farts was terrifying, especially if Samantha was correct in her declaration that today would commence something horrific.

Barley continued to serenade Elsa with songs, he was nearly the end of the second one now.

Anna fluttered her eyelashes “You think I’m gorgeous?”

“To be fair, I used that particular word about your braid, but yes, for a human you’re pretty scinitllating.”

“I take it you don’t have much experience complimenting girls,” Anna remarked.

“I have a girlfriend, so I think I’m doing all right,” Ian said.

“Keep telling yourself that. Though the closest thing you’ll have to a girlfriend again is my butt. You’re welcome to smooch her if you like, or caress her with your tiny elf hands, well, tiny to me, they’re bigger than a human boy’s obviously.”

“It’s not the same,” I an remarked. “Your ass can’t talk to me.”

“She’s speaks with farts,” Anna said. She stood up and held Ian behind her, then wagged her ass. “Feels like she might have some wet ones to release. I bet you can’t wait to feel them squirted out on your body, my little elf darling.”

She pulled him back around so he was gazing at her face again. “Don’t use the word ‘darling’ in reference to me,” he said.

“But I have to,” she said, pouting her lips. “You’re like my butt’s toy, and she is my pet. I feed her so she can have a happy life. But that involves having a fartsniffer, and you are the chosen one, you lucky boy!” She rubbed him against her freckled cheek.

“Isn’t the Chosen One supposed to save the world from a terrible evil?”

“I dunno, is that a story thing in your time period?”

Ian nodded. “There’s lots of them, they have this person destined for greatness but they have to overcome many obstacles. There’s one about a wizard minotaur that goes away to school and plays a sport where he flies around on a vacuum...and has to stop this evil black centaur who wants to turn everyone into scavenging unicorns…and another one where a mermaid works at a dragon ranch but she is called to fight in a match with twenty-five other people until only one is left, and then she has to start a revolution against the evil emperor. Or the one where the vampire horde is about to set fire to one of their own for falling in love with a Satyr, who isn’t a vampire, when the Oracle reveals that she is one of only a pair of a elementals and if they kill her then, the entire vampire race could be wiped out by hunters. So the council lets her live but there are still some vampires who attempt to murder her, convinced that doing so will bring the hunters to a halt…”

“Those all sound exciting,” Anna said, fluttering her eyelashes. “You should tell all the details of those stories to my butt.”

“Yeah, if I was barmy,” Ian said. Barley was deep in the third song, Elsa had risent o a sitting position. Her braid was swaying as she rocked back and forth, excited at the music glorifying her butt, and the gorss odors it produced.

Except, they weren’t exactly gross to Barley. Ian was tired of hearing how in love with the platinum blonde maiden’s posterior his brother was. He missed the times when his older brother encouraged him to read all those exciting books. And though he recalled many of the details, he couldn’t just tell it to a butt who had no way of responding except with gas, which was fueled by the grub Anna garbled down. A butt had no expressions, and it wasn’t even a pet like Anna was implying, though who would tell a dragon what happened in books? It would be pointless.

And yet, a girl’s butt, I mean, if it was his only companion, and it might as well be, as BArley spent too much time thinking about his farting mistress. Almost never wanted to talk about anything but Elsa.

Both sisters were babes, but still Ian couldn’t see why his brother was so smitten. Especially since human wasn’t a creature they knew about before coming here. Though humans seemed a lot like elves, other than their skin color, ears not being as big or as pointy, and noses being much less bulbous.

Anna set Ian at the top of her braid, as though it were a rope ladder. “You’re about to slide down into some sheer fun, elf boy! Be sure to say hi to my pet for me!”

Ian gulped. Was this the new thing Samantha had indicated? That he’d be forced to think of Anna’s ass as a pet? It certainly was alarming. He didn’t like that one bit, but it hardly seemed like something to fret about.

Anna then sneezed cutely in her sleeve, then, with that snot-covered and pressing into Ian’s back, she guided him down, while his clothes felt icky. He wanted to throw them in the wash. But there wasn’t a washing machine in Anna’s panties, where her hand was guiding him down to. Or in this time period, for that matter.

He slid down with her makeshift handkerchief, her sleeve, the snot pool slamming into his back.

“All the way down you go, elf boy,” Anna said, having her shining white ass shown, her hand not guiding Ian on his descent having lifted her adorable blue skirt and lowered her panties, which were pale pink somehow. She also had some mint green ones. Technically she could just sew two sheets together to make a pair of panties and cut them for leg holes, it wasn’t the same as other garments which required a ton more cloth to make right for Anna’s forty-foot tall size.

As for the cutting, she used some scissors she had fashioned out of tree bark. Samantha got Kristoff to make them, not telling him what they were intended for.

Ian slid into Anna’s butt, super round and nice. “I had a major feast last night,” she said, grinning down at him. “I hope you’re excited about the fart bath my ass is about to gift you. And go ahead, start telling her about those fascinating books, she will listen, my awesome pet,” Anna said, caressing her butt cutely as someone might’ve done to a tame unicorn. Dragons had scales so they weren’t full of fur or anything, though you could still pat them on the head or rub their bellies. Either way, though, Ian didn’t like how Anna was referring to her posterior as a pet. That would make its rumbles prior to releasing terrible gas on par with whining or growling.

Anna pulled up her panties over him slowly. “Enjoy the loss of light, elf boy! Better than being behind bars, isn’t it? Having a cute girl’s butt tower over you...and knowing she’ll adorably squirt out some stink for you to are one lucky captive, don’t you think?”

Anna didn’t wait for Ian to answer, which was good, because the words he was itching to snap at her with probably would’ve resulted in terrible lashing out. If not for Anna, but from Ela, who had for the last three days been threatening to burst the absolute worst farts on Ian if he wasn’t more polite to his redheaded mistress.

With Anna’s pale pink panties closed over him, and her skirt back down, Ian had no one to complain to but the princess’ posterior.

“She thinks she can wipe her nose on her sleeve and push it into my back. As though I were a tissue or something. Though, come to think of it, tissues to blow one’s nose probably don’t exist in this time period. But still, does she have to play with me like that?”

Anna’s ass rumbled.Ian set his blue palm against it and run it up and down. “I suppose you could be a sort of pet, nice and soft to cuddle up against…...and warm, absolutely warm.”

He had forgotten what these signals implied, in his eagerness to make light of this situation. After all, brooding wasn’t getting him anywhere, and Anna did have a nice posterior. Ian’s eyes were adjusting to the darkness, as the ginger wiggled her posterior, he got jostled a bit but that part didn’t unnerve him.




Anna’s gas bombarded Ian’s nostrils and nearly burst his eardrums. And as it kept emerging, a more revolting substance than Anna’s snot clung to Ian’s red flannel sweater.

Meanwhile, Elsa was prepared to exert her frosty demeanor and demanding attitude over the burly, older elf brother. She did delight in the songs he wrote the lyrics for and sang while strumming his banjo, her ass tingled at the thought of dominating him today, with its much stinkier vapors than usual, or at least that wasthe plan, andshe had eaten the proper victuals to fuel such flatulent endeavors. But what really struck her fancy, what would make this so perfect, would be breaking BAlrey’s spine, metaphorically speaking. That is to say, punishing him hard, being so overwhelming withher corrosive gas that Barley’s delight at the malodorous fumes her anus produced would dwindle and transmorgrify into bitter loathing. No longer would be compare her butt’s emissions as being as enjoyable as swirling a peppermint around in his mouth. He wouldn’t have the strength or desire to play his banjo when she was through with him.

Except, that wasn’t the right way to put it. He could still compose songs about her posterior, but how it oppressed him. Elsa felt he might not do this, however, unless he was determined to accept his place as her submissive so much that even if his particular emotions about what she was doing him, stripping him of his freedom with constant foul gas, shifted like a pendulum swaying, he would still need to express this with musical talents, even composing lyrics about something that was his detriment, Elsa’s spinchter. It was cute to think a guy could succumb so much to her posterior’s pressure thatthat could happen. Her butt would always be in his thoughts, his nightmares, when he had the luxury of dozing off. Her loud farts would wake him up though like a rooster’s crow and remind him that the reality was worse than anything his subconscious could provide…

But it was a good while before that point. Still, Elsa’s ass felt loaded with multiple terrible gaseous substances, all itching to be released and torment someone’s nose with. All she had to do was insert a key in the lock, pull Barley from the safety of his dungeon cell and drop him into her panties…

But as an ice sorceress, it would be fun to have some frigid foreplay with him. And yes, foreplay is what Elsa meant, something about farting on the older elf brother and depriviing him of his happiness by doing so was sexual. Plus she could punish him for whatever reason she felt like, it would be an absolute blast.

Elsa didn’t even use an actual key to unlock Barley’s cell. She formed one out of ice and inserted that in instead. Barley was still in the middle of a song when she yanked him out.

“And the reek that bombards

My bulbous nose

Is better than tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinest perfume!”

Barley dropped his banjo as Elsa scooped him up. “Nice lyrics, teeny elf,” she said. “But you know, my butt still has to punish you for signing a bit off--key.”

She decided a tad more sweetness was fine to deal him with. But she planned to be cold going forward. Cold as ice. It just wouldn’t be to her tastes for Barley to suspect what was coming, till it was far too late.

Not that he could do anything about it, but she still didn’t want him to be prepared.

Elsa tossed Barley out on the dungeon floor then started bouncing on his tiny body with her ginormous butt, all the wight of a forty-foot tall maiden crashing down on him. He might’ve been squashed like a bug exept Elsa knew just how much pressure to apply to cause him immense pain without putting him out of commission, i.e., him being unconscious or even worse would not suit her fancy, head to be aware of her farts tormenting him for this plan to work.




Elsa’s farts reeked of fried pheasant and squash, it attacked Barley’s nostrils, and with her butt pounding him through her pale blue dress, he felt what it meant to be frail, like playing Quests of Yore and having your staff stolen and watching the map which will help you locate it get set on fire.

But honestly a fire to warm up would be quite helpful considering that Elsa’s farts were frosty and terrible to feel on his face. His fingers were going numb. Even if he still had his banjo at hand, he wouldn’t have any means of strumming it. Although it did occur to him that had it not fallen to his dungeon cell floor, Elsa’s ass certainly would’ve crushed it.

Then Elsa moved off, away from Barley and used her ice to set up spikes of ice about nine feet tall, seven of these, spaced somewhat apart.

“Let’s see how many points I can earn on curlicue,” Elsa said.

“What, is this a game?” Anna asked, admiring her sister’s handiwork. “I should bring out my elf and play too!”

“You can do that, but this might be painful,” Elsa said. “I’m going to shoot Barley out my anus. and it might hurt my butt as well, not just him.”

“You’re willing to do that?” Anna asked, “Put your butt in pain?”

“Oh no, that’s because of the farts I’m going to release, so it’ll happen either way. But I’m not sure you should put your elf through this. You had your own plans for him, right? I should play my ice games with Barley alone.”

“if that’s what you wish, for now,” Anna said. “But..I do want to join you in that a little bit, if at all possible. Perhaps not with this game, but another.”

“Sure, I’ll come up with something that suits both of us,” Elsa said, pleasantly. “But for now, we need to each do our own thing.”

“Okay, I do have a lot of fun stuff to do to Ian, after all.”

“You do that, and leave the Barley torment to me.”

Anna moved toward the stairs. “Uh, Elsa, care to remove some of this ice? I want to sit on them and release some really good farts.”

“Sure, I’ll do that,” Elsa said, keeping her foot pressed down on Barley so he wouldn’t run away. Not that he was going to, but she didn’t want to look down and not know where her fart slave was, that would be tragic.

The stairs cleared, Anna went over to them. “Yipes, my butt is about to release a wet fart!”

“I hope I can smell it from here so I can know Ian is really suffering,” Elsa said.

“Oh come on, I’m just trying to give him a good time, not to torture him.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Elsa said.

“Well, here it comes,” Anna said, halfway up the stairs. “Say, do you think you could make soft ice that I could sit on? Like a pillow?”

“I could probably make a pillow, but right now my butt is hurting so much that I’d probably accidentally make an ice crab that pinches your butt when you try to sit on it…”

“Maybe you could incorporate ice crabs in your games,” Anna said, as Elsa grunted, while shoving a struggling Barley in her buttcrack. She had kicked away her lemon yellow panites.

“Sounds like a winning plan, Anna,” Elsa said, though she was barely listening. Barley liked being farted on by her but not to be shot out of her anus at spiky ice creations of hers. Of course, she hadn’t done anything of this sort but it sounded like it would not only involve stink but a theme park ride feel. The thing was though, as exciting as theme parks were, they did not come with foul smells first of all, and secondly, you usually only went to rides you or someone in your party actually selected to go on. And apart from that, you would be on said ride, even if you didn’t want to be there, with someone you cared about. Barley’s girlfriend, for instance. She really enjoyed the Cherry Pie Spinning ride at Eight Poles Over Milwaukee. Barley didn’t care for it but going with her made it a bit exciting. Personally, he didn’t find the concept of spinning around on a river in a giant pie tin with cherry filling and graham cracker crust on the sides all that fulfilling, but seeing his girlfriend’s face light up, that made it worth it.

Of course he didn’t have to stand in a long line for this, which was a plus. But, as much as Barley liked Elsa’s stinky gas, what he loathed was the frostiness she spun out everywhere, he had never been a fan of low temperatures. And now he’s be shot out at ice like a rocket.

His only hope was that Elsa’s ass wouldn’t be strong enough for this. But what were the chances of that? She seemed confident enough that she could shoot him out her anus with powerful gusts. And she was an ice sorceress. Her butt was probably more potent than most other humans.

On the stairs, Anna’s ass erupted with crazy sounds.




“Yep, that last one was definitely wet!” Anna squealed. “Poor little Ian, he must be covered in fart juice and snot by now.”

“Did you really get your phlegm on him?” Elsa cooed. “That sounds a-dorable!”

“Yeah, I figured I’d mix it up a little, not just be plain farts all the time. I mean, I don’t have powers like you to make it more interesting that way, me releasing on him.”

“Anna, he’s lucky to have you as his tormentor. Any boy would be.”

“But I’m not trying to torment him at all!” Anna insisted. “He’s just my handsome fart cushion. I want him to love his situation, to be succumbed by the stink my sphincter produces.”

“I desire the opposite for my fart slave,” Elsa said. “I want him to feel my fart digging into his blue skin like needles, or for it to wash all over his body like soap and shampoo,for him to wish to escape the foul lashes my anus sends his way...poor little loser of an elf!”

She was so jovial as she said this that one wouldn’t have expected her actual words to involve torture, but lo and behold it did.

She had been squeezing Barley roughly between her asscheeks, letting her butt build the tempest it was waiting to unleash.

She considered taking her dress off all the way instead of just lifting her skirt to make this easier, but then decided against it.

“Time to fart you out, elf boy. It should be more painful for you, than it is for me,” Elsa said, squeezing her buttcheeks tightly around Barley and then getting on her stomach and wagging her ass in the air. Barley wished he had been shoved in facing the other way. So he wouldn’t have to see the precious ice spikes waiting for him to slam into them. Yes, he’d rather be looking at the brown flecks in Elsa’s ass instead of having them dig into his azure hair. It was sometimes tough to recall that toilet paper didn’t exist in this time period.

Elsa grunted cutely.




This stink was not what Barley was used to from his mistress. It was painful to smell, and it felt like it ws bursting into his pores like a ghost sinking into a person to control them like in horror movies.

He didn’t shoot out though. Was Elsa restraining him within on purpose, or was that just a warm-up of farts before the real gales emerged?

“Gotta keep you ensnared in there a bit, you pathetic minstrel with flaccid biceps,” Elsa snarled.

Barley blinked. Why was she insulting his muscles, which were actually fairly thick? He sometimes worked out between playing Quests of Yore or studying the spellbook, just in case he ever had to wrestle a strong creature to gain access to an item.

But insulting his banjo-playing, that was another blow altogether. Those songs were all about how he wanted to sniff her farts and for her to dominate him. She should adore them, and even seemed to while he was strumming and singing. But now...she sent daggers at his heart with her words. He couldn’t believe she could be so cold. He felt stung, and salty tears sprung from his eyes.

Elsa could guess what her words had done to the poor, pathetic elf between her asscheeks, but having no way to visibly seehim in this position, it was just a conjecture, as his weeping was silent. Now, however, was the time to spiral him out of her ass with flatulence.

“Time to bring on the pain!” Elsa declared, gleefully, as if her fart victim suffering from her stink weren’t enough but also smacking into her ice structures, feeling the frigitiy cause his muscles to go numb.

Barley wasn’t looking forward to it, not at all, but he was too hurt by Elsa’s insults, which were painful in another way, as though they were emblazoned on his mind, etching holes in his heart.

Elsa squatted and spread ice on the floor around the ice spikes she had constructed earlier, then lodged her own feet in the frozen fractals as well, so she wouldn’t shoot off randomly with her upcoming farts.

She probably didn’t need the ice, but she liked to imagine if there were other giant girls like her and her sister, they could all have tiny fart slaves and shoot them out, for a sport. Perhaps she could fill this entire dungeon with the ice spikes and lodge all their feet like this. They would also need butterfly nets to reclaim their quarry after sending them at at the spikes. Perhaps having some food using some hot spices that could really cause some damage with their farts, if at all possible..

The winner would be the one who caused the most damage to the spikes, though maybe they could measure the condition of the slaves as well. That probably made more sense, actually. Whichever slave had the worst effects from this would win the game for their mistress. Maybe there’d be a time limit for how long they could keep the slaves in their asses before

they had to shoot them out, or risk getting disqualified.

Elsa made a mental note to jot these things down, or have Samantha do it. Still required other giant girls though, but she could worry about that in future. Or just play with Anna, her sister would definitely be up for it. The biggest issue, obviously, would be the butterfly nets, since it was hard enough to making new clothes that fit them, a giant butterfly net could be a challenge.

Maybe she should go with something simpler, like an ice spider to wrap frozen silk around their slaves and bring them back to their mistresses…




Elsa’s buttcheeks unclenched, and Barley shot out like a putter and slammed into an ice spike hard that he felt as if his skull had been bashed in with a battering ram.

“Hum, now you’re too far from me,” Elsa said, trying to reach back and grab him. Her arms couldn’t reach that far. She considered shifting the ice, but that would ruin the catapult that her anus was supposed to provide.

Time to put that frosty spider theory to the test.

She waved her fingers, and an eight-legged creeper appeared, with jagged points like stalactites have. It crawled in Barley’s direction and spun out a silk made of frost that chilled him to the bone as it curled around him, ensnaring him like a cocoon.

The adorable spider started skittering back toward Elsa, its prey struggling against the bounds, as he was delivered back to his mistress.

“Good little spider,” Elsa said, caressing it. She took Barley from the silk which tore away easily with her touch, the ice shards cluttering the floor. Elsa shoved the elf back between her asscheeks, then held the spider up to her cheek, cupped in her hands, where it ran two of its ice tower like legs against her face. Its body was like a sideways glacier. “I’m going to call you Glabsnee,” Elsa said.

“Glabsnee? What kind of name is that?” Anna tittered, from the stairs.

“Just trying to summon my inner child. After all, my plush penguin from a young age was

called Sir Jorgen Bjorgen.”

“Yes, but why would you call a spider something insane?”

“Because she looks like a Glasnee to me.”

“She? That reminds me, are you ever going to give Olaf a girlfriend?”

“Um, maybe? I’m not sure he needs one.”

“Well, it’d be cuddly to think of them warming each other up,” Anna said, swooning at the thought.

“I’ll consider it,” Elsa said. “But back to the game, my butt needs to shoot out more stink.”

“I hope it smells so bad that I can’t stand when I get back down there,” Anna said, cutely.

“I’ll do my best to make that happen,” Elsa said, merrily.

She set Glabsnee down on the ice where it started scuttlign around. “Be sure to come back when I need ya!” Elsa said, to which the spider turned around and saluted, taking one of its eight legs from its forehead to a few feet away, though from Elsa’s size it appeared to be a centimeters-stretch movement.

Then Elsa started a bout of farting Barley out of her ass.




It reeked of so manyd different types of meats, including fish and elk, and various veggies, as well as dairy and sweets products, particularly chocolate ones, but also cherry pie.

Every time Barley smacked into the ice spikes, his head hurting more and more, and his heart breaking as Elsa taunted him , insulting him so much, about his frail body and something far that was meant to please her.

“By the way, Barley, those lyrics you composed were so atrocious, my butt is actually embarrassed that you would sing about her like that, with your paltry lyrics. I’m also not sure if anyone can train you to do it right,” she said, wagging her ass, as Elsa’s fart juice and the elf’s tears both dripped down his face. His heart sank so low, he had made those especially to make her happy, why would she torture him thus? It was like she was firing arrows at his heart and drawing pleasure from the wounds she inflicted. “You deserve this malodorant punishment if that’s the best you can do, you triple-times lame elf, who can’t do anything right, not even sniff your mistress’ gas properly.”

If Ian could’ve heard this, he would’ve shouted things at Elsa about Barley getting him through a rough time, inveigling him in a quest that turned out to be a ton of fun, and causing him to emerge from his shell. But Ian was tucked in Anna’s panties on the stairs, and he had to deal with her wet farts constantly bursting out, swamping him with stink and fart juice. Elsa’s only were bubbly wet, and those were rare, she only released them when Barley was shoved in her buttcheeks the other way, but Anna’s were wet in a way that it was like someone tossed a water balloon at you and you failed to catch it. Or...several water balloons at once, more like.

Barley still wished he were facing Elsa’s brown flecks, perhaps he could’ve sunk his big, pointy ears in her assflesh so he couldn’t hear, or else stuck the brown flecks in his ears to block out her insults. He actually had done that a bit earlier when she released the wet fart, but the poop flecks had spun out of his ears and ricocheted away on the ice like marbles pinging against one another as the elf’s body smashed into an ice spike fro the umpteenth time.

“Here, this blast will set the noxious stink well!” Elsa declared, exuberantly.

Barley did his best to brace himself but didn’t have high hopes that he’d withstand it. However, he was losing his grip on the pleasure he had drawn from Elsa’s stinky emissions. Which was the thing that had kept him going. How could she take away that from him? Was her heart as cold as her frigid-based powers?




Barley’s lungs choked on the awful gas, and he shot out of of Elsa’s anus, this time bouncing off one Ice spike, then another, then smacking his head into a third so it felt as though his skull had split into two, or even three…

He groaned even though this permitted Elsa’s fart swarm to swoop down his throat, he was in too much pain to resist gross.

Anna slid down the stairs and stood up. “Whoa, Elsa, youdid release some massive stink, didn’t you? I’m so proud, big sis!” She strolled over the the platinum blonde, nearly slipped on the ice, but steadied herself, and slapped Elsa’s right buttcheek cutely.

“It’s usually the older sister who’s supposed to be proud of the younger,” Elsa said, blushing.

“Oh come on, that’s rubbish. And besides, after all those years you spent shut up in your room, without any fart training, I just have to be impressed that you could cotton on so quickly.”

“Well, considering our size now, we do have to consume more than most humans,” Elsa pointed out. “And that produces more gas.”

“Makes sense enough,” Anna said, nodding. “So should I shoot Ian out my butt like you did Barley?’

“No, this game is done,” Elsa said. “I’ve got to go to the next thing. I’m not sure the lesson I’m trying to teach has sunk in yet.”

“Ooh, lessons involving fart discipline are the best!” Anna said, clapping her hands. Even though her way of dealing with Ian was different from how Elsa treated Barley, she still revelled in the scope and planning of the torment Elsa was inflicting on the burly elf brother.

“You certainly are in a cheery mood today, Anna,” Elsa said.

“I always am brimming with positivity,” Anna said.

Elsa took her sister’s pals in hers. “I’m so glad we became giants together. If I had to do this alone, I’d be falling apart.”

“You’re never going to be alone, Elsa,” Anna said, with a melting smile. “I’ll always be by your side.”

“Thanks,” the platinum blonde said, embracing her sister. Over Anna’s shoulder, she waved her fingers and retracted the ice on the dungeon floor as well as the spikes and that which held her feet locked into place. Only Glabsnee remained.

The sisters broke from their embrace, while Elsa eyed the area on the dungeon wall above the cells. “And now it’s time to take this farting spree upward.”

“Ooh,” Anna said. “What did you have in mind?”

Elsa waved her fingers and caused icy ledges to appear up high on the wall. “I’m going to shoot him up there.”

“Wait, but your farts can spiral him outward, but up? Isn’t that a bit crazy?”

“I’m pretty sure my flatulence is strong enough for it,” Elsa said, patting her rump.

Then she set herself with her back to the cells, a few feet in front of them and spread her legs while taking a seatied position, after which she ensured her pale blue dress skirt was high up her arched back as she leaned forward.

“So, slave, what do you think of what I’ve constructed? This is going to hurt way worse, and I promise my farts won’t be as nice to smell anymore, no way, no how.”

Barley gulped. It wasn’t like Elsa’s gas had been fine to inhale thus far, and if she was telling the truth about it getting even worse, he had a ton to worry about.

His head was pounding so hard that he didn’t know if Elsa had scooped him up herself and dumped him back between her buttcheeks or if Glabsnee had brought him over. All he knew was that he hoped she was wrong about the potency of her upcoming farts, and that they’d fail to shoot him up high enough. They hadn’t gone anywhere near that distance with the ice spikes, and across the room definitely made more sense than up fifty or sixty feet.

“Here we go. Time to STINK UP this place!”

The whole room shook as Elsa yelled. It caused Barley to wonder why there didn’t seem to be prisoners in the other cells, and because of that, people might not think anything of it if they felt the tremors, which would mean no one would come down here and witness this, rescuing them…




Barley was released from the tight buttcheeks keeping him tucked between them. He shot upward, but thirty feet in the air, far from the goal, he plummeted. Elsa, peering over her shoulder, rushed to catch him. He smacked onto her buttcheek and she had to slide him over to get him where he belonged, in her asscrack.

“Okay, I need to squirt them out with more force. Trial and error, you know.”

Anna was watching excitedly, rubbing her hands together. Even though when she had gone up North Mountain in these clothes, she had worn gloves with these garments. But the dungeon was indoors and even the frost Elsa sent forth didn’t bother Anna as much, it wasn’t the same at all as an eternal winter springing forth when the time of year indicated summer should be thriving instead.

“Go for it, big sis!” Anna said, pumping her fist in the air.

“You certainly are cheery, Anna. But you know this might be a challenging task for me to undertake after all.”

“I believe you can manage it. Your butt is perfect, Elsa.”

“Hey, don’t downplay yours either, sis,” the platinum blonde said, blushing.

“It’s a nice one,” Anna said. “But it wouldn’t do as well in those games as yours can.”

“Don’t say that. We could have an actual competition Maybe tomorrow.”

“Sounds perfect,” Anna said. “Can’t wait.”

“Neither can I,” Elsa said, flashing a smile. Then she leaned forward and grunted. “But this fart really nees to do what I need it to this time. I want to send him up to one of those ledges!”

Anna peered up at the ice outcroppings. There were five of them, all the same shape and size. But it’d be quite a distance for the tiny elf to shoot up there. The redhead hoped her sister could make it, because it would be quite the spectacle.

Meanwhile, her own ass was threatening to emit some nasty horrors. She had to fight against them to hod it all in for now, because she wanted to chat with Ian first before resuming pummeling his bulbous ose with her gas.

“Okay, it’s got to work this time,” Elsa said. “Come on, ass, treat this loser to the most foul stink ever and send him up there! All the way!”




Barley shot upward again, straight for one of the ice ledges. He pinged off the side of it though, whereas the point had been for him to land on top.

“I’ll catch him,” Anna said, rushing forward and holding her palm out. Barley landed in it, feeling winded. He had just the briefest moment of considering how he’d prefer to be Anna’s fart slave, perhaps she’d appreciate his banjo-strumming and the lyrics that went along with it, when Anna stuck him back in her sister’s buttcrack.

“Gosh, you have a perfectly shaped posterior, Elsa. Too bad you don’t have anyone our size to kiss it.”

“This loser elf will kiss it often enough once I train him like the mongrel he is.”

“Yeah, but that’s not the same. You need someone around your sized to sooch your ass with passion and oblivion, your butt being their entire world.”

“My posterior is going to be Barley’s entire world quite soon enough.”

“I know, I’m just saying…”

“We could try to figure out a solution to that in future. If it’s needed. But right now, I just want to torture this rifraff.”

“Well, have at it, then,” Anna said, backing away, though her fingers tingled to knead Elsa’s hindquarters as though they were dough, to feel how wonderful they were to touch and keep on doing it.

In fact, she kind of wanted to kiss that butt herself, but this wasn’t the time to bring it up. Not while Elsa was concentrating on farting her victim out and onto one of those glacier-like outcroppings.




Barley spiraled upward, and this time, he did land on an outcropping, and shrieked, because not only did Elsa’s stink follow him up there, in fact, both girls’ releases seemed to have concentrated near the ceiling of the dungeon, but also his clothes were chilled so tightly to his skin from the cold ice that he felt they might peel off when he stood up. And screaming made his situation even worse as Elsa’s farts swarmed down his throat…and some of Anna’s as well, though those didn’t seem as bad.

“Go fetch him down for me, Glabsnee. I must try to get him up there again and again.”

Barley heard the spider climbing up the iron bars of a cell, then skitting in his direction. He didn’t want anything to do with that freaky thing, but the alternative would be ripping his clothes off his back on this ice and leaping to his death, provided neither sister caught him before he smacked into the ground, although both of them seemed to have an astounding interest in keeping him serving the platinum blonde ice sorceress indefinitely.

The spider appeared clambering onto the outcropping, shooting frosty silk out of its thorax, which was like the thinner portion at the apex of a glacier. It wrapped him completely up aside from his forehead and eyes.

Down the spider carried him, Barley ready to vomit all over it. But he had barely touched his breakfast, so eager to compose songs Elsa was sure to love, so his stomach was mostly too empty to send partially digested food back up the wrong way. And then Elsa didn’t even like his cold a mistress the elder elf brother gotten. Instead of the passionate, adorable, loving Anna.

“Thank you, Glabsnee,” Elsa said, when the spider got back down and brought the elf over.

“You are such a nice pet, aren’t you? More cuddly than the creature I made to guard me at North Mountain.”

“The one that chased me and Kristoff?” Anna said, wrinkling her nose. “He’d be a midget to us now.”

“Yep, fun times. But now I’m determined to send this loser up to each specific outcropping.”

Anna gazed up at the five ice ledges. “Good luck with that, sis. I’m sure you can make it.”

“I might send him up to the same one a couple of times or whatever to reach my goals, but I won’t rest till it’s managed,” Elsa said. She got a good look at Barley. “Whoa, you look like you’ve got run over by a reindeer! Are my farts that powerful?”

Barley couldn’t answer, as Elsa’s fingers ran over him, he erupted into a gagging fit. It wasn’t just up high in the dungeon that the farts were concentrated, tons of stinky particles continued to swirl around down here as well.

“Listen, I’ve got to go release on Ian, I’ve been holding it in so hard for several minutes…” Anna said, clutching her stomach. “I feel like a jaguar is wrestling a panda inside me.”

“Oh Anna, you don’t have to ask permission to go fart somewhere, you didn’t have to watch this.”

“I wanted to,” Anna insisted, her adorable braids swaying, as she shook from the excessive maelstrom within her ass, which she couldn’t keep in much longer. “But uh, I think I’ll go take this over there, on the opposite end of the dungeon.”

Moving toward the area she indicated, Anna pulled a handkerchief out of her winter garments and set it on the dungeon floor, then lifted that navy blue skirt and pulled her panties down, yanking Ian out.

“How’s my cute little elf slave doing?” Anna asked, sweetly. Her tone was that of someone speaking to a boyfriend. Or a very close friend they wanted something from. Or maybe Ian’s ears were so clogged with fart juice that he heard things in Anna’s tone that weren’t actually there, which was a frightening possibility he didn’t want to consider.

He didn’t bother answering her, because he didn’t know how she’d react. Besides, all he desired was for Elsa to remove the frost from the staff so he could teleport himself and Barley out of the dungeon, but he didn’t know what would convince Anna to play to this scheme. He was aware that typically you needed to offer someone something that would benefit them before asking for what you wanted, because people were typically driven by motivation. Anna was kind enough to at least humor him, but he had a feeling she’d be very antagonistic to anything which made it possible for him and Barley to escape, after all, him being her fart victim was important.

She set him on the handkerchief, which to his size, was like a blanket. “Okay, listen, my charming, handsome elf. I’ve got something delicious for you to sniff, straight from my adorable posterior. I want you to give it your full inhaling, take it in hard as though you had a breathing condition that made oxygen sometimes harmful and only inhaling stinky sulfur could make you feel better. Sound good, my fart cushion?”

Ian wanted to shake his head, but even though Anna was sweet, he didn’t want to risk angering her. After all, he had felt the warmness of her butt, she might be driven to be a little tetchy until she passed the gas storm that was swirling around in her asscheeks.

“It’s going to be so wonderful to taste, the gas I’m going to unleash on you!” Anna said, rising to her feet, her white posterior shining like the moon.

Anna peered back over her shoulder. “Prepare for impact, my handsome prince!”

Ian was far from being a prince. He wished he could scamper off, but Anna would surely alert Elsa to his attempt to escape again, have him recaptured, and encourage her to punish him with abandon. Ian’s situation was foul enough already, he didn’t need the added dimension of Anna punishing him for being a disobedient fart slave.

Anna tossed herself backward, and Ian felt as though a house had been dropped on him. Or a car at least. Maybe a mansion and a limousine combined. Along with a monster truck.




Anna sighed in relief as gas flooded from her sphincter. It felt so good to have someone beneath her butt she could sit on. If she hadn’t been a giant, she could only plop on someone’s face, or a portion of their chest, or maybe their neck, but at this size, her victim was completely submerged. A fart cushion that could fill her heart with glee. Absolutely fantastic.

Anna stood up and gazed at Ian, who looked as if he had been beaten by a bludgeon. “Are my farts that bad? You poor thing,” she said, crouching down and caressing him a bit. “What should I do to make it up to you?”

“Perhaps...unfreeze the staff?” Ian ventured. His voice was quite weak, coming out practically like the squeak of a mouse. He also hadn’t menat to say that, especially since this could be another game of Anna’s. But he had inadvertently spoken. Reminded of the awkwardness he had before his brother had shown him how cool quests were, and then they each influenced each other to come to a great point where they always looked for adventures.

Well, they found one here seemed like this one had no culmination. And Ian’s heart was eager for it to end, so seeing Anna gaze at him like that, with sympathy on her face, even if it was an act...well, he had to let his guard down and in doing so, he said something he probably shouldn’t have.

“Oh…” Anna said, peering over at Ian’s dungeon cell. “I dunno if that suits my fancy, but I might discuss it with Elsa later.”

She might discuss it? Ian felt a bit more cheerful, perhaps there was hope after all...he could escape with Barley, teleport somewhere, then find their way to their world, or their time period, though for all he knew they’d first go to the future of this world, get caught up in some human mess, before finding their way back home...unless this parallel dimension was back in this time period while his world was 150 years ahead or thereabouts, which was quite possible, at least based on some science fiction books he had read.

“But...before we do any of that, there’s something I absolutely must do,” Anna said, gleefully. She stood up and turned around, exhibiting her bare ass and swiveling it. “Fart on you some more, of course!”

Then she threw herself backward before Ian could protest, squished her ass on him as though he were a throw pillow, and let some nasty ones rip.





Anna was so cheerful as her anus spewed these out, she loved her fart cushion. Her approach to gassing up Ian was much different from how Elsa treated Barley, and that was none to speak of the fun things Elsa could do to him with her ice. Ian certainly wouldn’t have envied his brother, though he didn’t know what Barley was going through, as he had been in Anna’s panties msot of the time during this session, and though he could hear Elsa releasing her own gas on the other end of the dungeon, her farting was something that happened every day so he didn’t glance over and witness his brother shooting up as though riding on a geyser or an eject button sending him flying from a vehicle. That is to say, he didn’t witness this when Elsa had gotten off him but now her butt was causing him to suffocate by treating him tiny person (to her giant size) to a squashing fit, as she spent the time rocking around to get the most comfortable position, and as he was gagging as well and some of her fart juice squirted into his eyes, well, there were so many barriers preventing him from knowing what the heck Barley might be enduring.

Elsa had managed to get BArley shot up to four of the outcroppings, though he kept winding up on the second and third ones when she was aiming for the fourth. In fact, she got him on the fifth as well, the fourth being the only one he hadn’t been spiraled up to.

When Glabsnee brought him down again, Elsa glared at him while he rested in her palm. “See what a terrible elf you are? I’m trying to get you up there, but you’re proving to be a bad luck charm and keep missing it. I can’t go on to the next game thing until you...LAND!”

She set him on the ground and caused ice to rise up his legs to keep him ensnared.

Elsa stood up, and threw herself backwards, as her sister had on Ian. But Anna had done it lovingly, and somewhat gently. Sure, it had felt like an immense impact, but that was due to the weight of a giant girl. Elsa, on the other hand, had thrown herself backward with enough force to turn Barley’s bones into dust.

“Up again,” Elsa said. And she threw herself backward a second time. And a third. And a fourth.

Anna had only done it twice to Ian, and in all honesty her ass resting on him for a long time felt kinda nice. The biggest issue he had to face was the redhead’s farts being potent and the resultant gagging he was forced to undergo really hurt his throat.

Barley on the other hand, had to endure multiple smashings of this nature, and also it was a punishment for something he could not control. If he had his way, he’d shoot up for the fourth outcropping, as he was tired of that spider crawling up to fetch him, and feeling the clothes he wore attach to those glacier-like structures, and smelling the accumulated gas particles up there. He did dread what the next game thing Elsa would come up with might be, but it couldn’t be worse than this, right?

However, his head was pounding, from all the times Elsa did this. She didn’t stop till eleven impacts had gone down.

“There, that should get you going to the proper one,” Elsa said, having crouched down to loom over him at a lower height than when she stood up but still quite high. “Because I am sick and tired of!” With these last few words, she kept raising her finger and jabbing it down into his chest hard, as if the added pain to his stomach in addition to what her butt meteor crashes had done would make his body do exactly what she desired it to.

Elsa lifted Barley and shoved him hastily between her asscheeks, this time with his face toward the brown flecks matter. “You are going to go up there or I will really be angry, and you do not want to see me angry, you poor miserable elf.”

What happened to the adorable Elsa that Barley had pictured all these weeks, releasing gas that he revelled in? Was that a ruse, and this the real Elsa exhibiting her true colors? For the first time since coming here, he wanted the safety of his dungeon, and that was without the promise of the spellbook that would hopefully have a useful spell which could be worked without the wizard’s staff being free from its frozen encasing.




Barley shot upward, straight for the fourth outcropping, and thankfully landed on it. Though once he was sprawled across it, the gas swirling up there was so bad with many, many particles, billions of them, if he had to take a guess, or perhaps that was a small number compared to the actual scope, maybe trillions?

Elsa didn’t send Glabsnee up for eight minutes, which meant Barley was forced to inhale the gas for that loud, gagging so horrendously that he was certain his lungs would burst out.

Finally, Glabsnee came to pack him in her silk again, and he felt like he might develop pneumonia due to so much exposure to frosty surfaces.

The spider brought him back down to the giant blonde girl, who took him into her palm, pumped her other fist in the air, and declared, “Game complete. On to the next!”

With a wave of the hand that had been a fist a few seconds before, she retracted the ice that formed the outcroppings.

Then she caused a snow mound to appear, a huge hill from a regular-sized elf’s perspective, but only up to Elsa’s waistline from her current height as a giant.

“Ooh, how is this game going to work, Elsa?” Anna asked, excited. She liked seeing where her sister’s inventive mind took her, never ceased to be impressive.

“I’m going to send him rolling with my farts over the snow hill, straight into what I’m about to construct,” Elsa said.

She came around to the other side and made a fence of ice arise, then made snow crabs that scuttled around.

“Yes, you made the crabs!” Anna said, excitedly. “I knew one of my ideas would work well with your powers! So thrilled to see it come to fruition.”

“I love doing what you suggest, Anna. Just fling some more ideas my way when you come up with them and I’ll cogitate over methods they can be implemented.”

Anna beamed at this, then Elsa circled back around to the other side of the snow hill, upon which she sat on the ground. “Now let’s see what my ass really is capable of.”




Barley spiraled out of her ass but only landed halfway up the snow hill.

“Tsk tsk. It went upward, and outward, but now it needs to send you a great distance, with enough power for you to go all the way up the hill. Once you hit the summit, you just need to go down into the crab pit.”

Barley didn’t find any of these prospects exciting, least of all the crab part.

But he had no choice but to be stuffed back into Elsa’s buttcrack. And then she farted again, sendinghim out.

“Dang, can you stop messing this up, loser? All I want you to do is go OVER THE HILL. Not halfway up, not three-quarters. OVER. Just because you’re puny doesn’t mean you can be obstinate.”

“I can’t control where my body lands,” Barley said.

“Okay, just for that,” Elsa said, marching over to retrieve him, “I have no choice but to to release stinkier farts. I was hoping to save them for later, when I could really torment your nose during a game a little more complicated than this, but since you’re being belligerent and deliberately screwing this up, I can’t afford to be lenient.”

Barley loathed her acting like that, why did she have to treat him so roughly? Was that how she treated others as a queen, or did she only do that to her fart slave because that’s how she felt those with no choice but to inhale her farts should be treated?He had no means to try to make a sensible answer out of this however, before Elsa’s ass grew warm and rumbled.





This time, to Elsa’s delight, and to Barley’s horror, he shot all the way from her buttcheeks, rolled up the snow hill, and sped down the other side, straight into the crab pit. He barely had time to be concerned about the gas he had been forced to inhale when the crabs started pinching him everywhere they could reach, his neck and his torso, as they were practically the size of Glabsnee. They chilled him extremely, and he loathed that, nearly vomiting at being attacked by monsters and having no means of dealing with them. Quests of Yore never had anything to do with snow crabs, unfortunately.

Elsa stared coldly at him while he screamed, a snow crab nearly snipping his legs off. “That’s right, you deserve to suffer for what you did to fumble this up, you insufferable miscreant who seems to be doing everything he can to defy his mistress’ intentions!”

Barley tried to insist that he had nothing to do with his body not going up the hill all the way, or landing on the fourth outcropping, but a snow crab put a pincer over his mouth. His neck could be snapped off in an instant...he didn’t like this one iota.

And yet, he reasoned, as Elsa scooped him, she would never let that happen. Sure, she might belittle his craft, or his adoration of her, which she seemed perfectly willing to damage, but if she actually had him perish, well, she’d lose a fart slave, wouldn’t she? Perhaps Anna and her would be forced to share Ian...Barley shuddered at the thought. He pictured Ian’s top to torso being in one girl’s ass, while in the other buttcrack was the rest of him as the sisters sat butt to butt releasing foul flatulence.

Elsa got him ready to shoot up for a second round. And a third, and a fourth. He was quite tired of the snow crabs pinching him all over, from his knees to his shoulders. Almost certain he might lose a limb, especially how Elsa spoke to him, she probably wouldn’t care if he was minus one arm or leg. He kinda missed Glabsnee already, sure it wasn’t fun to ride down in her frosty silk, but at least he didnt’ have to get pinched or endure any kind of pain that ice and inhaling potent farts didn’t provide, with the spider carting hauling him back toward his unrelenting mistress.

“Okay, this one’s kind of boring,” Elsa said, after half an hour. “A competition involving this particular setup would just...have no clear victor. Gotta any other ideas, Anna? “An obstacle course?” Anna suggested.

“Ooh, I like the sound of that, it would be perfect,” Elsa said.

While the platinum blonde worked on constructing that, the ginger lifted her butt and took a crouching position, and gazed down at her own fart slave. “Say, you want to sniff some sweet gas from my anus, don’t you? Stuff powered by chocolate and other goodies. Sugar cookies, cupcakes, pumpkin pie...”

Ian didn’t want to sniff farts of any sort, and he resented the implication that he might.

“I’ve got the absolutely best farts for you to inhale. And you know, you’re such a cutie pie, I’m sure if I wasn’t a giant, and got transported to your world, I’d want to date you.”

Ian considered this. Anna was adorable, and aside from her farting all over him with wet ones, and pretty foul blasts, he probably would like her, and provided he didn’t have a girlfriend already at the time...

But there was one major problem with this. In his world, Anna might be considered a freak, even if she wasn’t a giant. “Human” wasn’t a creature you could find there, unless they were stored at Area 34 and the government kept it quiet. That could technically be possible. Many believed extraterrestrials were there. And humans were extraterrestrial enough, at least to the elves, centaurs, mermaids, gnomes, Minotaurs, Manticores, sprites, and countless other folk in Ian’s universe.

Well, sprites might not give a damn. They were often self-absorbed, even after Barley reintroduced the power of flight their wings held. Although they had flown Ian’s mother and the Manticore to the sight of the school battle, so perhaps they would be somewhat intrigued by the prospect of humans.

Either way, Anna wouldn’t be allowed to roam free, she would be experimented on and quarantined off from everyone else. Not a fun prospect, even acknowledging that she was torturing him with farts, he still wouldn’t wish that upon such an adorable, wondrous girl that she was.

Even though her gas did pummel his nose, and he wasn’t pleased about it, she still seemed to treat him with love and care, acting as though he needed inhale her farts to even function. There was something cute about that in of itself. But...Ian might’ve been happier to experience Elsa’s insults and hard rigorous games, her snow beats dragging him around, or pinching him, although the crabs probably had been too strong for his less toned out muscles, as opposed to his brother’s.

Ian was already fantasizing about serving Elsa instead, watching her blonde braid shake as she brought up structures composed of ice for Barley to traverse across to prove his worthiness as her ass slave.

It was true that Ian preferred Samantha farting on him of the three girls, but something about Elsa sparked an interest he couldn’t shake off. Especially since apparently he was Anna’s property and had no means of being claimed by the platinum blonde.

He could ask for a swap, but the sisters would most likely just giggle and dismiss his plea, as they seemed determined to hold on to this schematic of ownership, with Elsa having Barley as her fart slave, and Anna doing the same for Ian. Plus, they had already dismissed the suggestion that the staff have the frost removed from it, and this seemed like an even bigger request. Although freedom was even less a possibility with the scenario Ian had in mind. He watched Elsa construct a tower with an icy ladder that Barley would have to clamber up and thought, Why couldn’t that be me? After all, Barley was fascinated by quests in theory, but it was always Ian who took the more adventurous path. He would be a far better fit as Elsa’s slave. And Barley’s personality would fit Anna’s treatment of him more…

The only issue was, the sisters seemed to delight in this mismatch, if they had any inkling that the brothers being swapped would be an improvement for the elves, well, they seemed to prefer that the elves be as displeased with their situation as possible, and so here they were. But Ian still imagined Barley composing songs of passion about Anna’s ass as it loomed over the younger elf brother, ready to crash down on him like a meteor.

“Brace yourself for the wettest farts of the day thus far!” Anna said excitedly, before her ass plummeted straight down on him.

Her ass squelched around, shoving him hard against the handkerchief, which was already messy enough but based on the warmness of her ass, which felt like a flamethrower against Ian’s flesh (which made him so glad he had long sleeves on, though his face wasn’t protected, which was worse, honestly). He wish he were on something cleaner now but that was pointless since extreme gas was coming his way from that gargantuan ass.




Yep, Anna’s ass treated him to a nightmarish conglomeration of odors fueled by chocolate and other sugary delights. Anna also grunted and groaned, clutching her stomach as if these were painful emerging from her ass. And she didn’t stop releasing for fifteen minutes straight. Ian gagged and was wet all over, but glad for the respite, though that didn’t last long

either as Anna’s farts resumed after just three minutes of hiatus.

Elsa had made quite the obstacle course. Some of the items that would be in a modern version of this didn’t exist yet, such as tires, but she did make ice planks that Barley would have to leap over, spires he’d have to climbe around and vines that went down, heck even a vine made of ice that he had to use to swing across from one precious ridge to another. It stretched across most of the dungeon floor, which meant the elf would have to undertake quite the physical workout. And that was after feeling weak and battered from the earlier games.

Elsa set the elder elf brother at the start of the obstacle course, some steps with a wall behind him so he couldn’t scamper off. She bamed down at him. “Okay, you can go at your own pace, but the longer it takes you to reach the end, the more gas my posterior will spew out, assaulting your poor defenseless little nose. Although it would be a big nose if we were close to the same height. But now it’s puny, loser! And paltry, like those terrible lyrics. Remember the goddess who is farting on you, a very ruthless goddess who loves seeing you suffer, tears of stung hurt spilling down your face, that is what makes my heart face!”

“Why?” Barley asked, his throat dry. “Why would you treat something I took such care and careful thought into making, to praise your butt and your domination of me? What’s the point of dismissing that as being unworthy of your attention?”

“Because you aren’t ON PAR enough!” Elsa thundered. “You have to be amazing, throw all those terrible lyrics away and hone them better, spends days working on it or whatever. But even then it won’t be good, because you are worthless, elf@”

If Barley had been a mongrel, his ears would’ve drooped. He did envy his brother now. Anna was adorable and kind in her gas, if a bit sweet-talking making something that should be gross sound enticing. But he could deal with that. This ill-treatment from Elsa, he could not deal with. And the only reason he didn’t suggest they swap places was that it freaked him out to put his own needs ahead of Ian’s, and his brother would fall apart as the platinum blonde’s plaything with her demeaning attitude.

Elsa set her butt over the obstacle course. “Fart time!” she declared, excitedly.




Barley decided to stand his ground and not move. What was the point? He just needed to bide his time till he was thrown back in the dungeon and could hunt the spellbook for some means of escape, then relay that to Ian, by communicating through the iron bars and across the dungeon floor that would separate them.

“Um, excuse me? You’re a loser, not catatonic,” Elsa said, having stood up and glaring down at him. “Get moving.”

Barley said nothing, just crossed his arms and gazed up at her, petulantly.

“You are going to run this obstacle course, or I won’t let you see your brother for two days. Or communicate with him in any way, shape, or form,” she said.

Barley gulped. “You wouldn’t?”

“I would. I have a pair of panties that will be your rabbit hole, where you live with my butt, which reeks so bad, and you won’t be anywhere near your brother for days.”

“Maybe I can live with two days without him,” Barley said, defiantly.

“Then I’ll make it six, or a fortnight. The punishment will only get worse the longer you take,


Barley stared glumly at her. He knew she was capable of that, but he wanted to believe that perhaps she’d relent, even though that didn’t seem likely, or Anna would defend his rights and say that was taking the punishment too far.

But Anna wasn’t rising to his defense now, she just watched her sister intently to see how this would play out, while unleashing her wet gas on Ian, some particles which shot up his nose and nearly caused him to choke.

“That’s a bit cruel, don’t you think?’ Barley said, at last.

“What is cruel is defying your mistress. Now scoot! So I can resume farting. Because I’m mighty irritated by your insolence, you jester.”

“I’m not here to entertain you,” Barley quipped.

Elsa raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding, rifraff? That’s precisely why you are here.”

And with that, she turned her butt on him so it loomed over, reading to emit such terrible ammunition that would cause his nose to burn.




The next two-and-a-quarter hours consisted of Barley leaping over things, clambering up ice ladders or spires, swinging on wines, skating across a pond on the obstacle course with ice skates Elsa had provided, they were already set there from the beginning through for the first

round, and he dodged the ice barrel and branches in his way, though he tripped over one, but on subsequent runs through the obstacle course, Barley had to ask Elsa to fashion new skates because he had left the first pair, and the new ones as well, on the other side, and the pound was surrounded by ice walls so there wasn’t any way to go around.

Elsa got irritated with him on the fifth go round. “Didn’t I tell you to carry the skates with you last time, you terrible lyricist?”

“As I told you, it is way too much work to tuck ice skates under my arm and swing across wines and stuff. I could’ve broken a leg.”

“Good, it would iprove you,” Elsa snarled. She gave Barley skates reluctantly, though this pari had chips in them so he smashed into the barrel when trying to avoid it. After that, Elsa punished him harder with more malodorous flatulence.

On the sixth go round, she snarled at Barley. “No skates this time! You slide across on your belly like a worm!”

“But that’s impossible!” Barley said.

“Maybe for you, weakling. In fact, because you’re making me so angry,” Elsa’s face was red and her hand formed a fist, she looked like she could punch a hole in a wall, “I will make it even harder for you. Glabsnee, come here!”

She whistles, and the spider clambered up the side of the obstacle course, having gone over the wall, slide down it quickly and efficiently, skidded across the ice toward Barley, and awaited instructions.

“Use your legs to send him on his back.”

“Wait!” Barley exclaimed. “She could ferry me across, wrapped in silk.”

“No, she’s not going to,” Elsa snarled. “This is supposed to be a challenging task! Not simple and make Barley’s life easier!”

The elf fumed, but the spider knocked him over and then Elsa made an ice spiky ball appear on Barley’s back. “Now, start crawling across the ice pond like a filthy worm, which you are. I told you to carry the skates with you, and you refused to, so this is your punishment.”

Barley grief to gripe at her but Elsa caused a snow gag to appear over his mouth, and when Glabsnee shoved him on the ice, his fingers were too numb to attempt to remove it, he had to inch forward like a measly worm. This time, Elsa instructed Anna to lodge Ian in her panties so she could come give her a progress report while the platinum blonde continued to fart, to which Anna readily sashayed over to do just that, with glee.

The stink Elsa’s ass produced certainly made this wriggling on an ice pond more difficult. But he was most concerned about the ice spiky ball, it had ripped some tiny holes in the back of his shirt, and he wasn’t pleased...he doubted Elsa was the sort who would supply him with a fresh pair of clothes, should these garments get shredded, even though Samantha could probably provide them.

For the next several hours, Elsa played games where she farted on Barley and caused him to feel the pain of her ice, the numbness it caused, and the twists in his neck of spiraling out of her anus with tremendous force, as well as bombarding the poor elf with stink and insulting his lyrics, claiming he was nothing more than a slave and should consider himself lucky to have been claimed by a girant instead of a girl his size who would only release puny farts. She treated him terribly, and Barley couldn’t help being envious of Ian, who got the sweet sister, playful and fun, whose farts still might not be easy to imbibe, but at least her personality was bearable. Still, he had to serve Elsa as a sacrifice. Too bad he couldn’t have been a better brother and protected him, so they wouldn’t wind up here, as fart slaves in a universe quite different from their own.

One thing Barley felt certain of, he was going to search for an anti-freezing spell on the staff in the book, or some way to use it while it was frosted over. Thus far, he hadn’t felt any desire to play to that tune. He knew Ian wasn’t having a good time serving Anna, but he figured that eventually Ian would grow to love his mistress spewing her gas out at him, and why deny two adorable girls some fart slaves? Especially since Barley was so fascinated with Elsa’s posterior…

He wasn’t even sure there was an answer in the spellbook, but he had a good hunch there wasn’t. However, the biggest reason why thus far it made more sense to remain here than to find a spell to free them was there didn’t seem to be a guarantee they could get home. Which meant they’d be stuck in this human world, without dragons or unicorns apparently, based on what Samantha told them. And there was no guarantee humans would accept a pair of elves. They would be outcasts, suffering out there. Of course, maybe there were some kind-hearted humans who would treat them well, but up until today, Barley feared that his heart would always go back, back to this place, his desire for Elsa dominating him would cause him to wither away, as it would be int he past and there might not even be a way back, or even if he did return to this castle, Elsa could refuse to continue this, tormenting him…

But now, today’s events had proved that her gas could torture him, and these ridiculous games she played, and the insults about his banjo-playing, carefully crafted lyrics, and his adulation of her butt were getting to him, causing his heart to be shredded to pieces. And her farts, they pinched his nose, sliced his throat, and caused him to gag hard from the immense stench they produced.

Of course, that wasn’t true, but Barley needed something to get him through the time till he’d be thrown back in his dungeon cell, safe and sound, and plot with Ian on how to escape.

But then, the platinum blonde, forty-foot-tall dominatrix fired the chilly arrow which was set to puncture all of Barley's hopes and dreams for getting out of this situation, for both him and his brother. It was the absolute worst thing that could drop from her lips, even with all the slights and verbal abuse of the day.

“Oh, by the way, Barley, you and your brother aren’t being returned to your cells, unh-uh, no way, no how. You’re going to remain either between our buttcheeks at night or in our panties with very tight restraints around our waistbands.” Elsa grinned down at him, as he lay in her palm. “Of course, we’ll let you out to eat, but at night, you don’t need actual iron bars anymore. Our asses will do all the work of keeping you locked away.”

Barley gupled. Could he persuade her to let him and Ian back into their cells to rest? He had to come up with a way to do exactly that, because otherwise, they would always be bombarded with farts, perhaps even while the giant girls were sleeping…

“We should exit the dungeon and go see Samantha about feeding them,” Anna said. “They must be hungry.”

“Do panties prisoners deserve food though?” Elsa asked, pulling her lemon yellow pair up while Glabsnee held Barley down.

“I mean, we need them to alive to be our fart slaves, right?”

“Yes,” Elsa said, begrudgingly. “Fine, we can go set them up with Samantha for their victuals, but we have to be prepared to fart while they eat.”

“Of course,” Anna said. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Elsa used her fingers to rip the thread binding Barley apart and pulled the waistband of her panties apart and was ready to drop him in, when she flashed him a wicked grin. “Say, your

brother wanted the wizard’s staff unfrosted. I should grant him his wish!”

“Ooh, allow me to get Ian ready as an audience for this!” Anna said, excitedly, wagging her ass and reaching down into her panties, pulling out the thinner, shorter elf, and setting him in her palm. Then each sister dropped ontheir knees before Ian’s dungeon cell, palms held out with the elf brothers in them, and with her other hand Elsa retracted the ice covering the wizard’s staff. Ian’s eyes shone, they could escape now. He hadn’t gotten the memo, not being out when Elsa declared what was going to happen to them, but Barley’s heart sank even lower than it had already been.

The whole point of having the wizard’s stuff not have ice on it anymore was so they could escape, but if they were going to become permanent residents of the sisters’ panties, instead of being in their dungeon cells, where planning and plotting were possible, the gesture was pointless, or rather, it was made to be cruel, especially coming from Elsa.

Ian had no clue what the girls had decided, Anna not bothering to inform him, as each elf brother found themselves stuffed back into the panties of their mistress. Even while eating their meal, sitting side by side, with two giant asses sandwiching them in, Ian happily gobbled his grub, thinking of seeing their mother again, and their pet dragon, and even their stepfather. Not to mention all the fabulous creatures that lived there, though one thing he promised himself was thathe would steer clear of ice for awhile. This was with the expectation that he could use the staff to send them back to their universe of origin, but that wasn’t guaranteed. Still, something unexpected and blissful happened, even as outcast, he and Barley would be in a better position at some point tonight, and definitely tomorrow. So the stink bombarding their noses from the gargantuan posteriors didn’t bother him.

Barley tried to communicate the doom they were facing, but his throat was so weak, and his voice box so battered with gas particles that he couldn’t mange anything more than an inaudible whisper.

“Back into my panties you go, and some quality time with this pet, my wonderful ass!” Anna declared to Ian.

“Glad to be dropped there,” he said, cheerfully, blissfully unaware of the nightmare about to unfold, the start of perpetual servitude to Anna as her fart cushion.

Hours later, while exhausted, it dawned on him that he wasn’t going to be tossed back in the dungeon cell, but he was too exhausted to give it much thought. In a lucid dream that night, Anna and Elsa weren’t giants, but he begged to be given to the blonde sister, so she could facefart him. Both of the girls laughed. “Um, you’re not worthy of that, Ian,” they mocked. And then, also in the dream, when Samantha came to fart on him, he was ready to imbibe her gas with his open mouth, but it was far stinkier than he expected, and his excitement dwindled to incredible levels of disgust.